17. Caught

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You stretched out, switching positions as you laid on the bed with Naruto and Sasuke. This afternoon, you were doing homework and studying for the upcoming finals, nothing too interesting. In fact, it was very boring, to the point where you thought it might kill you. 

Thankfully, Naruto kept you entertained, since he could never sit still for more than five minutes. He would annoy Sasuke, try to get your attention, or shift in his seat in some weird way. But, you'd still get tired of even that.

You looked up from your binder, trying to relax your eyes after reading the same thing over and over, attempting to commit it to memory. And that was where you spotted Naruto's phone, unlocked and opened, right in front of you to look at.

You knew you shouldn't, you knew it was an invasion of privacy, but strong curiosity was something you inherited from your parents. What could you say, his phone was practically calling to you.

You decided to go with something that wasn't too invasive, but still had you interested, some texts between him and Sasuke.

Most of it was typical Naruto being the hyperactive dork he is and Sasuke putting up with it. But there was one thing that interested you. They would go bird watching together, but the way Naruto would put it was weird. He would ask if he wanted to watch the bird, like there was just one. You didn't think much of it though.

"You and Sasuke go birdwatching together? That's so cute." You commented, holding the phone above your head, so the two could realize what you were doing.

"(Y/n)! Hey!" Naruto exclaimed, grabbing at you and tearing the device from your hands. His cheeks were pink with embarrassment, while Sasuke just sat back and watched. "H-how much did you see?"

You shrugged. "Just a few conversations with Sasuke. Not much."

Naruto bonked your head, hitting it firmly, but not hard enough for it to hurt. While Sasuke just shook his head disapprovingly at you. "(Y/n), stay out of Naruto's business and stop looking at his phone."

"Whatever, Dad." You scoffed, earning a glare from the Uchiha. Naruto then proceeded to press his fingers against your sides, tickling you and making squirm, laughing, and trying to push him off.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry it won't happen again. I was just a bit curious." You said between wheezes, brushing away the tears in your eyes.

"Well, curiosity killed the cat, y'know." He flicked your forehead playfully.

"And satisfaction brought it back." You retorted, smirking.

Sasuke interrupted the little stare off you two were having, clearing his throat. "Naruto, we have to-"

"Oh right, the thing. See ya later, (y/n)!" He patted your head, hopping off the bed.

"I don't get why you guys have to go, can't you wait just a little longer? It's so boring when I have to be alone." You whined.

"Sorry, (y/n). Sasuke's parents aren't patient people. But we'll text you!" Sasuke got off the couch, following after Naruto, giving you one last look before leaving.


"Do you think she knows?" Naruto asked nervously as he followed Sasuke off to the shed.

"I doubt it. She only saw your phone for so long, and she probably couldn't make any sense of it. Just don't be stupid, and keep your phone locked next time, instead of having it right in front of her face." Sasuke told him, undoing the padlock on the door.

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