37. Jealousy

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"So, how was the date?" Naruto asked as he followed Sasuke down the hall, weaving through people and attempting to keep up.

"Good." Sasuke simply replied, before turning down another corridor and making Naruto groan and jog to catch up with him again.

"Really? That's all you're gonna say? 'It was good?' I need details, y'know! C'mon!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sasuke stopped in the hall, looking over his shoulder at him. "I'm not going to talk with you about this. Not when there are this many people around. So keep your loud mouth shut. But yes, we did."

Naruto frowned, pouting as he continued after Sasuke down the corridor, heading off to class.


"Fuck fuck fuck." You muttered under your breath, as you rushed down the hall, gripping your bag tightly. You were already fifteen minutes late to class, thanks to your alarm being unplugged, and you didn't want to waste more time than you already had.

Your morning only brightens more when you bump into a familiar female duo. It was Ino and Sakura. You hadn't seen them in a while, and you couldn't exactly say you missed them.

"Well well, look who it is." Ino began, and you didn't have time for this.

"Don't you have to get to class or something? Or do you waste all your time being nasty bitches?" You seethed back poisonously.

You thought you already dealt with them by standing up to them before. Sasuke even told them to their faces that they were annoying and he didn't like them. But you guessed they wouldn't give in. And they wouldn't leave you alone.

"Whore." Sakura spat.

"Slut." Ino joined in. Did they really think these insults would phase you? Because you had heard much worse before. It didn't matter. You didn't have time for this.

"Listen, it was nice catching up, but I have to go." You dismissed, trying to walk past them before Ino grabbed you and pulled you back.

She pushed you, making you lose balance and fall back onto the floor, making the contents of your bag spill out onto the floor. You hadn't fully zipped it up, due to how rushed you were with everything.

  The two girls laughed at you, further pissing you off. At this point, you didn't care about how late you were. You didn't care about how much trouble you would get into. You just knew you were angry and you were gonna fuck them up.

So, you kicked Ino's legs out from under her, hooking your foot around her ankle and taking her out, causing her to fall and hit the ground hard. "That's enough, ladies."

A familiar voice chimed in. It was Mr.Hatake, standing with his arms crossed, a knowing look on his face. "Ino, Sakura. Get back to class before I write you up. You too, (y/n)."

"Right. Sorry." You muttered, watching as the girls walked off, Ino rubbing her now sore back and bottom, making you grin to yourself. Kakashi sighed, and turned back into his classroom, shutting the door behind him.

You turned back to your belongings, which were all now scattered across the floor, sighing to yourself. As you went to pick them up, a chubby brunette boy crouched down, picking some of your things up and helping you with them.

Another lanky boy with spiky black hair bent over, grabbing your pencil pouch and handing it to you. They both seemed about your age, and you could swear you had seen them around before. Maybe at a party or in the school halls? You didn't know.

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