50. Betrayed

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For a few weeks, you've slowly yet surely managed to get Naruto's trust back. Sasuke however, is a much harder sell. But you could tell he was starting to trust you too.

They were becoming more lenient with you, visiting you more often, letting you walk upstairs to use the bathroom (with them supervising, of course), and even letting you shower alone.

You loved showering, it was the only time you felt at peace. Where you could be alone and forget about the situation you're in, and wash away the disgusting feelings of violation you constantly experienced.

But you know soon, you would be free. All you need now is for Naruto and Sasuke to lower their guard, and you could get your chance.

"We're back!" Naruto shouted to you, running downstairs. Sasuke follows behind slowly.

The blonde rushed over, undoing your handcuffs. He threw his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. You hugged him back, despite how you could barely move your arms. "(Y/n)!! I missed you!"

"I missed you too. How was your date?" You asked, acting like you cared. Like you didn't feel constant disgust and hatred for them. Like you could stand when they touched you.

"It was nice, but it would've been nicer with you there," Naruto murmured, squeezing you tighter. "Alright, Naruto let her go. She can't breathe."

"No I'm not- Oh- Sorry, (y/n)." He lets you go, noticing how your face was turning purple, and you were gasping for air.

You waved it off, finally catching your breath. "We brought you dinner. It's your favorite."

Sasuke handed Naruto the case of food, who gave it to you. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate this. Are you going to stay with me while I eat?"

"Of course," Naruto told you. And so, you sat down on your bean bag chair, digging in, while Naruto and Sasuke joined you, sitting on your bed.

You made conversation as you ate, listening to how their day went, feeling envious that you had to spend yours locked down here. "Anyways, how was yours?"

"Oh, you know, same old same old. I did some reading, took a nap, and that's pretty much it." You admitted, gazing down at your food, refusing to look at the boys. You felt like you were going to cry, and you knew if you looked at them, you would.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I can't imagine how boring it is down here. We'll move you soon, I promise." Naruto put a comforting hand on your shoulder.

You bit your lip, shaking your head. "You guys always say that. I hate being alone down here all the time. I- I don't know how much more of this can I take. Can I at least sleep with you guys tonight? Please?"

You stared at Sasuke with begging eyes. You knew it wasn't Naruto that needed convincing. Sasuke let out a soft sigh. "Fine. Just for tonight, and we'll see how things go."

Seems like you finally got your chance.


Here you laid, sandwiched between the two boys in Naruto's bed. You could barely sleep, and neither could Naruto. "I'm too excited to sleep! I can't believe we're having a sleepover!!!"

"Naruto, (y/n) and I are both tired. So at least try to sleep or calm down at least." Sasuke told him.

"Whatever, duckbutt. I'm gonna sleep with (y/n)." He pulled you out of Sasuke's grip, cradling you close to him.

The two boys argued over who would sleep with you for a bit, before Sasuke finally gave in to Naruto's stubbornness, letting him hold you. Now that they were finally settled, you waited and waited and waited, until Naruto fell asleep.

You were half asleep when you felt Naruto finally still, snoring softly. You looked over your shoulder, seeing Sasuke just as still.

Now was finally your chance. You could feel your heart pounding as you quickly devised a plan. You had to take advantage of the moment you had. Chances like this wouldn't come again. You couldn't get caught.

So, you slipped out of his arms, using a pillow to replace you. As quickly and quietly as you could, you wiggled your way out of bed. You walked downstairs and down the hall, nearing the doorway. Your freedom was so close you could practically taste it.

But then you heard a voice, which made you freeze in place. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Why are you up so late?"

You turned on your heel, facing Kushina. She was standing in the hallway behind you, looking at you with kind, concerned eyes. She didn't know what was going on, could she? You didn't know what Naruto told her, but if it was anything close to the truth, you doubt you'd be locked up in here right now.

"I don't know what they told you, but they were lying. They've had me locked up in their basement, like some dog...even worse than that. They killed my friends and I- I just need to get out of here."

You turned to the door, but before you could, Kushina grabbed your hand, stopping you. When you looked at her again, you saw that her caring look changed to something empty and emotionless.

"My son loves you. He'd do anything for you. And you want to leave him? No one else would ever be this kind to you. No one else would love you like this. You're just going to have to learn to accept it." And that's when you realized why Naruto's so crazy. He gets it from his mother.

"Naruto! Sasuke! (Y/n)'s trying to escape!" Kushina shouted. Panicking, you squirmed out of her grip, pushing her away.

You sprinted across the lawn and down the road, looking for someone anyone to help you. The cool summer air felt amazing against your skin, and you felt like you could finally breathe again. You felt free.

Unfortunately, that feeling only lasted so long. Naruto and Sasuke caught up to you, the two bigger males much faster than you. Grabbing you and dragging you back to the house, forcing you to be quiet before you could even scream for help.

Your taste of freedom was now gone, torn away from you by the boys.

(A/N: Welll shit....

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