45. Deserved

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Lately, Naruto and Sasuke have been very affectionate. Buying you things, making meals for you, taking you out on nice dates. It was like they were spoiling you, and you had no idea why.

You tried to tell them that they didn't have to do these things for you, and it wasn't necessary, but they insisted. So, you begrudgingly let them. And the next thing you knew, they were taking you out to a very expensive restaurant.

"Holy shit this place is nice." You muttered, feeling out of place as you fiddled with the hem of your dress. You were definitely way too underdressed for this.

"Do you like it? Sasuke picked it out. Of course, he and his Richie rich family could afford it." Naruto said with a little amused scoff, wrapping an arm around you.

The Uchiha in question told him to shut his mouth and led you over to your table. After ordering, you all waited for your meal. "Are you guys going to at least let me pay this time?"

"Let you pay? At a place like this? No way." Sasuke shook his head, causing you to sigh and slump back in your seat.

"We just want you to enjoy yourself, cutie! Have a nice time, and not worry about anything like money, y'know." Naruto grabbed your shoulder, shaking you slightly.

"I know, I know. Why are you guys being so nice to me anyway? It's kinda weirding me out." You admitted.

"Because you deserve it. We're just giving you what you deserve." Sasuke replied, surprising you. The comment managed to make your face flush slightly, and you couldn't help but smile.

They were being sweet, and maybe you should let yourself enjoy this and get spoiled for a while.


Your date was fun while it lasted, and the next thing you knew, you were being driven back to Sasuke's for a sleepover. His parents weren't going to be home, so it would just be the three of you, all alone.

It was the first time you were on the Uchiha residence with it being unattended, besides the housekeepers and such. It was strange, to see such a big and spacious residence now empty, with barely any life. But it was also kind of pretty,  in a weird way.

Naruto and Sasuke seemed impatient as they ushered you over to the bedroom, practically manhandling you, and all you could feel was their hands and kisses, Naruto peppering them all over you, while Sasuke's were more soft and sweet.

Once you reached Sasuke's bed, they laid you down and were all over you, Sasuke kissing you, while Naruto pressed kisses down your neck and collar bone. The blonde tugged at your dress impatiently, attempting to get it off of you.

"So this is why you guys were being so nice to me, huh?" You hummed with a grin, feeling your body grow warm from all the attention it was getting.

"What? No! (Y/n), we weren't trying to- That's not-"

"I know, I know. I'm just teasing." You giggled, laying back in complete bliss, ignoring Naruto's pouring. "That wasn't funny."

"It was a little funny." But before you could continue your argument with Naruto, Sasuke kissed you, pulling your dress off of you.

"Since you two are taking too long, I'll just get things going myself." You rolled your eyes at him, letting him undress you carefully, treating you as if you were some sort of glass doll.

Naruto began to strip himself as well, pulling off his shirt and pants, in a much more impatient manner than Sasuke. While you lay naked beneath them, Sasuke hadn't done as much as taken his tie off.

"Sasuke, take your clothes off. That's not fair." Naruto whined, speaking up for you. With a little scoff, Sasuke pulled his shirt off, pressing kisses to your lingerie-clad body, going lower, while Naruto went higher.

Naruto kissed you on your lips, on your cheeks, and down your neck, and Sasuke kissed your lower abdomen, down to between your thighs, and then right next to your aching core. Slowly, he slid your panties down your legs, revealing the pooling you were experiencing between your legs.

"God damn." He murmured, making your face warm, while Naruto pulled away from you to see. He smirked at the sight before continuing to kiss down your neck. "She's so wet for us."

Naruto managed to pull your bra off, gently groping your chest, and pinching your nipple while Sasuke began to rub your clit and slip a finger inside. You jolted slightly in sensitivity, causing both boys to hold you down.

"W-wait guys! You don't have to-" Naruto shifted and wrapped his mouth around your nipple, while Sasuke continued to pump inside you, slipping in another finger.

"Just lay back and let us do this for you," Sasuke told you before licking your clit, making you moan and writhe beneath the two boys.

"Fuck." You moaned, laying back and resting your head against the pillow, letting yourself enjoy this.

You watched as Naruto switched breasts, groaning as he grinded against the mattress. "Here, Naruto- let me-"

Nodding, he shifted himself over, letting you wrap your hand around his length and begin to pump. Your movements began to go faster as Sasuke began to went faster, curling his fingers against that spongy spot and making you see stars.

Letting out a gasp, you let go of Naruto, grabbing his hand instead as you climaxed on Sasuke's fingers and tongue. He slowed his pumping, working you down from your high, before pulling his fingers out of you.

Sasuke sucked on his fingers, before pressing them into Naruto's mouth. After a moment or two, he pulled away, replacing his fingers with his mouth instead.

Panting softly, you watched as the two men kissed, feeling the arousal still burning brightly inside you. "Turn around."

You faced away from Sasuke, and back towards Naruto, eyeing his throbbing member, which was pulsating with a bit of precum. Leaning down, you moved your mouth back on him, while Sasuke slid himself inside.

His thrusts were a little rough, but pleasant as he grabbed at your hips and ass, using them to keep his weight. Naruto groaned as you took him down your throat.

"Shit, that's so good, (y/n)." He groaned, running his fingers through your hair, gripping it tightly. You moaned around his length as Sasuke began to smack your ass, going harder and faster.

"She's so good for us. Such a good fucking girl." Sasuke said, leaning down and rubbing at your clit, as he hit that perfect spot over and over, driving you insane.

You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, as your body convulsed as you came, while Naruto released down your throat. Sasuke kept on going, groaning and grabbing you tightly as he reached his own peak.

With a sigh, you fell back on the bed, Sasuke falling down behind you. Panting softly, you managed to catch your breath. "That was great."

"Who's going to shower first?" Sasuke asked, to which you volunteered. "I'll go with you!"

Naruto said, before Sasuke stopped him. You smirked, watching your bickering lovers, a feeling of happiness setting in your heart. You wouldn't have it any other way.

(A/N: Well, that happened...

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