25. Wins and Losses

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"So how was it? Wasn't it so so great? Isn't she such a good kisser?" Naruto rambled, as he laid on the bed with Sasuke, kicking his legs and resting his face on his hands, like he was some sort of lovesick fangirl.

"Yes, it was, alright? Yes to all of that. Will you just shut up for a second?" He growled, scribbling something down in his binder and finishing up his homework.

Ever since your kiss with him and Naruto, the Uzumaki wouldn't shut up about it. Especially the fact that you kissed Naruto first. The blonde would constantly brag about it, saying things like Sasuke was your "sloppy seconds." The Uchiha knew he would never let him live it down. Especially considering the attention he got from so many girls while Naruto got close to none.

Completing the last problem on his worksheet, Sasuke set his binder aside, sighing. "Now, what do you want?"

"To talk about (y/n). You think we'd have time to see her today? I miss her. Her pretty face, her voice, her eyes, I miss everything about her, ya know?" Naruto replied, holding the pillow to his chest and squeezing it tightly.

It didn't take long for the thought to pop into the boy's mind, the realization following along with it. "Sasuke, I think- I think I'm in love with (y/n)."

"What? That's ridiculous."

"You don't believe in love? Not everything's about prenups and money, rich boy." Naruto sassed him.

"No, it's not that. I don't think you're in love with her. I mean, we're in Highschool, and you've only known her for a couple of months, at the most, it's probably just infatuation." Sasuke told him.

"Well, my mom says that love doesn't have time to it. And mother knows best, so." That comment managed to make Sasuke tsk, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

Naruto sat up, scooting over him, putting his head dangerously close to Sasuke's face, making the Uchiha look away and push him over. "Ow! Do you know what I think? I think you believe me, and you're just scared."

"Scared of what?" Sasuke asked, but a part of him already knew.

"Scared of falling in love." Naruto grinned at him. The raven remained emotionless, not knowing what to say. "How do you figure?"

"Well you've barely even had any relationships with girls, and the ones you have had didn't last. I think you're scared of being vulnerable and giving yourself up for someone." The whiskered teen explained.

"Maybe it's just because I don't like them," Sasuke replied.

"Maybe." Naruto shrugged. "But I think you and I both know the truth."

"C'mon, we're so close! She has no one else but us, and she's gonna be all ours now! Aren't you excited?" The hyperactive teen clung to him, shaking him like a rag doll.

"Well, there is someone who we need to take care of," Sasuke said, pushing his hands off his shoulders.

"Oh right. I guess we better get going, then." 


Kiba pushed the door to his house open, sighing softly. "I'm home."

He announced to no one in particular. His parents were at work, as well as his sister, leaving him all alone. It sucked that no one was there for his arrival back from the hospital, but that wasn't all he was upset about. It was what happened with you.

How could it already be over? How could he have fucked up so badly? It had just been a mistake. A horrible, terrible mistake. And he royally screwed it all.

But just because you weren't friends anymore doesn't mean he wouldn't try to win you back. And it definitely doesn't mean he would stop looking out for you. Naruto and Sasuke were dangerous, and Kiba had to prove it to you. He had to keep you safe.

He didn't know how he could do that when you ignored all his texts and calls, to the point where you even blocked him, and he doubted you would talk to him in school, and- fuck, what was he going to do?

It seemed like he had other things to deal with, considering the fact he just heard a crash coming from a room down the hall. Walking over to the kitchen, Kiba pulled out a knife, moving slowly. "Akamaru? Hana? Mom?"

It couldn't be any of them though, considering his family, owned a dog wash/grooming store, and Akamaru was normally with them. So who could it be?

Kiba looked around, searching every room as closely as he could, but finding nothing. He let out a small breath of relief. It was probably some animal or prank or something, and he was just being paranoid.

It was nothing. He was fin- before he could finish that thought, something rough smacked the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

When Kiba came to, he awoke somewhere dark, damp, and cold. He was sitting up, something wet soaking the back of his head, which he assumed was blood. He was seated in a chair, his hands tied behind his back and bound tightly by rope.

A lamp flicked on right in front of him, making him realize exactly where he was. In his own basement. Looking up, he saw two dark figures step into the light, recognizing them immediately.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. Of course.

Almost immediately, Kiba began struggling around in the chair, yelling and swearing at them. "You sick fucks, what are you going to do to me?"

"Calm down and quit struggling, would you? You're only going to hurt yourself." Sasuke told him, seeming the same, emotionless prick as he always was.

"I knew it. I knew you were both sick. I knew what happened with Haku and Zabuza wasn't a lie. And now you're doing all of this for (y/n). Stay away from her. You hear me? I swear to god if you hurt her-"

"Are you serious? We're the sick ones? After you forced yourself on her while she was intoxicated? After you tried taking advantage of her and getting into her pants?" Naruto chimed in.

"Yes, I fucked up alright? What I did was unforgivable, but at least I didn't kill people!" Kiba fought back.

"Everything we did was for (y/n). Because we love her. All you did was think for yourself. You don't deserve her. We do. You're not her friend, we are. We tried warning you, but it's too late now. Goodbye, Kiba." With that, Sasuke slit his throat, his tone empty and emotionless.

Now, they could finally have you to themselves. Once and for all.

(A/N: Sorry Kiba :(

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