5. Really Like

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You smiled at Naruto, a look of complete adoration in your eyes as you laid next to him. Turning over, the blonde faced you, grabbing your waist softly and pulling you closer to him, leaving just a small amount of space on the bed for your hand to intertwine in his.

Your features were so soft when they glowed in the morning light like that, and Naruto moved his hand away from your hip to brush a loose (h/c) strand out of your face. He held your cheek softly, caressing your smooth skin.

Just when he thought things couldn't better, you spoke, using that beautiful angelic voice to do so. "I'm all yours, Naruto."

The Uzumaki awoke to those words echoing around in his mind, alone in his bed, without you to comfort him. Instead, he was cuddling some random pillow.

Groaning to himself, he pushed the cushion away, shoving his face on it instead. He never realized how empty his bed was until you came along. Nor did he realize how badly he wanted someone to fill that gap. Well, not just some random person, he wanted it to be you.

And when Naruto started seeing you in his dreams, he knew he was screwed.

It wasn't out of the ordinary for him to be dreaming about one of his crushes. It happened quite often. But with you, things were different. Almost every night it was about you. And during the day, all he could think about was you. This was a lot different from his normal crushes. It was stronger. Even more intense.

In a way, he was sort of obsessed with you. You were just so intoxicating to him and he wanted, no, needed more.

After stretching, the teen changed out of his clothes and quickly went through his routine so he could get to school and see you again.

"I'm leaving, for school, Mom and Dad! See ya later!" Naruto called out to his parents, heading for the front door.

"Okay, behave yourself and don't do anything stupid!" His mother shouted back to him. And with that, he was off to school.


"Jesus, Naruto, when was the last time you cleaned this thing?" You asked as you went through the boy's mess of a backpack, pulling out crumpled papers, wrappers, and other junk that was all jammed in there.

"Uhm, since, uh, a few months ago?" He admitted, rubbing the back of his blonde head embarrassedly. "But who even cleans their backpacks anymore, y'know? I don't know anyone who has time for that!"

"People who want to know where their things are like a normal person." Sasuke chimed in.

As the two began bickering, you pulled out the worksheet, holding it up victoriously. "Aha! Here it is. Last night's math homework."

"Where was it?"

"In the very bottom of your bag." You told Naruto, handing him the paper. "Don't think you're off the hook just yet. Once I get the chance, we're cleaning out this bad boy."

You patted the backpack, passing it over to the Uzumaki who grabbed your hands, catching you off guard. "Ah thanks (y/n), you're such an angel. But you should see my room. That's a real problem."

Recently, you started noticing how clingy Naruto had become. He had gotten a lot more physical, wrapping his arm around your shoulder whenever he was talking with someone else, hugging you whenever you had to leave, holding your hand, sometimes even resting his chin on your head and cradling your waist. And even when you weren't with him, he would spam you with texts. There were also a lot more compliments on how pretty you were, how nice you looked or about how great you were. It was sweet, sometimes a little too sweet.

But you didn't mind. Sure, at first you thought it was strange, given that you hadn't known Naruto that long, but you knew that some people just had a clingy nature.

"Maybe I will." You said with a small chuckle.

"You will? Wanna come over today?" Naruto offered excitedly.

"Oh I would, but I'm busy tonight. How about some other time?" That wasn't a complete lie, it's not that you didn't want to hang out with Naruto, more that you didn't want to deal with your nosy ass overprotective father. You knew you were going to have to eventually, just not yet.

"Crap, I gotta go. My counselor wants to meet with me next period. I'll see you guys later." You told the boys, collecting your things, and turning to leave.

"See ya later!" Naruto waved after you, sighing to himself as he watched your retreating form. "(Y/n)'s just so great, isn't she?"

In response, Sasuke hit the back of his head, smacking some sense into him. "Ow! What the hell was that for, Sasuke?"

"You need to calm down, keep on being clingy like that, and you'll drive her away." The Uchiha explained bluntly.

"What do you know? It's obvious she likes me more than she likes you, believe it! At least she's willing to have a conversation with me, duckass." Naruto shot back at his taller companion, crossing his arms and pouting.

Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a frustrated groan. "Why do you think so many girls like me?"

"Because you're a hot rich asshole who doesn't like them back?"

"What? No. And you think I'm hot? Anyways, that's not the point, idiot. They like me because I'm not a total stalker creep to them. What I'm trying to say is, just tone down your affections."The raven-haired teen said.

"They probably would like it if you were like that to them." Naruto muttered, puffing out his whiskered cheeks even more.

"Listen Naruto, if we both like her-"

"No, you don't get it. I can't bottle up my emotions like you Sasuke. I like (y/n). Like really like her." The blonde interrupted.

"I know."

"Like, really really like her."

"I know."

"It's hard for me not to express my feelings when they're this intense, y'know?" Sasuke nodded silently. "Well, we both like her, and we're both in this together, loser. So I have to help you. But we can't talk about this here, people might hear us."

"Got it, how about we go to Ichiraku's after school?"

"Alright, let's meet there at three."

(A/N: Happy Holidays Everyone!
I've been kinda in a dry spell with my writing motivation with basically everything else but my Yandere boys heheh

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