53. Free

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Sasuke and Naruto were doing their daily routine of chem checking their phones and sending back texts, including yours, when something strange happened. They got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: I know what you are

Nervous and afraid, Naruto went over to Sasuke, getting his attention. "Uh, Sasuke? I think we might be in trouble."

He handed the phone to his boyfriend letting him read the text. Sasuke seemed skeptical that it was an actual threat. "It was probably just the wrong number or spam or some nut job. Just block the number."

As Naruto went to block it, another text was sent in. 

Unknown: This isn't (y/n). It's Naruto, isn't it?

Unknown: I know all the sick things you've done, and I'm going to make you and Sasuke pay for it.

"Sasuke!" Naruto basically screamed, running back to him and showing him the texts. Someone else knew, someone they didn't know about. Yeah, they were definitely in some deep shit.


Naruto and Sasuke seemed distracted today. You've barely even seem them yet, which is strange, considering how they spend most of their time watching and smothering you, trying to find ways to earn your affections back.

They had no idea how love worked. You can't just murder someone no matter how horrible they were, and you especially shouldn't be doing  that for love. Like Kiba. He made a mistake, and he did screw up, but he shouldn't have died because of it.

Not that they'd know how love works. They were psychopaths. Maybe it was genetic, or how they were raised, but something is wrong with them. They've killed so many, all because of you.

But at least for now, you could indulge in some peace of being alone, wandering the Uchiha quarters, knowing you were being watched everywhere you went. But for some reason, it was quiet. Maybe you and your Dad could actually escape.


"Wait, so you're telling me that these two boys committed all these murders?" The detective asked. "Yes, and we have the proof."

Shikamaru replied. He, Kankuro, Gaara and Temari all sat there. He was skeptical, but he was their only chance. Most of the police department was run by Uchihas, after all, and he was the only one there not related by blood. None of them would want their dirty secrets to get out.

"The last thing I need is to be on bad terms with the Uchihas. So I'm sorry, but unless you have some concrete evidence connecting all these murders, I can't help you." The detective told them.

"What do you mean? The evidence is alright there! You'd see it if you got your head out of your-"

"He doesn't mean that." Temari said, smacking a hand over Kankuro's mouth, shutting him up. "We appreciate your efforts, but since you can't help, we'll go."

"Okay, and kids? Be careful what you say about those Uchihas. You know what they say, what goes around, comes around." And with that, the teens left his office.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to get arrested?" Temari snapped at Kankuro, the moment they left the police stationX smacking the back of his head.

"You heard that guy, he totally could've helped us, he was just too scared. Pussy." He remarked angrily.

"I guess we'll just have to find someone else."
Shikamaru sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

But just then, another man appeared, a man who had been following the group for a while. "Or maybe you don't."


"How the hell can you not trace the number?" Sasuke hissed angrily over the phone. "It was probably sent from a burner or something, and those things are impossible to follow."

Sasuke swore under his breath, ending the phone call with Suigetsu. "What do we do?"

Naruto asked desperately. Sasuke paced around, running his hands through his hair, unable to answer the question.

"I don't know, just let me think." And so, Naruto gave him his space, leaving him be, going to the security room instead.

He looked over the monitors, searching for you, but you were nowhere to be found. When he did find you, he saw you sprinting through the court yard to where your father was being held.

"Oh shit."


You sprinted as fast as you could, your lungs burning and your feet throbbing as they hit and pushed off the pavement. You used a rock to break the lock on the door, getting it to break open.

"Dad!" You exclaimed, finding your father lying on the bed he was given. He got to his feet, running over to you and pulling you into a hug.

"Sweetheart! What's going on? Are you okay? Im so sorry-"

"Don't worry about it right now. We're going to get out of here." You told him with a smile on your face, hopeful and excited. You were finally going to be free.

  But just before you could do anything else, Sasuke and Naruto were there. "Don't move."

Sasuke hissed, he had a gun aimed at both you and your father. Your heart sunk, your hope crushed instantly.

"Why don't you listen? We told you that if you tried to escape, we'd kill him. Guess you don't care about your father." Sasuke hissed.

"Please don't Sasuke. We can talk about this. If you let him live, I'll stay with you forever. I'll never leave, just please let him go, please-"

"We both know that's a lie, (y/n). Now you, get on your knees." Sasuke ordered. Your father did as told, kneeling before him, his hands raised in the air.

You were crying, begging Sasuke to stop, and he shot in the air, snapping at you to shut up. Naruto flinched, and he had to look away. Just as Sasuke lined up the gun with your father's head, the sound of police sirens rung through the air.

That distracted Sasuke enough for you to tackle him, knocking the gun out of his hands. There was a struggle, and you wound up holding it.

The police then came, all led by Itachi. As it turns out, Itachi found out about what Sasuke had done, and he just needed the proof for it. The police you drop the gun, and you and your father explained everything, showing them evidence, which lined up perfectly with what Shikamaru and the others had told them.

You watched as Sasuke and Naruto were taken in handcuffs, shoved in the back of the cop car, while your father held you closely. You were finally at peace. Finally safe. Finally free.


(A/N: Whooo after three years this fanfic is finally over...What a Journey it's been.

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