43. Games

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"What the hell?!" Naruto exclaimed as you beat him in yet another 1v1 on the video game. You just smirked in response, continuing to mash on the buttons, waiting for him to respawn.

You had been hanging out with Naruto all day today, playing video games and watching shows. It was nice to just sit back and relax with him, despite all of the school work you had been getting. Midterms and exams were coming soon, and you were a bit stressed about them, so, this was a good distraction.

Unfortunately, Sasuke couldn't hang out with you, since he had "family matters" like always. He could be such a boob sometimes.

But, you were still enjoying the time you spent with Naruto. Things had been a little more different lately, considering how you lost your virginity and the whole polyamorous relationship thing.

As it turned out, Naruto and Sasuke had fallen for each other, as well for you. So now they were going to date too. It wasn't a surprise to you, considering how Naruto acted, and how Sasuke did too.

For a while, a part of you thought Sasuke was gay but deep in the closet. He didn't really pay attention to any girls, despite the amount of affection and attraction many had to him. But then, he started paying attention to you a little more, and you realized he actually did like girls.

"Stop doing that!" Naruto snapped after you killed him yet again. "Stop doing what? Kicking your ass? You're such a sore loser."

"You're so mean." Naruto pouted, crossing his arms and sitting back, acting like a child. You giggled at his expression, letting out a long sigh.

"Alright, fine. I'll play nice. No more spamming attacks, I promise." You told him, loading into another round.

Your character fought against his, letting him attack a little more, giving some counterattacks, and just as he was about to win, you spammed your attacks, killing him.

Naruto threw his controller off the bed, his frustration getting the best of him. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too." You shot back between laughs, making him frown. The blonde boy tackled you, wrestling around with you, before pushing you under him on his bed, and licking your face.

"Ew! Gross!" You said, wiping the saliva off your face and rubbing it against your shoulder, due to the fact your wrists were being pinned down.

"That's what you get for being a jerk, ya know!" He smirked, before letting his gaze trail down your body.

His face flushed as he eyed your chest, watching it heave while you panted, out of breath from fighting with him. You followed his gaze, before looking back up at him and realizing where he was looking.

Before you could say anything, he kissed you roughly, pushing his lips against yours. He licked your bottom lip, before slipping it into your mouth. After a couple of long moments, he broke the kiss, leaving a trail of drool between you, while you managed to catch your breath.

He began kissing down your neck, letting your hands go to start pulling your shirt up, before pausing. "Are we doing this?"

"I don't know, is your mom gonna walk in on us?" That remark made him glare at you, biting down on your neck, causing you to yelp, and accidentally moan.

"Shit, that was so hot." He murmured, continuing to suck hickeys into your neck, while you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging on it softly.

He slipped your shirt off, kissing down your chest, before taking off his own. Unsurprisingly, he was pretty muscular, his body toned and big, and was about the same size as Sasuke's, maybe a little bigger.

Your eyes went fell to his pants, catching sight of the noticeable bulge straining at them. Biting your lip, you looked away, feeling embarrassed and turned on at the same time.

It wasn't long before he was back on top of you, peppering your chest with kisses, before slipping down to your stomach. His hand crept under your pants and over your underwear, feeling a damp patch over your slit.

"Woah. You're really wet." He murmured, seeming surprised and pleased with himself, continuing to kiss you, before moving his hand into your underwear.

His fingers moved around your cunt frantically, slipping between your folds, scooping up some of your juices, moving them back to his mouth, and sucking on them gently. "And you taste so sweet, just as sweet as you look."

Naruto's words brought even more heat to your face, and he kissed you again, letting you taste yourself on his lips. He moved his fingers just below your clit, making you whine as he missed it, stroking another part of you instead.

"Mm, Naruto, not there, up here." He moved his hand up, stroking just above this time. So, you grabbed his hand, guiding him to your clit, and moving two of his fingers over it and slow circles. "Like this."

"Oh-oh! Sorry. It's my first time..with a girl." He murmured, his face red with embarrassment, and you giggled and leaned back as he continued with the motion you taught him.

"It's okay. T-that feels good." You moaned slightly, letting him continue to stroke at your clit.

He moved a finger inside your opening, slowly and gently pushing in, before moving another. He pumped inside with both of his fingers, slowly and gently, while his thumb moved over your clit. As it turned out, he was a pretty fast learner, despite the slight hiccup in the beginning.

"Naruto-" You bucked your hips into his hand. He grinned at his ability to get you off and make you fall apart. "This is just a thank you, for what happened after our date."

"Y-you didn't have to-have to- oh fuck-" He rubbed faster, and curled his fingers, causing you to arch your back, unable to finish your thought, your mind going blank as you climaxed.

He pulled away, wiping his fingers on the sheets, before stripping the rest of his clothes off, while you came down from your high. "Here, lemme help."

He pulled your pants and underwear off, leaving you both naked. After slipping a condom on, he clambered on top of you, lining himself up with your drenched opening. "You ready?"

You nodded, letting him slowly sheathe himself inside, stretching you out with his girth and length. Once you grew accustomed to the stretch, you tapped him and let him know you were ready.

"So tight." He grunted as he slowly began to thrust inside you, knitting his eyebrows together and doing his best not to cum right away from how you were gripping him.

You held onto his forearms as he began to go increase the pace, going faster and faster, needing more of you. Your blonde lover started rubbing against that sweet spot, making you grow close as well.

"Shit, Naruto." You wrapped your legs around him, moving your hands onto his back, digging your nails into them as he began to go faster and faster, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing around the room. Thank god his parents weren't home.

"Oh god, (y/n). I'm gonna cum. Are you close baby?" He whined, slowing down slightly. "Almost, I'm not quite there yet."

So, he rubbed at your clit, thrusting against that spongy spot inside you, making you clamp down on him, and reach your peak while he reached his. He collapsed on top of you, resting his head on your chest.

"Was that good?" He asked, glancing up at you as he caught his breath. You smiled back at him, looking into his bright blue eyes in adoration. "It was amazing."

"I love you." He smiled, pressing a kiss to your nose. "Love you too, dummy."


Also...what do y'all think about a Yandere Shikamaru Fic? 😳😳

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