7. Watching

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Naruto squirmed around in his seat impatiently for the fifth time in the past hour. "Why can't we just go and look? If we're quiet about it, I'm sure no one will notice, believe it!"

"Do you want to risk getting caught, going to jail, and never seeing (y/n) again?" Sasuke asked, shutting the anxious boy up. "Her parents are going to be leaving out on a date in about ten minutes so just sit tight until then."

Now, while both boys did follow you around a little, they didn't know enough to figure out your schedule. Instead, Sasuke hired a small group of "investigators" to watch over you and give him and Naruto some details about your life. 

One of the perks of being the youngest heir in a filthy rich powerful family was that he could get people to do whatever he wanted, he just needed a good price.

Naruto's family was powerful as well, his father being mayor of the city and his mother being a chairman on the city council. Both of their families had connections, and it made it easy for the two to get away with everything. Including murder.

The two watched as your parents left the home, getting into their car and driving off into the night. "Let's do this."


Sighing to yourself, you continued scrubbing at your body, listening to the soft music playing in the background.

You knew it was weird to take a shower in the middle of the day, and you never really did it that often, only when you needed some privacy and escape from your family. Tonight was one of those times, with your father and stepmother going out on some date, their flirting and sweet talk disgusting you.

Just two years ago, your mother had gotten sick and passed away, leaving you alone with your father who quickly remarried to a manipulative bitch of a stepmom.

Now, while your stepmother was the worst, you loved your Dad with your whole heart. But he could be a bit much sometimes. He always did have a horrible temper and your mom's death did not help that one bit.

At least once a week, he would snap at you for something completely ridiculous. And you, having a bad temper yourself, would always end up yelling back at him, resulting in an argument, him trying to take your phone (even though you were way too old for that sort of thing), and you locking yourself in your room, slamming your door on the way there.

Sometimes, you couldn't stand him. Sometimes, you couldn't stand living in this household. Sometimes, you couldn't wait until college, where you could finally escape this hellhole and start living your own life. But until then, you were stuck here. Taking showers to relieve your pent up frustration.

Turning off the hot water, you stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and drying your body and hair off. You threw on an oversized t-shirt and some panties, deciding against putting on pants. You were home alone, after all. It's not like anybody was watching you or anything.

As you brushed out your hair, you danced around your bedroom, singing along with the lyrics, as if you were the main character in some shitty romance comedy where the girl is a complete ditz and all these guys fall for her.

  And she sleeps in his bed,

While he plays pretend, so pretend,

She, She, She lives in daydreams with me,

She, She's the first one that I see,

And I don't know why, I don't know who she is,

She, she,


Naruto and Sasuke stood in your backyard, watching as you shimmed your hips, using your brush as a microphone. You weds blasting some random Harry Styles song while you danced and sang along at the top of your lungs as if you were the only person in the world.

A small smirk crossed Sasuke's face as he watched you. God, you were such a dork. No wonder why Naruto liked you so much.

Speaking of the Uzumaki, he was completely swooning over you, his eyes studying every little movement your body made. "She's so cute, isn't she?"

"You mean dorky?" The Uchiha replied, watching as you tripped over something, falling like a complete clutz.

Sasuke had to admit, being able to watch you like this was quite intoxicating. He could see you, learn about you. The real you. Not the nice demure girl you presented yourself to be in front of everyone, just you. Really you.

But another more sadistic side in him took pleasure in knowing that he would soon learn about things in your life that he could change for the better. But for some, the worse.

All Sasuke and Naruto wanted to do was to help you and protect you so you could be all theirs. Only theirs.

The sound of a dog barking snapped the two boys back to reality, pulling them from the sick fantasies inside both of their heads. "Sasuke! Sasuke! She's coming! What do we do? Where do we go?"

Naruto whisper shouted at him, seeming frozen in fear. Thinking fast, Sasuke grabbed his childhood friend, dragging him into a few bushes.

"I'm here, okay? Would you stop?" You complained to the pitbull who was still looking straight out the window as if someone was out there.

  You let him run out into the backyard, sniffing all over the place. It was dark, and hard to make out anything, and if anyone was out there, you wouldn't be able to see them. You argued with yourself for a bit, the paranoid protective side winning.

Turning on your phone flashlight, you shined it all over your backyard, taking a breath of relief when you realized no one was there. It just seemed that your dog, Duck, really had to use the bathroom.

I should stop watching all those horror movies and unsolved murder mysteries. Shit keeps messing with my head. It doesn't help that this place is creepy as hell when it's nighttime.

You thought to yourself, then calling Duck back inside, locking the door behind you.

Right when that dog was about to sniff Naruto and Sasuke out, you called him back inside, letting them sigh in relief. That was too close. They could've gotten caught.

"Let's go," Sasuke muttered, making Naruto frown. "What? We've only been here for like an hour!"

"We can come back at a different time. I don't want to risk us getting caught again." The emo replied, dragging his companion away.

"Wait, Sasuke, before we go, there's one thing I want to ask you. Do you think maybe- soon- we could um, go into her house and take some of her things? Just a little stuff like keepsakes, y'know?" Naruto expected Sasuke to tell him he was going overboard, that he was being crazy about this. That he needed to calm down.

But to his surprise, he didn't. Because little did Naruto know, that Sasuke loved the idea. The idea of being in your home and being able to have something you held so closely, something that had your presence, your scent all over it was just so appealing to Sasuke. Especially the thought of having one of your undergarments...

"Alright, but we'll probably have to wait a while. Don't expect this to be happening anytime soon." The raven-haired teen told him, the two making their way around your house.

"We'll be able to watch her like this anytime we want now, after all."

(A/N: Not me rushing chaps before my next class- I dead ass have five mins before English lmao

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