{Chapter 7- The truth}

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  Here you are, sitting In Todoroki's bedroom on his bed about to tell him everything about your past, so that he doesn't hear it from his father.

  "I was born on August 19th, I had two parents. I don't know there names only what they call themselves. My mother, Ozul and my father Argo." You say and look at Todoroki and he nods so you can keep going.

  "I didn't have a normal 6 years of my life, I ate only one meal a day. Which consisted of my there leftovers, I barely had baths or clothes. I didn't have diapers, I had paper towels wrapped around me with tape. I played with empty whiskey bottles." You say and take a deep breath.

  "But they didn't love me, I was a accident. I wasn't suppose to be born, they tryed anything to kill me in the womb. But I always survived it, but when I turned 4. I didn't manifest my quirks. That's why they dumped me when I was only 6. They didn't care if I died. So they took me to a park and I ran towards the swings and when I turned around to ask them to push me. They were gone." You say and Todoroki grabs your hand and holds it to calm you down and wipes your tears that you didn't know you had.

  "I looked for them for an hour until I sat on the bench crying, I looked at the shadows hoping that my mother would come out and hug me. But that never happened, that was until a pro hero came to me." You say and look at Todoroki

  "Who was the pro hero?" He asks and you sigh.

  "My adopted father. Shōta Aizawa, aka Eraserhead." You say and he widens his eyes.

"Your dad is aizawa?!" He yells and you flinch and he notices and calms down.

"Sorry, anyway you can continue." He says and you nod.

"I told him that my parents left me and told him there villain names. Then he took me to Hizashi Yamada aka present mic, which is my uncle." You say and he stays silent.

"So I spent the night at Present mics house until Aizawa came back in the morning with new clothes and shoes. He then took me to UA, where I meet all the teachers and they asked me a lot of questions and asked if I manifested my quirk which I didn't. So they took me to Recovery girl so she can do tests and it came back positive for quirks. She explained to aizawa that they will be very powerful and that I should be adopted by a pro hero so they can help me control it. So he stood up to the plate because we already bonded during those 24 hours so he adopted me." You say with tears in your eyes, and he wipes them away again and gives you a small smile.

"It's okay, I'm sorry you had to go through that (L/n).." Todoroki says

"(Y/n). You can call me (y/n)." You say and he nods.

"Thank you for listening and not getting mad Todoroki." You say and give him a small smile.

"Shoto. If I can call you (y/n) then you can call me shoto." He says and you nod.

"But promise me you won't tell anyone about this. If they found out I'm the daughter of two villains. All hell would break loss." You say.

"I promise your secret is safe with me (y/n)." He says and you give him a hug and he was surprised to see you doing this, but shoto hugged back and smiled to himself.

"(Y/n)! Shoto! Dinner!" Fuyumi yells and you guys break apart and your both a blushing mess.

"Could I have a shirt to borrow. The only other shirt is my school shirt." You ask and he nods and grabs a light blue shirt and you put it on and it's really big but comfy, and you both go downstairs and to the dining room and sit down. You see endeavor is at the head table staring at you and you see the guy that was watching you and shoto train.

"You must be (y/n). My name is Natsuo Todoroki, I'm shotos older brother" you nod and you eat the soba that Fuyumi made.

"This is very delicious Fuyumi, thank you for cooking." You say.

"Aw thank you (y/n)." She says and the rest of dinner was very quiet. Until endeavor spoke.

"So (L/n). How did you get in UA?" He asks.

"Recommendation." You say and he nods, once dinner was over you go towards your bag.

"Same time again shoto?" You ask.

"Yes of course." He says and leads you to the door and you grab your school shoes from the front door and you wave goodbye and he waves back. You start heading to uncle Yamada house feeling very happy not realizing you still have shotos shirt on.

Once you get to his house and unlock the door you go to the couch and flop on it not noticing uncle Yamada in the kitchen.

"Hey little demon! How was training with Todoroki?" He asks and you smile.

"It was good, I think I found a good training partner. We're gonna be training until the sports festival." You say and you see him smirk.

"That's good to hear. Anyway, dinner is almost done." He says

"Sorry Fuyumi made dinner there and asked if I could stay and eat." You say and he nods.

"Understandable but I do have a question?" Uncle Yamada asks and you raise an eyebrow.

"Who's shirt is that's?" He asks and you look down seeing that your were still wearing shotos shirt and you blush so much.

"It's shotos..." you say and he raises an eyebrow.

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT! I forgot a shirt and I didn't want to wear my school shirt when I was all sweaty!" You yell and he nods you nod still blushing a lot and go upstairs to get a shower and do homework. Until your phone buzzed. Seeing it's Kaminari's daily memes, you of course look at it and chuckle lightly. Then text him the laughing emoji and turn your phone off and put it on the charger so you can go to bed. Feeling very happy for some reason.


  Hello everyone,

  I hope you guys liked this chapter! Anyways could you beautiful people punch that vote button in the face! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! bye Bye!


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