49. Trust

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  A week or two had passed since your kidnapping, or at least you think it did...After the first couple of days, you completely lost track of time, considering there was no clock in the basement, and the only thing you could go by was the light and dark coming in from the window.

But you lost that too, after a failed escape attempt through the window. They boarded it up, leaving you alone in the dark.

For a while, you were angry, seething at the boys and snapping at them whenever you could. Of course, they didn't respond well and would ignore you and leave when you did. And you were fine with that...at first.

Being alone like that for hours on end started doing things to you. At first, you wondered if your Dad knew what was going on. He had to be freaking out, considering how overprotective he is, and you knew he would be looking for you soon...

So why hadn't he come here to search for you? He knew you liked to hang out here a lot, but you also knew Naruto and Sasuke had your phone. They showed it to you the first day when they forced you to give them the code. When you didn't, Sasuke got impatient. He grabbed your face and made you do the ID, and now he just uses a picture Naruto took of you.

Your Dad may be dumb, but he's not dumb enough to believe Sasuke and Naruto's lies..He had to be looking for you, right? And so did Shikamaru. At least, you hoped he was looking for you...after Naruto and Sasuke saw your texts with him, you don't know if he's still alive.

All you could do is hope. Hope that there's someone out there, someone who cares about you, someone who could find you. But as the hours and days slowly passed by, that hope began to fade.

They had killed lots of other people and gotten away with it, so what would be so different about you? You tried to ignore the thought, but it remained stagnant in your mind.

What made it worse was that empty feeling of loneliness. Sometimes, you found yourself looking forward to seeing Naruto and Sasuke come into the basement to bring you food. They barely even talked to you anymore, even Naruto didn't say anything, and it was starting to hurt.

Humans require social connection and love. This form of solitary confinement they're forcing on you is torture. You could feel yourself start to go crazy from it.

You knew that's what they wanted; to break you down and force you to love them. You refuse. Instead, you came up with a plan to gain their trust and get out of here.


Rocking back and forth, you sobbed softly, clutching your stuffed animal to your chest. A few minutes passed before the door opened, and Naruto walked downstairs.

You heard him pause for a moment before he continued walking toward you, leaving the food on the table beside you and turning away. Before he could leave, you grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Wait, Naruto, please! Please don't leave me. Just stay for a few more minutes. I don't want to be alone." He stilled, turning back to face you.

Unable to look you in the eyes, he spoke in a cold unfamiliar tone. "I can't."

"I know I was wrong. Screaming and yelling at you guys like that was fucked up. I was just scared. But I miss you, and I'm still getting adjusted to this whole thing, and I think I can...love you again. And I know I have to gain your trust, and I'll work to do that, but please don't leave me, I need you."

That got Naruto's resolve to crumble. He bent down, wrapping his arms around you. Hesitantly, you hugged him back, doing your best to seem eager for his touch.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I know this was so cruel and mean, leaving you like down here. I hate having you chained up like this, you don't deserve it. But Sasuke's been insistent on it, and I just-"

"It's okay. I understood why he had to do it. Let's just forget about it and try to move on." You said, swallowing down your venom and anger.

It wasn't okay. Not one bit. They chained you up like some fucking animal, made you use the bathroom in a bucket, and wash with clean wipes. It was dehumanizing, degrading, and humiliating. But you'd get your revenge another time. 

Instead, you focused on what you were going to do now. Mend your relationship with Naruto, and gain his trust.


A good thirty minutes went by, and you and Naruto were talking, joking, and laughing with each other, like good old times. Except there were no good old times. It was all just deception.

"I want to show you something." Naruto got to his feet, turning to leave you once again. You reached out to stop him, calling out for him.

He enjoyed how desperate you were. With a soft smile, he bent down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Don't worry, I'll only be gone for a few minutes. But I'll be back, I promise."

Just as he said, he was back, with a box in hand. He had a nervous grin on his face, placing it down in front of you. Before he could speak, there was a voice from upstairs calling to him.

"Oh, I gotta go. I won't be gone for too long. Just- read these." He gives you one last hug before running upstairs, shutting the door behind him.

Once he left, you sighed to yourself, running a hand through your hair. You don't know how long you'll be able to keep this up.

Curiously, you sifted through the box, finding different envelopes, all addressed to you. You might as well kill some time and keep yourself entertained.

Hey (y/n), it's Naruto. By the time you read this-


You read all of his letters. Every single one.

Through reading them, you learned two things. One, Naruto is completely delusional and insane, much crazier than you thought he was before, and two, this was his confession. That meant if you could get these letters to the police, it would prove everything he and Sasuke did, and it would send them both to jail.

Despite how much you relished the thought, you knew you had to wait until the time was right. And once you get their trust, once you get your opening, you're going to make them pay for what they've done.

(A/N: Literally slaying omg

Dude thank god I'm on a break bcs i swear school is killing me

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