21. Memories and Apologies

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  It had been a couple of days since the party, and so much had gone down. Too much for you to handle. There was so much drama going on, someone hit someone, someone kissed you, it was all so confusing. And what made it worse was that you couldn't remember any of it.

The last thing you remembered was talking with Kiba, asking him to get you a drink, and then dancing with him. Then everything else was a blur.

You didn't remember anything after that except for the next day, when Naruto and Sasuke called you, talking about all this stuff that happened with Kiba. He was beaten pretty brutally, but you could never believe that he would force himself on you like that. Then again, you didn't believe Sai or the others could do that either.

Still, Naruto and Sasuke had lied to you before, so what was stopping them from doing it again? You just didn't have time for all of this drama, so you told all of them that you needed a break. And once again, you were out of school.

  You just told your father that you weren't feeling well, and he believed you when he took your temperature. You had a fever, but it was the least of your worries. It was probably due to all the extreme stress you had gone through over the past couple of weeks. 

So now, here you laid, in bed at one in the morning. You tried falling asleep early, to somewhat attempt to help improve your mental health, but you were restless. For the past couple of hours, you tossed and turned, thinking of countless different scenarios going through your head.

It had gotten to the point where you had grown so hot you had to take off your shirt. You laid on your bed, scrolling through your phone boredly. Sighing, you dropped the device off to the side, staring blankly at the ceiling.

You ran your hands over your face, groaning to yourself. God, what am I supposed to do? I can't tell Temari, she'll just freak out. I would never see my friends again if I did. My Dad is no help, and I- ugh, fuck. Why does this always happen to me?

You looked over to your mother's picture on your bed stand. If only she was still here. She would know what to do.

You missed your Mother so much. Whenever you were scared or unsure about something, she would make it better. She would always say. "Don't be worried. I'll tell you when to be worried."

But now, what could you do when she was gone? When you were all alone? She was the one who made it all okay. And now, who could make it okay again, when you had no one?

Well, that was a lie. You didn't have anyone. But the ones you did have, you weren't talking to right now. So, maybe you should change that.

Reluctantly, you opened up a text with Sasuke. You knew Naruto would be knocked out right now, and you two didn't end on the best terms, so you chose to text Sasuke instead.

(Y/N): Sasuke

(Y/N): U up?

You stared at your screen, looking, waiting to see him text, or at least type. But there was nothing. Of course.

You shoved your face into your pillow, feeling the tears begin to prick your eyes. How could you be so stupid? Of course, he wasn't there for you. No one was. No one cared for you. Not anymore.

Suddenly your phone buzzed, making you jump and immediately grab it. It was Sasuke. So, he did care, after all.

Well I am now : Sasuke

(Y/N): Sorry hehe

(Y/N): I'm just lonely, I guess. And I can't sleep.

                     So ur not mad at me and Naruto anymore? : Sasuke

(Y/N): No

(Y/N): I was never rlly mad at you guys

(Y/N): I was just...scared

        Scared? : Sasuke

(Y/N): Scared that you're right. That Kiba could do something like this and we couldn't be friends with anymore

Well, we stick by what we saw. It's your choice if you want to forgive Kiba or not. : Sasuke

(Y/N): I know

(Y/N): Thanks for defending me, at least

  You shouldn't be thanking us. We're your friends, that's what we do. : Sasuke

(Y/N): Oh, you're my friend now? I thought I was too annoying

          You still are, but you're easier to tolerate than Naruto: Sasuke

You smiled at his text, giggling softly.

(Y/N): God, I miss you

I miss you more. Was all Sasuke wanted to say. He wanted to tell you how badly he needed to hold you, to keep you in his arms. How even though he hadn't seen you for just a few days, he couldn't bear it. He hated feeling this way, but he knew he had no control over it.

(Y/N): Sasuke, can you promise me something?

I guess : Sasuke

(Y/N): Promise you won't leave.

(Y/N): I've already lost more than enough people and I can't lose you and Naruto. Please, Sasuke.

I promise. I won't ever leave you, (y/n) : Sasuke

If only you knew what you were getting yourself into.

(Y/N): Thanks

(Y/N): Well, I guess you're stuck with me now lmao

Oh god : Sasuke

(Y/N): Haha very funny 🙄

(Y/N): Can I call you?

(Y/N): Sorry if that's weird, I just rlly don't want to be alone rn

                 Sure, but we have to be quiet : Sasuke

(Y/N): Okok

You pressed his contact info, and then pressed the call button, and the next thing you knew, he had picked up. "Hey."

"Hey." He replied, his voice a little bit lower from sleep.  Oh how missed that stupid duckbutt.

"So, what are you doing?" You asked awkwardly.

"What kind of question is that?" He replied, making you laugh.

"I don't know, I'm bored, and it's like three in the morning. So forgive me if my conversation skills are subpar."

You two continued talking for a little while after, before you fell asleep on the phone with him. He smiled, deciding to just end the call there.

(A/N: If y'all saw that other notification, no, no you didn't.

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