35. Decisions

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A few weeks had passed since Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro left, and things had seemed to finally start settling down. Your family members had left as well, and while your father was still healing from the loss, he was doing better.

You did find it a bit strange though. Your stepmother wasn't the type of person to just give up and leave. For a while, you expected her to come back and try to "fix things" in her own way, but it seemed that she was truly gone. Which was...weird.

But despite the strangeness of it all, things were getting back to some sort of normal for you, so you could focus on what you've really wanted. Your relationships. Especially the one you have with Naruto and Sasuke.

It was something that's been on your mind for a while now, after what happened that night a few weeks back, and after the conversation, you had about it too. You thought about what it meant, what you felt for each other, and what you were going to do. And you agreed you wanted to wait until things settled down.

Things were settled now, so you guessed that meant you could finally start with them. If they were okay with it, of course. You couldn't help but feel excited. You were going to talk about it with them today, and figure everything out.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Naruto called, pulling you out of your little daze. You smiled up at him, walking over and joining him.

Just the guy you wanted to see.

"Woah, what's going on? Where's Sasuke? You never walk around the school without him." You said with a grin, trying to be casual in some way.

Naruto didn't react to your words, only shrugged and looked away. "I dunno, he said he had some stuff he had to deal with, and that he'll be late."

"Wait, is something actually going on? I was just kidding around with you." You asked, thrown off by Naruto's behavior.

"It's nothing. I can't tell you anyways, so it doesn't matter." Naruto muttered, fiddling with the strap of his backpack.

"What? You can't tell me what? Naruto, what's going on?" You stopped walking, trying to get an answer from him. "It's nothing."

"Bullshit. Naruto, tell me right now." You pushed him further. You wouldn't have pressured him this much if he really didn't seem like he wanted to tell you, but he just seemed conflicted. Like he did want to tell you but he just couldn't for some reason.

And he did explain it to you, taking a small breath and telling you everything. What happened after you left, and how awkward they were since, and how Sasuke was having trouble figuring out his feelings.

"Okay, okay, back up. Wait a second. Where did you guys do this again?"

Naruto averted his bright blue eyes, rubbing his neck, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Uhm....."

"ON MY FUCKING BED?!" You screeched, loud enough that everyone in the hallway was staring at you. You shrunk in embarrassment, glaring at Naruto, and clasping your head over your face. "Please tell me you at least washed the sheets."

"Uh yeah, I think Sasuke did." He told you, and you couldn't help but groan.

Sasuke emerged through the crowds of people, walking over and joining you. "Oh, there you are. We were looking for you, y'know!"

"It wasn't that hard to find you guys when (y/n)'s making a scene," Sasuke murmured.

"Yeah, well, you both got some explaining to do." You hissed, not amused at all.


"You're not allowed to do that next time, got it? Just, at least ask next time. If there is a next time, if I even let you in my house." You finished up your lecture. The period had ended, and the three of you had spent the past half an hour talking. And by talking, it was mainly you lecturing them for having sex on your bed without your knowledge.

"But anyway, I wanted to talk to you guys about our relationship and stuff. Now, I don't know what's going on between you two, but, I think I'm ready to have a relationship." You started with a small smile.

Almost instantly, Naruto lit up, an excited grin crossing his face. While Sasuke was trying to hide it, you could tell he was eager as well, straightening up in his seat, a tiny smile on his face, and a certain glint in his eyes.

"You really think you're ready?" Naruto asked, reaching over to grab your hands. You took them in his, letting him caress the back of your palm softly.

"Yeah." You nodded. "But I'm not sure if you guys are. So, are you?"

"Of course!" Naruto beamed, while Sasuke seemed a little more hesitant. "Wait, how exactly would this work?"

"Well, both you guys could date me or whatever, or we could have a polyamorous relationship, which means we're all dating each other." You explained.

The two boys traded glances, before looking back at you. "We'd- I'd have to think about it," Sasuke muttered.

"I'd have to think about it too," Naruto added.

"That's fine, you don't have to make up your minds right now. Why don't you just start out dating me, and we'll see how things go?" You offered.



"So it's official then. This is a thing." You confirmed, pressing a kiss to both boy's cheeks.

"Oooh, we gotta celebrate! Let's go out on a date! Tonight at the arcade! C'mon!" Naruto grabbed your hands excitedly, jumping up and down like a little toddler.

You sighed softly, shaking your head. He never changed, and that's what you loved about him. "I can't tonight, I have to work. But why don't we try another day, okay?"

"What? Since when do you have to work?" Naruto questioned, Sasuke seeming just as curious.

"I just got this internship at Asuma's. I'll be working there four days a week from three to eight." You explained.

"But that means we can't spend as much time together. We can't go on dates or anything!" He whined.

"I'll make time for you, I promise, okay? I might just be a bit busier but that doesn't mean anything." You reassured him.

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling for you to get to your next class. And so, it was official.

You, Sasuke and Naruto, are a thing.

(A/N: Happy thanksgiving!

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