27. Family Issues

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You had been a nervous wreck for the past couple of weeks, after hearing about all that happened. And to make it worse, you just found out that Kiba was reported missing. He had been gone for a couple of days and his family had completely panicked.

But that wasn't the worst part. You were the last person he texted before..and you didn't even see it, since you blocked him. If only you didn't. Maybe, maybe he'd still be alive right now. You still felt extremely guilty, even now as you stared down at the text.

Kiba: I know what I did was unforgivable, and I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'll do whatever it takes for you to take me back

Kiba: I'm going to try to fix this, (y/n). I promise.

It seems that he never got the chance to. If only you knew the truth. That those texts weren't Kiba's at all. They were Sasuke's.

But you didn't. Instead, you felt responsible, the guilt festering deep inside you, to the point where it took up most of your mind, leaving you distraught, depressed, and unmotivated to do anything.

Still, that didn't seem to stop your stepmother from giving you a hard time. Especially today.

It was around noon when you finally managed to get up, your hunger becoming too much for you. You hadn't gotten changed, hadn't done anything, just spent the last couple of hours staring at the ceiling, contemplating life as you had for the past couple of days. Your hair was a mess all knotted and raggedy, but you didn't care. You didn't care about anything right now.

With a sigh, you walked over to the cabinet, pulling out your cereal and some milk, along with a carton of orange juice. When you turned back, you caught sight of your stepmom, watching you with a judgmental look on her face. Just great. What did she want from you now?

"So you're finally up, huh?" She asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Excuse me?" You questioned between bites, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing, I'm just surprised you're doing something for once. You know, if you keep on laying around like that, you'll gain even more weight than you already have. You should be doing some chores." She said, already pushing you off the edge.

It was like she didn't understand what had happened to you. Like she didn't care. And you knew she didn't. Hell, she wouldn't even care if you died. In fact, that's probably what she wanted.

But you had enough. You didn't care about the repercussions, you weren't going to let her talk to you like this. "You have no idea what I'm going through, Akia. You didn't even care about the things that have happened. I've been attacked, sexually assaulted, I've had horrible things said about me, and you expect me to what, shut up and do everything you say with a smile on my face? I'm sick and tired of this evil stepmother routine, just ugh, fuck off!"

You turned on your heel, stomping up the stairs and grabbing your things, texting Sasuke and Naruto to come pick you up.


You sat in Sasuke's car, pulling your knees up to your face, sighing softly. Naruto was busy with some family event, leaving just you and Sasuke, all alone. "Just drive."

The Uchiha did as told, starting the car, while you leaned up against the window, looking out it and gazing at the scenery around you. Sasuke had noticed that you were in a bad mood recently, and wasn't surprised by it. You were in shock after finding out the deaths of so many people that you once knew, that hurt you, that payed for their actions. And he knew that all he could do was be there for you when you needed him the most.

After a good fifteen-minute drive, he pulled over at what seemed like some sort of forest. He hopped out of the car, telling you to follow after. "Uh, why?"

"It's clear you haven't been outside enough. You look like you're about to die. Now c'mon." He said to you, making you smirk.

"Whatever you say, grandpa." You unbuckled your seatbelt, exiting the vehicle.

He lead you through some trees and thickets to a clearing with an open green field. It was a beautiful sight, compared to the urban city you normally stayed in. "Wow."

"My brother and I used to go here all the time to play. It's become a place of comfort to me, and I thought you might like it too." Sasuke explained, a reminiscent look in his eyes.

The grass looked so soft, you couldn't help but lay on it, running your hands and feet through it, letting it touch all your revealed skin. Sasuke watched as you did this, smiling up at him. Fuck, you were too beautiful, too damn cute.

The carnal side of him couldn't help but want to lay down there with you and kiss and mark you all over, throw off your tank top and shorts, and just have you ride him right there and then. But he knew he couldn't. So that's why he stood there, watching you.

That was until you pulled him down onto the ground, forcing him to lay with you. Despite seeming irritated and emotionless on the outside, on the inside, he was panicking. Having an internal battle on what he should do with you, what he should say.

"Sasuke? You okay?" You asked, managing to break him from his conflicted thoughts.

"Yeah. Fine. Are you?" He answered, watching as you let out a shaky breath, eyes flicking to the grass underneath you.

You were tired of lying. You were tired of keeping it all in. Might as well vent to him. Might as well tell someone what was going on inside your head.

"Well, you know with all the stuff going on right now. I feel horrible. I haven't been able to sleep, to eat, to do anything, really. And my stepmother, just makes my life miserable. She's so self-centered, and she just, she said horrible things to me today and made me feel even worse about myself. I hate her, so much. I wish she never met my Dad. I wish she never came into my life."

That was a lot. For someone as wonderful, kind, and caring as you to feel such intense emotions of hate and anger towards someone, they must have been bad. And Sasuke knew at that moment that he had to get rid of her. He had to take someone that terrible out of your life.

"I'm sorry, was that too much?" You questioned, studying Sasuke's expression.

"No, no, it's just- would you want her dead?" That made you grow quiet, deep in thought. The fact you were actually considering this and thinking it through was definitely telling Sasuke something.

"I wouldn't want her dead, but, I just- I want her gone. Out of my life. So things could go back to the way they used to be. But I know that's not possible." You sighed, laying back, running a hand through the grass and patting it softly. "I just wished we could all run away from this. Live a life somewhere far away with just you, me and Naruto, and get away from our families."

"Oh no, that'd be torture." He joked, making you grin and rolling your eyes.

And that was when Sasuke knew exactly what he had to do. For you. All for you.

You really should be careful with what you wish for, because you just might get it.

(A/N: More Sasuke timeeee hehe

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