42. Clean Up

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"This is bullshit, why can't Sasuke just clean up his own mess for once?" Suigetsu whined, slumping back into his seat. It was late at night, and he had to wake up to do this stupid job.

While the others might have been more willing to drop everything for Sasuke, Suigetsu valued his beauty sleep, and it's a pain to be woken up just to deal with some stupid bodies. "Because Sasuke's busy! He's responsible and has his duties to take care of."

Karin chimed in, immediately jumping to Sasuke's defense, like always. It was ridiculous, she's in love with the guy and willing to do anything for him, even when he doesn't spare her a second glance.

"Do you even know why he's killing these people?" Suigetsu asked, and Jugo gave him a warning look, shutting him up. "No, but I'm sure he d0es it for a good reason."

The truth was that both Jugo and Suigetsu knew. It was for a girl. Sasuke's girl. He made them promise not to tell Karin, which makes sense. She'd go ballistic if she knew. She was psycho for Sasuke like all those other girls were.

Suigetsu was a rather lazy guy, and he doubt he would kill anybody for anyone, but he could see the appeal you had. He and Jugo did spend some time stalking you at first, to get some information for Sasuke, and honestly, he thought you were pretty hot.

If it weren't for the fact he was sworn to secrecy and his affiliation with Sasuke, he'd definitely flirt with you. Ask you out, take you out on a couple of dates, fuck you good. He grinned to himself at the idea. Yeah, that'd be nice.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Karin snapped, smacking Suigetsu in the back of his head and distracting him from his little fantasy.

"Ow...What? What did you just say? No, wait lemme guess. Sasuke's perfect and you'd do anything to him." He mimicked her in a nasally tone, further enraging the red-haired girl.

"Shut up, you ass!" She turned around from her spot in the passenger's seat, lunging at him and hitting him.

"That's enough you two! It's too early for this. Behave yourselves." Jugo pulled Karin back, making her sit back in her seat. She grumbled something under her breath, and Suigetsu just scoffed, continuing to gaze out the window at the landscapes around him.


When they arrived at the warehouse, they saw that Sasuke wasn't there. He normally wasn't considering how he had to deal with other things, but he would usually text directions or something.

"Guys, look here." Karin pulled a paper out from under the mat. One that gave a detailed description of how to deal with the bodies. This was much more different than the ones before, much more careful. Karin couldn't help but wonder who it was.

Unlocking the padlock, Jugo pushed open the doors. It was pitch black inside, nothing illuminating the area except for the moon. Reaching up on his tiptoes, he pulled the switch to the light, clicking it on, revealing the two bodies lying there.

"Shit." Suigetsu muttered, recognizing the girls. From what Sasuke had told them, he had known the girls for a long time. And he killed them? They must've really fucked up.

"Ha! That's what those dumb whores get. Fucking sluts. They deserved it." Karin remarked, laughing to herself.

"Stop it, Karin. Show some respect for the dead before you judge them." Jugo scolded her, making her go quiet. After a small moment of silence to respect them, the three got to work, handling the bodies.


The sound of a phone going off woke Sasuke from his slumber, making him sleepily pick it up. Sunlight slipped through the cracks of the blinds, shining into Sasuke's eyes. He picked up the phone, reading the text. "It's done."

"Mm, they did? That's good." Naruto mumbled tiredly, snuggling back against Sasuke. The raven-haired male moved away from him, getting off the bed, and starting to get dressed.

Naruto sighed, sitting up and watching him get ready. He always did this. He was always in such a hurry to leave. Naruto sat up in his bed, running a hand through his blonde matted hair.

"Sasuke, wait. What am I to you? Am I just your best friend that you fuck from time to time? I might believe once, twice even, but three times isn't a mistake." He remarked, making Sasuke pause.

"None of it was a mistake, Naruto. I meant what I said last night. I love you. And we'll talk it out with (y/n), but I want to be with you. I always have. I think I was just..scared, considering how old-fashioned my family is, and I was scared of my feelings."

Sasuke crawled over to him, kissing him gently. He moved his face down his neck, kissing his throat and making Naruto shudder slightly. The blonde let out a small giggle, squirming under him.

"Stop, stop, that tickles!" He exclaimed, and Sasuke pulled away, smiling at him, feeling Naruto hardening against him.

He began to slowly make his way down Naruto's nude body, kissing all over him, before getting stopped. "Wait, what was it like? Having sex with (y/n)?"

"Amazing. Seeing her naked for the first time was...something else, and the way she felt...fuck it was so good." Sasuke muttered, reminiscing on how well you took him, almost still feeling your tight walls around him now.

"It's not fair, she trusted me more. I should've been her first." Naruto pouted, crossing his arms and sitting back. "Well, you were her first kiss."

"Yeah, but you got the first date! It totally wasn't fair." He whined, and Sasuke rolled his eyes. "And what happened on your date?"

"She gave me a handjob.." Naruto admitted. To be honest, he was fine with Sasuke taking your first. He loved Sasuke, after all, and it was much better than it was him, rather than anyone else.

  With a smirk, Sasuke continued what he was doing, pleasing his new boyfriend.



Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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