46. Rumors

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"Are you sure I should go? I mean, they all hate me, like a lot. I don't even know if I was invited." You murmured hesitantly. Tonight there was going to be a party commemorating Sakura and Ino, at one of their friend's houses.

Sasuke was invited, of course, and you think Naruto was too. However, you doubted you were invited. All of those girls hated you, and nothing's changed. Especially not now, considering how close you are.

"Of course they do, (y/n)! That's crazy talk! Who doesn't love you?" Naruto complimented, wrapping his arms around you. "The girls who love Sasuke don't."

"Well, they don't matter, and they're just going to have to suck it up. Because you're going with us. We won't be there too long, maybe an hour or so, to talk and pay our respects. I'm sure you can make it that far." Sasuke remarked as he adjusted his jacket, giving himself one last glance in the mirror.

You let out a long sigh. "Yeah, I guess it won't be that bad. Thanks, guys."

"Of course!" Naruto exclaimed. "Now, c'mon, we're gonna be late, y'know!"


Despite being at the party for only a few minutes, you couldn't stand it. There were pictures of Ino and Sakura plastered everywhere, and girls hounded after Sasuke, while you and Naruto stood alone.

He held your hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb and squeezing it softly, comforting you in a way. You smiled, squeezing it back.

But his attention moved away from you and to another group of people entering the room. It seemed like he recognized them, and he went to greet them, dragging you with him.

You didn't know any of these people, and frankly, you had no idea what Naruto was talking about, hardly listening to his conversation. You were bored, and you wanted to go home. You knew you should pay your respects, but you hardly knew anyone here besides Naruto and Sasuke, and you felt so alone.

"I'm going to go get a drink." You told Naruto, causing him to let your hand go. Taking a deep breath, you walked to the kitchen, ignoring the threatening glances sent your way.

You watched some other girls grab beers from the cooler, before walking off. Wasn't it a little disrespectful to get a drink at this thing? It all felt like some stupid excuse to get drunk. This all felt wrong.

Grabbing a sofa from one of the other coolers, you glanced up, noticing a picture of Kiba. Guilt swirled around in your stomach. He didn't deserve to die. You felt horrible about that. And honestly, you missed him.

Loneliness, guilt, and sadness began to run through you, as you realized something. Naruto and Sasuke are the only people you have close to you right now. You felt sick and you couldn't breathe. You needed some air.

So, you walked outside. You took some deep, shaky breaths, putting your hands over your face, trying to calm yourself.

The smell of cigarette smoke invaded your senses, making you realize that you weren't alone. "You alright?"

You looked over, seeing that black-haired boy again, with a cigarette between his fingers. The other boy stood beside him, munching on some potato chips. You let out a soft sigh, happy that you saw some people you know.

"I could be better. The last time I went to a party, some shit went down. This stuff really isn't my thing." You admitted.

"The only reason why we're here is because Ino used to be a good friend. Before she went all psycho over Sasuke. Unfortunately, this is being run by a ton of girls who claim to be her friends. The whole thing is such a drag." He complained.

"Speaking of, why are you here? Didn't Ino and Sakura hate you or something?" Choji asked between bites.

"Well, Naruto and Sasuke were friends with Sakura, and they wanted me to come with so..." You trailed off, rubbing your shoulder uncomfortably.

"Do you think they're dead?"

The question threw the boys off guard, making a surprised look cross their faces, as they traded glances. "Sorry, I know that was sudden, I-"

"I have no idea. But there are some bad, bad, people in this city. And sometimes, it's better not knowing." Shikamaru told you, after taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"I guess you're right. Can I tell you guys a secret?" The two boys nodded, seeming intrigued.

"You can't tell anyone okay? Sometimes I feel like Naruto and Sasuke can be very controlling. Don't get me wrong, I love them very much, but sometimes it can be a lot. Tonight even, I noticed that they're basically my only friends."

"Well, they are controlling." Shikamaru said bluntly, causing Choji to shoot him a look of disapproval.

"I'm just being honest. Naruto and Sasuke have always been together, and they always will be. Their families are powerful, and they can get away with practically anything. And when they set their eyes on something they want, they will get it, no matter what." His words sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but see some truth to them.

"You sound like Kiba." You hissed defensively. "And you wonder why he's not here with us right now. Now, I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but you should pay closer attention to your friends. You might see some things you've never noticed before."

You didn't say a word, just stared at him. He knew something, and he was right. "Then again, it's probably not the best idea to go looking. You might find some things you wish you never saw."

Suddenly, Sasuke opened the door, making you jump. "There you are, (y/n). We're leaving. Why are you standing out here all alone?"

"I'm not, I-" Looking over your shoulder, you saw that no one was there, just the cigarette smoke hanging in the air showing that Shikamaru was there.

Grabbing your arm, he pulled you inside, with Naruto following. The three of you left the party and drove you back home, Shikamaru's words stuck in your mind.

(A/N: Seems like we're getting closer to the truth...

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