3. Obstacles

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It was just another typical Friday morning you spent walking down the hall with Naruto and Sasuke. You sighed to yourself, smiling at the blonde who stood at your side. Maybe, just maybe, you could get used to this.

But right when you thought that a heard of girls came running in, trampling Naruto and crowding Sasuke.

Or maybe not.

"Watch where you're going!" You shouted at them angrily, pulling Naruto out from the mob. All you got back were some glares and cursing.

You helped Naruto to his feet, grasping his chin and checking him for any serious injuries like a worried mother would. "You okay?"

Your touch felt like fire against Naruto's skin, making his cheeks heat up. He enjoyed the feeling of your eyes roaming all over his body, knowing that only he had your attention. He should get hurt a lot more often.

"No, it hurts so much," Naruto whined, pouting like a baby. You laughed, pushing the taller male away. "You're fine."


Sakura was not happy. Not at all.

She let out a huff of frustration, watching jealously as you joked around with Naruto, the Uchiha she so desperately wanted to call her lover tagging along.

It wasn't fair that you could just come in and steal a relationship she had been working on for years. It wasn't fair that Sasuke and Naruto liked you more even though they barely knew you. It wasn't fair that Sakura had fought other girls, even getting in fistfights just to get Sasuke's attention. It wasn't fair that Sasuke looked at you and saw you and noticed you. Why did he keep looking at you like that?

Couldn't he see that you were just some nobody wanting his attention since you didn't have anything better to do with your life? It was so stupid. How could they be so blind? Sakura just had to do something about it.

So she did. She did something she didn't want to do.

"Well well well, if it isn't Little Miss Forehead." Ino greeted smugly as she leaned against the bleachers with a group of girls surrounding her.

The two were childhood friends until they both realized they were in love with Sasuke. Ever since then, the two have been competitors, going at one another and occasionally coming together when they needed to destroy someone in both of their ways. And one of those occasions was right now.

"Shut it Ino Pig!" Sakura fired back at her, arms crossed as she continued over to the taller blonde girl. "So I'm sure you heard about that new girl."

"Yeah, isn't it your job to deal with her? She did steal your friend group, after all." Ino said as she blew a bubble with her gum. While Sakura normally hung out with Naruto and Sasuke, after successfully winning them over, Ino had her own group of Sasuke loving minions to do her bidding.

"It's complicated. She isn't responding to my scare tactics as most girls do." Sakura muttered shamefully.

"Probably because you're scrawny and built like a door," Ino remarked, gaining a few laughs from her mind-controlled companions.

"Shut the fuck up. At least I'm not built like some pig, fatass." Sakura seethed. And before the two could go for each other's throats, one of the girls pointed Sasuke out. "Look, over there! He's walking on the track with Naruto and that girl."

The two frenemies sighed, looking at one another, and deciding to drop the argument for now. "Okay, so here's the deal. Since you can't handle this hoe by yourself, I'll help deal with her now. First, we'll just scare the shit out of her, ruin her self esteem, and boom. She's done. Wanting to leave Sasuke be and go crying back to her mommy with her tail between her legs. Got it?"

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