34. Agreement

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It was a late evening, and Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara were preparing to leave. Despite your argument and the anger you still felt for them, you went over and said goodbye.

They would still be your friends, no matter what happened, after all. Things were just different now, considering you had Naruto and Sasuke around with you, and you weren't living near them anymore. They could only visit so often, and a part of you couldn't help but feel like you had outgrown them.

Before you moved, you had become super dependent on them. You didn't talk with anyone else, didn't spend time with anyone else, they sort of convinced you that all the people you tried spending time with were bad. So you clung to them most of the time.

But things were different with Naruto and Sasuke. You were able to branch out and meet new people, and make mistakes and learn from them. It felt good.

And sure, you didn't have any other friends right now, but you did have many acquaintances. You were even kind of popular at school, when you were around the right people of course, not near any of those weird-ass fangirls.

Little did you know that Naruto and Sasuke were watching you. That once you left, they would take your three friends out, and kill them.


And now, here the two were, waiting for you to leave so they could come in and murder the trio. Naruto shifted in his seat uncomfortably, not just because he how impatient he was and that wanted to get out, because of how tense things were between him and Sasuke.

It had been almost a week, and they still hadn't talked about it. It was like this huge elephant in the room, and whenever Naruto tried bringing it up, Sasuke would change the subject or ignore it. And it was really getting to him.

He needed to know what was going on between him and Sasuke. Was it just a one-time thing? Or was it actually serious? Did Sasuke even have feelings for him? It was all getting so complicated and he needed to know.

"We have to talk about it. It's driving me insane." Naruto finally said, caving in.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke questioned, playing dumb yet again. "You know what I mean, duckass. You're not that clueless. I want to talk about the other night. You keep on avoiding it and it's getting on my nerves."

Sasuke sighed, shaking his head and finally facing the subject head-on. "What is there to say?"

"You can start by telling me what it meant to you and how you feel about me now. And what this means with me and you. We talked about our shit with (y/n), why can't we talk about it with eachother?" Naruto answered.

"I don't know. I don't know what it meant to me. And I don't know how I feel about you. I thought I did what I did because of (y/n), but now I think it's changing. Still, you've been my best friend for a very long time, Naruto, but I would be lying if I said I never felt anything other than friendship for you. I'm just- I'm confused. And I need to figure all my shit out."

Just then, there was a knock at the window, interrupting their conversation. The boys looked up, seeing a familiar set of siblings standing right outside.

Fuck, they had gotten caught.

Reluctantly, the two left the car, feeling shame and fear bubble up inside of them. Temari stood there, hands on her hips, an eyebrow cocked, and her lips turned downwards in a frown.

"What are you two doing here at our hotel? How did you even find us? Were you stalking us? Have you been stalking (y/n)? You're lucky she's not here. Otherwise, I'd go and tell her right now." Temari hissed threateningly.

"Tell her what? You can't tell her anything, since we both know that all three of you are obsessed with her. Not letting her have any other friends, acting so possessive with her, you want to own her, don't you?" Sasuke shot right back.

"We're the sick ones? Come here you asshole,  I'll show you who's sick." Kankuro charged at him before Naruto jumped in the way. "Leave him alone, you prick!"

The two went at it, punching and grabbing at each other, fighting angrily. It was late at night in the city, so most people weren't out. Still, the others pulled them away, breaking up the struggle.

Even though the fight only lasted a couple of minutes or so, the two were pretty bruised, Naruto's hair all messy, his face slightly beaten, Kankuro looking in a similar shape. While Sasuke did feel angry that Naruto had been hurt, he couldn't help but feel a bit satisfied that he was able to get some hits on the older male.

"Fighting isn't going to solve anything. We need to talk this through." Gaara interjected.
"He's right. The only way we'll solve this is by communicating what we want."

"Alright, how about this? If you tell (y/n) about us, we'll do the same. She's clearly angry with you, so just head back to wherever you came from, and mind your business, while we mind ours. Once she's figured everything out, why don't you talk then?" Sasuke offered.

That only further angered Kankuro, making him jump again. But this time, Gaara held him back, grabbing him by his shoulder and stopping him.

"As if we have a choice. Fine, it's a deal. You mind your business and we mind ours and no one tells (y/n) about how we feel about her. And no one gets hurt, got it?" Temari settled the agreement.

"Sounds good to me." Naruto nodded, smirking and glaring at Kankuro.

"Good, now both of you can fuck off." Temari flipped them off, as she lead her brothers out to the car, leaving them alone once and for all.

And with that, the siblings were gone, leaving your life until you chose when you would spend your time with them. Something that wouldn't happen, they hoped.

(A/N: Yeah seems like we finally got something ending without a death lmao

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