20. Party

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You paced around the room impatiently, waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to arrive. You couldn't help but glance at the clock a few times, just wanting them to get here already. You were quite angry with them, after all.

They had lied to you, after knowing everything about you. You thought you could be honest with them. You thought they could trust you. But it seemed they couldn't. Because they had gotten into a fight with Kiba, and never said a word about it.

You could tell something was up, by the way they were acting, especially Sasuke. While Naruto had been obvious too, always having a big tell whenever he lied, Sasuke was more moody than usual. He was irritable and snapped a lot more easily, a big difference in his normally cool and collected attitude.

You heard the door open, the two boys talking and conversing amongst one another. Crossing your arms, you took a deep breath, turning to face them. "We're here! (Y/n)? What's wrong?"

"You guys lied to me. You told me everything was fine. You told me it was nothing when it clearly wasn't. You got into a fight with Kiba, and never said anything about it." You said to them, hurt clear in your voice.

The teens traded looks, sighing softly. "(Y/n), it's not that big of a deal-"

"It is a big deal when you lie to me." You snapped, interrupting them.

"You're right. We should've told you. We were wrong. We're sorry. We just didn't want you to know your friends were fighting." Sasuke apologized. Naruto nodding along with him.

You smiled, looking at the two boys. You could never stay mad at them. "It's okay, I'm sorry if I'm overreacting, I just- I just don't like it when there are secrets kept from me. You guys are my best friends, you're all I have right now, you know?"

"We know." Naruto wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting hug. You snuggled against him, before regaining your composure. "So, what now?"

"Well, there's this party that everyone's going to, and we were wondering if you'd like to join us. It'd be fun." The blonde offered.

You hesitated for a few moments, thinking over an answer. It would be nice to go out and party, considering how you've been trapped in your house for what felt like forever. But, then again, you'd have to see some of the intolerable people you go to school with.

"C'mon, please?" Naruto begged, giving you puppy dog eyes, and god, you couldn't say no to him.

"Alright alright, fine. Just let me get ready." You changed out from your school uniform and into a flowy (f/c) tank top and jeans, along with some sneakers. And you were ready to go.


The party was filled with other teenagers, some you knew, some you didn't. There were so many people, you just kept close to Naruto and Sasuke. Your safety. Your comfort. Your home.

"Hey, Sasuke, welcome! Naruto, (y/n)." Ino spoke less enthusiastically as she said your name. She turned away, letting you all in.

"You didn't tell me this was Ino's party." You muttered to the boys. "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is she hates my guts and the last time I interacted with her, she broke into my locker and stole my sketchbook." You gritted your teeth, feeling your body tensing up.

"We just want you to have fun. C'mon, just ignore them and hang with us. We missed you, y'know!" Naruto told you. And reluctantly, you decided to stay.


"I can't believe she's here right now. The nerve, god, she wasn't even invited!" Ino hissed to Sakura, watching as you stuck with Sasuke and Naruto.

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