{Chapter 50}

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Author-Chan: I look pretty good for a dead bitch.

Shoto: Shes alive. *claps*

-Sorry it has taken SO long to update, but I am extremely sorry! Anyways. I hope you guys like it and I will see yall at the end!!-

It has been exactly two days since me and Shoto had to go through demonic mating season and this whole time, I've been getting my quirks to go back to normal cause they became very weak cause during the mating season, they basically disappeared all together.

But during training I also had to go to get ready to finally go to Provisional hero licenses with Bakugo and Shoto, and let's just say that. Its has been alot to handle, Especially since bakugo WONT shut up. No matter what I say!

"DEMON BITCH, Let's go we gotta go to the fucking lessons!" Bakugo yells as I step into the common room and I groan but shoto comes to me with hot tea and kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear.

"Sorry I wasnt with you when you woke up my love, had to deal with my father." He says and I smile and I kiss his nose making him smile.

"Where are the others?" I ask

"In class, but we have to hurry baby. Before your father gets pissed for us being late." Shoto says and I nod as I chug down the tea. Having a hellfire quirk really helps when drinking and eating really hot drinks and foods. I then grab my Hero case when Shoto wraps his arm around my waist and all three of us walk out of the dorms, while listening to bakugo rant and grumble the whole time.

"I still cant believe I have to do these fucking lessons." Bakugo says

"We really need to catch up." Shoto says.

"I KNOW!" Bakugo yells and I just chuckle cause Shoto loves getting under Bakugos Skin.

"My dad says that there will be a reporter coming to the school tomorrow." I say making shoto and Bakugo look at me.

"Why is that?" Shoto asks.

"Maybe to see into the life of a UA student, I dont really know." I say as i notice Bakugo is looking at his phone grumbling as he put it away.

"Ejiro wanted me to fucking ask you both if you wanted to go a stupid fucking triple date with us." Bakugo mumbles making me look at shoto and he shrug his shoulders.

"When?" I ask


"Who's the other couple?" Shoto asks

"Fucking Deku and round cheeks." Bakugo says and I look up at shoto and he just looks at me.

"Uh, yeah sure I guess. At least I wont be the only girl." I say making bakugo mumble under his breath.

"THERE YOU GUYS ARE! YALL TOOK FOREVER!" A voice yells making us three jump.

"Oh hello Uncle Yamada." I say with a smile.

"HEY LITTLE DEMON!" Yells with enthusiasm making me blush and uncle yamada gives a big smile to Shoto.

  "HOWS MY FAVORITE NEPHEW IN LAW DOING TODAY!" Uncle yamada yells as he speaks to Shoto.

"I'm doing okay Sir." Shoto says and then he focuses his attention on me.

"Your uncle is very, Loud in the morning." Shoto says in my ear while blushing.

"Yeah, you get used to it." I say and I look around and not see my dad.

"Wheres dad?" I ask

"He had a last minute meeting with Nezu about the upcoming event. Anyways guys! Let's head to this lesson!" Uncle yamada yells and we all get on the bus, and my mind starts wandering to what even uncle Yamada was talking about.

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