32. Advice

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You walked down the sidewalk, messing with your hair, your phone in hand. You knew you shouldn't be out and alone at a late time like this, especially considering everything that happened.

But you made sure to be very cautious, managing to stay near the streetlights, keeping the taser your dad gave you hidden in your bag. Now, you thought that was a bit extreme, but you didn't complain. He did want the best for you, even if he was overprotective and annoying as hell.

Looking up at the road occasionally, you glanced back down at your phone, typing up a text to send to Temari.

(Y/N): Hey some stuff happened that I need to tell you about. I'm coming over. What hotel r u staying at?

You waited for a moment, wondering if she was asleep, but she was quick to read your text and send something back. Luckily, the hotel was only half a mile away. They knew they would be spending time with you, so they probably just booked someplace nearby, which you were thankful for.

The hotel was very nice, not that it surprised you, considering how rich the three siblings were. You searched for the room number as you trudged down the hall, eventually finding it and knocking on the door.

Answering it, she pulled you inside. She was wearing a tank top and pajama bottoms, her hair down. She was probably getting ready to sleep before you texted her.

"Honey, tell me what happened." She said, soothing you. She must've thought it was something bad. It made sense since your text was super cryptic which she could interpret that way.

She sat you down on the bed, rubbing your shoulders and back, before moving right beside you. "Oh no, it's nothing bad, it's just-"

You grabbed the pillow on her bed, holding it close to your chest. "I don't know how to say this but um, so you know how Naruto and Sasuke took me home tonight- well, um- some stuff happened-"

"Oh my god. They took your v-card?" Temari exclaimed, figuring it all out. Your face went hot at the question, and you squeezed the pillow.

"Not exactly? I mean, kinda? It's complicated but, there was no p in the v. It was more like Sasuke uhm- he uh-" You gestured to him eating you out, moving your fingers in a v and sticking your tongue between it.

"Oh, well, did you cum?" She asked, and you nodded vigorously. "A lot. Like more than I ever had before. It was kinda embarrassing."

You admitted, and Temari tried to get the image of you out of her head, feeling her jealousy overpower her lust, bubbling in her chest and throat poisonously.

Who did those two think they were, taking you like that? After how patient Temari and the others were? They had known you much longer, since you were little. You belonged to them. Not those two bastards.

"I'm not exactly sure what this means, or what's going to happen, but all I know is that I really like them." You held your pillow even closer to your chest, smiling to yourself, and feeling all giddy inside.

"(Y/n), it's sweet and all that you like them, but have you considered that they're just using you? I've seen the way they act around you, and now they do this? You know how guys are, and you've only known them for so long, and with the way things are going, who knows what'll happen? I just don't want you doing something you'll regret."

She moved a hair out of your face, caressing your cheek, and scooting closer to you, her face nearing yours. You pushed her away angrily before she could get any closer. "You can't be serious. Temari, I'm not in the mood for this right now. I know Naruto and Sasuke. You don't. I know they would never hurt me. I can't believe I told you about this."

You stormed out of her room, leaving her to call after you. But you ignored her, shutting the door right in her face. You rushed down the hall angrily, suddenly bumping into Kankuro.

"You alright there doll?" He asked, seeing how upset you were.

You pressed your lips into a thin line, taking a breath and shaking your head. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, walking you back to his room.

"Why are you up this late?" You wondered aloud as you took a seat on his bed. "Well, Temari said you were coming over and I wanted to see what was going on."

"Oh, right." You muttered, leaning back on the bed, grimacing slightly. He noticed your expression, cocking an eyebrow.

"Did something happen with you and Temari?" He questioned.

"It's nothing. I just told her about some stuff that happened, and she completely freaked. She hates Naruto and Sasuke and wants me to get rid of them, but they're not going anywhere." You told him, glaring at the wall.

Kankuro shrugged. "I'm not the biggest fan of them either, but as long as you're happy, I'm fine with it."

"Thanks. That means a lot to me." You smiled at him.

"Speaking of, what happened with Naruto and Sasuke?" You took a small breath, explaining the previous events of the night.

And after hearing everything, Kankuro was pissed. He was supposed to be your first. After Temari took your first kiss, she promised him he would take your virginity. Not these brats. It left him completely enraged.

"So what, you just gonna sleep with them now?" He growled, catching you off guard with his words.

"What? Kankuro, what the hell's wrong with you?" You hissed back.

"What the hell's wrong with me? What the hell's wrong with you?! You barely know these guys and you just let them do this shit? Fuck, (y/n)!" He snapped.

"You're an asshole. I should've never said anything." You seethed, once again, storming off and leaving the room.

This time, you bumped into the third sibling, not even bothering to talk to him. "(Y/n) wait- can't we just talk?"

You sighed, stopping. Gaara wasn't like the others. Maybe he would be a little more understanding.


And you were right because after you explained everything that happened, he was nothing but understanding. "I'm sorry about that, (y/n). Sometimes, Temari and Kankuro can be-"

"Assholes?" You interrupted with a smirk.

"I was going to say, a bit much. But that works too." He shrugged, making you giggle. This wasn't the first time you went to him after not getting along with his older siblings, and you doubted it would be the last.

Out of everyone you had ever known, Gaara was probably the best listener. He was quiet, making input when he needed to, and he would look at you, nodding occasionally to show he was still engaged. He was the best person for you to vent to, and you always went to him before you moved away.

"Thanks for listening Gaara. You have no idea how much I needed this." You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. "I missed you."

When you weren't looking, Gaara smiled to himself, glancing over at you. After a couple of minutes or so, you moved away, yawning. "Can you give me a ride back home? I'm too tired to walk."



Stopping at your house, Gaara pulled over, resting his hand on the wheel. You pressed a kiss to his cheek, before grabbing your things and walking off. "Thanks for the ride Gaara, I owe you one."

(A/N: uhm yeah that just happened

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