29. Reunion

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A few weeks had passed since your stepmother left. And it had been...weird. Bittersweet was the best way to describe it. It was nice to have someone so horrible and cruel out of your life, but man, did it fuck up your father.

Just another woman he loved in his life gone. Once again, you were all he had left, and he couldn't take it. His temper was getting worse and worse, and he was snapping much more easily. Sometimes you would even hear him cry late at night. The stress had gotten so bad, your family had to come over to help him.

Naruto and Sasuke had been as solid as ever, of course. But you still think you could use some extra help. So, you opted to have the company of some old friends.

The sound of the doorbell ringing made you sigh, pulling your glance away from your phone. While you hoped it could be someone else, it was probably another family member coming to comfort your Dad. They wouldn't be here for another thirty minutes.

You were surprised when you saw Naruto and Sasuke standing at your door, opening it immediately. "Hey guys."

"How're you holding up?" Naruto pulled you into a hug as soon as he saw you. You hugged him back, sighing softly.

"I'm fine. Everything's just been kinda chaotic, I guess." You shrugged. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We just wanted to check on you. And see how you're doing, y'know?" Naruto answered with a grin.

"That's very sweet, thanks. Want to come in? You offered, and as you expected, they both immediately took you up on it, walking in right as you finished speaking.

You made some conversation with the two boys, occasionally glancing at the clock on the wall a few times, tapping at your phone impatiently. Sasuke noticed this, curious about your actions. "Why do you keep looking at the clock like that? Are you expecting someone or something?"

"Just a few old friends from Sunagakure. We used to be really close. I'm sure you would all get along." You explained with a smile.

Naruto and Sasuke traded glances. "Old friends?" "Close?" This couldn't be good.

It wasn't long until your doorbell rang again, making you jump out of your seat and rush over to the door. "That must be them!"

Opening the door, you revealed the trio, which were two boys and one girl. The girl was tall and blonde, and one of the boys was brunette, the other a redhead. The brown-haired boy and the blonde girl both seemed a few years older, while the one with red hair looked to be around your age.

They all seemed like a unique group of people, the brunette wearing some purple makeup, and the redhead had some eyeliner with the character "love" tattooed on his forehead.

"Babes!" Blondie exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." You hugged her back, before pulling away to greet the boys.

"Well, hey there doll. Looks like you've grown a bit." The taller boy patted your head, and you pushed his hand away with a grin.

"Yeah, or maybe you just shrunk." You sneered at him, turning to the redhead.

"Who are they?" He asked, looking over your shoulder at Naruto and Sasuke, who were basically glaring holes into the three, watching what was happening.

But when you turned around, Naruto was all smiles while Sasuke was neutral, playing innocent, like they weren't just plotting your friends' deaths at this very moment. "Oh right, sorry guys. This is Naruto and Sasuke. They're my best friends around here."

Naruto beamed with pride at your words. They were your best friends. Not just friends. Best friends. They were special and way better than whoever these entitled assholes were.

"Naruto and Sasuke, this is Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara. My best friends from Sunagakure." You gestured to the three, and just like that, all of Naruto's pride was gone, replaced with jealousy, envy, and anger.

"Come in, come in." You opened the door, letting the three inside.

They settle in at the couch in your living room, while Naruto and Sasuke stay standing. "Is there something I can get you guys, a drink or snack maybe?"

"I'll just have some water," Gaara said with a shrug.

"Sure thing. Why don't you guys talk and get to know each other while I'm gone?" You told them, turning away to the kitchen.

The five all sat quietly in the kitchen for a few minutes, having a little stare off, before Temari broke it, speaking first. "So, how long have you known (y/n)?"

"Four and a half months. Since she first moved here. We're super close." Naruto bragged, leaning back against the wall.

"That's cute. We've kept her under our wing and cared for her since she was little." Kankuro shot back with a grin.

Naruto was furious. So what they knew you longer? It didn't matter. You were with him and Sasuke now. Not these assholes.

"And I've heard about the things that happened to her. It doesn't seem like you can protect her very well either." Temari added.

Protect her? How could they say that? Naruto and Sasuke were constantly watching over you, and when they weren't, they were getting rid of someone that hurt you.

Naruto clenched his fist, gritting his teeth, preparing to tear them apart, when Sasuke grabbed his hand. "Calm down. If you get at them now, nothing good will happen. Don't let them get under your skin."

"What'd I miss?" You asked, walking into the room, unknowingly easing the tension between the two groups. Making Naruto's anger instantly disappear, and Sasuke let go of his hand.

"Nothing, we were just talking about you. All good things, of course." Temari smiled.

"Oh, I hope so. No embarrassing stories or anything." You grinned, handing Gaara his glass of water.

"So, are you guys getting along well? You don't have to. I just thought it would be good-"

"They're great. You know, I also remember you talking about Naruto and Sasuke a bit to me too. Me and (y/n) always share the deepest secrets. We have since we were little girls." Temari said to the others, giving Naruto and Sasuke a threatening glance.

"Yeah. Maybe we should all go out sometime. I need to get out. Especially with what's happening. My Dad's been up my ass and all this shit is going on with my family, I could really use it." You vented, rubbing your temples.

"I did hear about this one club teens can go to nearby. We should go there." Kankuro chimed in.

"Oh, that sounds great! Naruto, Sasuke, you in?"




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