15. Fight Or Flight

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People always say that the best way to find out if you have a fight or flight reaction was to experience it. Right now, you were experiencing one, and it was not fun.

You looked from Jirobo to the door, standing there anxiously. They had all lied to you. They didn't want to study, they wanted to take advantage of you. And to think you believed them. How could you be so stupid? How could you be so naive?

"C'mon baby, let's do this." Kidomaru grabbed your arm, catching you off guard. You felt your survival instincts kick in, and the next thing you knew, you had punched him, slipping past Jirobo and slamming the door behind you. It seemed that you were all fight.

You ran out to the front lawn, your heart slamming sporadically against your chest. How were you going to get out of here? You left your things inside, and you didn't even remember which way you came from! Who could help you?

"You, bitch, get back here!" Kidomaru shouted, wiping the blood from his nose, standing in the doorway.

Right before he could do anything more to you, Sasuke's car pulled up, the two boys rushing out. You ran over to them, tears now streaming your face.

You fell into Sasuke's arms, letting Naruto grab at you and inspect you like an overprotective mother. "(Y/n), what happened?"

"Y-you guys were right. This was all a trick, and they- t-they tried t-to-" You spoke between broken sobs and rapid breathing.

Naruto then let you go, letting Sasuke comfort you, storming off into the house. Sasuke recognized that look on his face. That look he had when he lost his temper, and he was about to do something really bad. And he knew he had to stop him before things got too dangerous. But how could he, when he was feeling just furious? They did hurt his girl, after all, and they were going to pay.

The Uchiha let you go, sitting you down in the back seat of the car. "I-I left my stuff in there."

"Here, just call the police with my phone. And stay here, alright? It's all going to be okay." He told you, handing his phone.

As you dialed the number, you watched Sasuke walk into the house. You could tell both of them were angry and concerned, and you had a good idea of what was going to happen.

When Sasuke entered, he spotted Naruto struggling with Kidomaru, the two at each other's throats, Jirobo knocked out right beside him. He grabbed Kidomaru, pulling him off of Naruto and holding him by the collar of his shirt.

Kidomaru's face was bloody and beaten, bruises covering a good part of it. "Sasuke?"

The Raven punched him, knocking him out, and Naruto went after the other two boys. There was something about Naruto when he was angry, something that made him beat people down with ease. It would've scared Sasuke if he wasn't so used to it.

  "You know these pricks?" Naruto asked with a pant, grabbing Udon by the arm and pulling him back.

"I used to be friends with them. Remember that time in middle school when I ditched you guys for a bit? I was spending time with them and some other people." He explained, grabbing the other twin and engaging in another fight with him.

They managed to finish off the others that tried hurting, you, barely a scratch on them. Except for Tayuya who was making a break for the door, which Sasuke stopped with ease. "You're not going anywhere. None of you are, not until the police arrive."


After a good fifteen minutes, a few cop cars came in, taking the teens that had tried to assault you away and making you feel safe. Naruto sat in the back of the car with you, while Sasuke sat in the driver's seat.

You had calmed down a bit, still a little shaken up from what happened. You shoved your face into his chest, letting him keep an arm around your shoulder, his free hand playing with your hair. The faint metallic scent of blood was radiating off of him, and you just ignored it.

Brushing a hair out of your face, he kissed your forehead, comforting you. You were too exhausted from what happened to even pay attention to his actions.

Sasuke pulled over, stopping the car briefly. "I'm taking you home, right?"

"Home? No no no no. I can't go there. Not right now." You said, shaking your head, and pushing yourself even further into Naruto.

"You're still going to have to tell your father what happened. He needs to know." He told you.

"You don't get it, Sasuke. He will freak out, and go all protective dad on my ass. I could even be forced to move." That made Naruto react a bit, his grip on your shoulder tightening.

You always had trouble trusting your father with things, especially stuff like this. You did love him, but it was hard telling him things. He got angry when you wouldn't tell him, but when you did, he never said the right thing. That's why you usually went to your mother for advice when she was alive. You told her everything. But now, she was gone, so you didn't really have that person anymore.

"He's still going to figure out. The police know, and they'll definitely say something about it to him."

"Let them. Right now, I just can't go home. Please." You begged.

Sasuke sighed, turning back to the wheel and starting the car. "Where do you want to go then?"

"I don't know, just not home." You answered, feeling your eyelids grow heavy, and leaning against Naruto. He rubbed your back soothingly, easing you even more into sleep.

"It's okay, you're safe now." He muttered softly into your ear, and you finally let yourself drift deeply into unconsciousness.

Sasuke eventually stopped the car in an empty parking lot, looking back at you and Naruto sitting together, you asleep on his lap. "Look, she's sleeping on me. Isn't she the cutest?"

"Yeah, she really is." Sasuke agreed, admiring that beautiful glow you always had. "But we have to get her home."

(A/N: There are so many hot JoJo characters I want to get railed by

Lowkey I might write a fic for Joseph and Kira but I haven't decided yet

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