6. Love Letters

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Sasuke watched in disgust as his friend slurped down his fifth bowl of ramen, letting out a satisfied sigh. He didn't understand how Naruto was still in shape after eating like that almost every day. The kid was lucky he was hyperactive and had a fast metabolism, that's for sure.

  "Ah, that was great." He grinned, patting his full stomach, and slumping back in the cushioned seat. Instead of sitting at the normal table up front, the two boys had opted to take a booth. Things were easier that way, and it made sure they would have their privacy just in case anyone tried to eavesdrop.

"Are you done?" The Uchiha asked impatiently, crossing his arms and frowning. Naruto cocked an eyebrow at him, pushing the bowl aside. "Yeah, we could've just talked while I ate if you wanted to, y'know."

"I didn't want to see you speak with your mouth full. Anyways, I think I know what we're going to do with (y/n). If we're both going to have her, that's probably going to take a long time. We need to get her to trust us, and we're going to need her to get closer with us. And there might be something you will have to do to get that closeness." Since Sasuke was less impulsive and more intelligent than Naruto, he usually did the planning for important stuff like this.

"What do I have to do?"

"You may have to act a little more.....around (y/n)." The emo teen cleared his throat awkwardly, making the gay hand gesture to him.

"Wait a second. So you're saying I have to play the role of the gay best friend? You're totally screwing me over here just so you can have   (y/n) to yourself!" The Uzumaki snapped at his friend.

Way back in middle school, Naruto came out to him. Basically everyone knew at this point. Well, everyone but you.

"Okay, okay hear me out. It'll push away suspicion to both of us, especially you, which means you can be more physical with  (y/n). If she thinks you don't have feelings for her, she'll trust you more with different things. Plus, if you confide in her, she'll trust you the way you trust her."

"Then how are you going to gain her trust?" Naruto questioned, making a pretty good point.

"I'll figure something out," Sasuke muttered in response. "And how do I try to control my feelings for (y/n)?"

"Look for a healthy outlet where you can express your emotions to your heart's content. Like a diary or something." He suggested.

"A diary?" The ramen lover repeated, scrunching up his nose in distaste.

"It doesn't have to be a diary. Just find something." Sasuke answered, adjusting his jacket and preparing to leave the restaurant. "I think that's it. Unless you want to talk about something else?"

"Well, there is one thing I want to do..."


Naruto let out a small grunt of frustration as he went on his phone, searching for ways to express himself. He wasn't creative enough to draw or paint, and writing diary entries wasn't his thing.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" His mother asked, while she stood at the sink and rinsed the dishes, looking over her shoulder at him.

"It's nothing it's just...have you ever really liked someone and didn't know how to express your emotions without making it obvious?" That comment managed to spark his mom's interest, making her spin around with an excited grin on her face.

"Who is it? Sasuke? Hinata? Sakura? You can tell me anything y'know!" The older red-haired woman chirped excitedly.

"Ma, Sasuke, Hinata, and I are just friends, and so is Sakura. But this girl. She's....she's different." Naruto told her, swooning a bit as the thought of you popped into his mind once again.

"Awww you don't have feelings for Sakura anymore? That's a shame. I sorta liked her." Kushina pressed the spoon she was cleaning to her lips, deep in thought. "You wanna know what I did when my feelings for your father got really strong?"

"What did you do?" He asked, his indigo eyes growing big with curiosity.

"Well, I would write him letters describing how I felt, but I never sent them. I just hid them in my drawer. I would write about when he did something I liked or didn't like, how important he was to me, the way he made me feel, and when we finally got together I showed them to him."

"Did he like them?" Naruto wondered aloud.

Kushina smiled down at her son, ruffling his hair and giving his forehead a little kiss. "He loved them."

"Got it, thanks Mom, love you!" He quickly sprang out from his chair, grabbing his phone and running over to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Searching through his mess of a living space, the teen boy picked up an old shoebox, tossing it onto his table, then tearing a piece of paper from one of his old school notebooks, getting down to business.


D̷e̷a̷r̷ ̷y̷/̷n̷ Hey (y/n), its me your bestfreind Naruto. By the time you read this, we will probably be more than that. We will problaby be so deep in love you wont even know what hit you!

Im sorry for all the spelling errors, I suck at writing and we usualy have autocorrect to fix all this stuff.

Anywas I think I should start with how I feel about you. (Y/n), you are the kindest and prettiest girl I have ever seen. You actualy joke around with me and you care about me and you dont hit me and you make me feel real.

Its hard to describe what I mean by that. But when I see your beatiful  face I cant help but want to touch you, hold you, and kiss you. A̷n̷d̷ ̷k̷e̷e̷p̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷m̷y̷s̷e̷l̷f̷ ̷f̷o̷r̷e̷v̷e̷r̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷e̷v̷e̷r̷

I cant stop thinking about you too. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I always think about you. (Hehe that ryhmes) I even dream about you and sometimes I think you are an Angel.

Im so happy you chose Sasuke and I to be your bestfriens and not some other b̷a̷s̷t̷a̷r̷d̷ ̷w̷e̷ ̷w̷o̷u̷l̷d̷ ̷h̷a̷v̷e̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷k̷i̷l̷l̷ guy.

Also, I'm super exited, since Sasuke and I are going to be able to go over to your place to watch you. Now that does sound creepy but its not. We just wanna learn more about you and see what your life is like. Youll thank us evenually.

xoxo, your future lover, Naruto Uzumaki

(A/N: NARUTO'S MISSPELLS ARE SO FUCKING FUNNY PLSSS but he dum like that and I love my dum bb

I hope you enjoyed!

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