{Chapter 53}

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Please note, this chapter is longer than usual. Over 2000+ words. Thank you :)

  Please note as well, the words are not exactly the same cause i dont write like that. I hate copying lines exactly. Thank you for understanding.


•Ozul's POV•

As we are all standing in a abandoned warehouse waiting for someone, I start thinking about our biggest plan to get rid of our daughter.

"Do you really think this guy is all that tough?" Toga asks.

"I dont even understand. How can this guy help us with this kidnapping?" Dabi asks and everyone looks at me.

"Cause this guy's quirk is her ultimate weakness." I say thinking back to the quirk.

Good luck Y/n getting your precious Boyfriend back.

Y/n's POV

Who knew being in Class 1A would cause so much stress on someone. Especially during School Festival and Red Carept season, but first. We gotta pass this Provisional Hero Licenses Test, so thats what im doing walking hand in hand with Shoto to the entrance so we can finally take this test, My dad is on a mission as well as some of my friends, but I do know that my Uncle will be there cheering us on.

"My love, are you okay?" I shake away my thoughts and see that Shoto is looking at me with concern.

"Yeah, i just have a feeling that something bad is about to happen soon, you know?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow but then smiles and shakes his head.

"Its okay Y/n, everything will be okay." He says. I just nod as we continue walking, until I hear a voice I didnt want to hear today.

"SHOTOOOO!" Endeavor yells but i just roll my eyes.

"ENDEAVORRRR!" I yell back in a mocking tone.

"PRESENT MICCCC!" Uncle Yamada yells making me crack a smile and let go of Shoto's hand so I can run to uncle Yamada and hug him tightly making him so shocked but he immediately hugs me back.

"Dad still isnt coming huh.." I ask and he slowly shakes his head.

"He's making sure Midoriya doesnt go crazy." He says and I just nod.

"Aizawa." Endeavor says to me and i just look at Shoto and he has an annoyed expression.

"I hope to see you both pass." He says in a boastful way making me role my eyes.

"And I hope you become a better father but i guess mine wont happen anytime soon." I say making bakugo hold in a laugh as I walk away on the bus with Shoto holding my hand.

"Get your niece under control mic." Endeavor spats at Present Mic.

"Its Daughter." Uncle Yamada mumbles as Endeavor leaves making Him and Bakugo get on the bus.


Once we got to the testing area, my nerves started acting up as soon as we got off the bus.

"Lets get this fucking done." Bakugo says as he walks off the bus and into the testing area, I then feel a hand slip into mine and giving it a tight squeeze.

"You ready?" He asks and I just nod as we head in the building with our hero cases in hand.

Lets kick some ass.

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