18. Sleepover

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It had been two weeks since you were last in school. After what happened with Sai, your father freaked out even more and decided to keep you at home where he knew you were safe. Your mental state was very fragile after what you went through in such a short period of time, so it was probably the best that you stayed home.

Still, you texted Naruto and Sasuke as much as you could, as well as Kiba. They seemed to be the only three people you could trust right now.

After that night, you and Kiba grew much closer. He beat Sai up pretty brutally and comforted you when you cried. He even let you snuggle with Akamaru.

While staying at home seemed fun at first, you grew bored of it. You missed being with Naruto and Sasuke, and you missed school, which was something you thought was impossible.

But after some convincing, you managed to have your Dad let Naruto sleepover. It would be nice having some company after being alone for so long.

You hadn't really talked to anyone, not even Temari to tell her what happened. You knew if you did, she would freak out, and that was one problem you didn't want to deal with right now. But a part of you wondered, that if she was here, maybe this mess wouldn't have happened in the first place. Then again, you probably wouldn't have been able to see Naruto and Sasuke either.

Tying your hair up, you looked out the window, searching for any sign of Naruto or his car. You paced around your room briefly, running your fingers over the bedpost. With all your free time, you managed to clean your room and organize everything, catch up on all your work and shows, even starting some new ones.

After a good ten minutes, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" You called, racing down the stairs excitedly.

And there the Uzumaki stood. Never had you thought you would be so excited to see him. Opening the door, you threw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. "I missed you so much."

He hugged you back, even tighter, making it so you couldn't breathe. "I missed you more."

"Nar-uto-" You said between strangled breaths, grabbing at his back in an attempt to get him to stop.

"Oh, sorry (y/n)! I just haven't seen you in like forever, and I wanted to show you how much I missed you." He rubbed the back of his head, smiling brightly. He was so sweet. A little too sweet at times, but you loved him all the same.


"So I told Sasuke that B can't be the answer. it just doesn't make sense!" Naruto continued, while you listened along. For the past hour or so, he had been catching you up on everything you missed. Some of it was boring, some of it wasn't, but you still listened to the whole thing.

"Mhm." You mumbled, playing with your hair.

Naruto noticed how distracted you were, studying the look on your face. "Something wrong, (y/n)?"

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing. I just- I sorta, kinda, miss Sasuke." You admitted coyly, making Naruto frowned.

"What happened to missing me?" The whiskered boy asked, pouting and puffing out his cheeks.

"Oh don't be like that Naruto. I missed you too. You know that. But you text me a lot more than Sasuke does, and I'm getting to see you today. I haven't been able to talk to Sasuke in a while and..." You trailed off, realizing what you were saying. It was embarrassingly obvious that you had developed some sort of crush on him. God, since when did you get so sappy?

It started sort of small, but now that you've gotten more time to think, you realized what you were feeling. You probably liked Naruto too, but he was much easier to talk with.

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