{Chapter 1}

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  Your life Has changed for the best, your dad Shota Aizawa aka pro hero Eraserhead has shown you kindness, manners, feed you three meals, gave you clothes, when You were little You had toys. But your favorite was a Black teddy bear with a part of dads ripped up a scarf that You put it round the teddy bears neck, when You went over to Uncle Yamada's house You would snuggle it so much, You took it everywhere and You still have it. But we have made so many memories, especially during training and when dad and uncle Yamada learning on how to do a girl's hair like braiding and all that stuff. But once You got your quirk, dad taught you self defense and how to control your quirks. When you first got your quirks was a very interesting day.

*Age 9*

  You were sitting in ELMN 3 when a boy named Bakugo was bullying another kid named Midoriya because he was quirkless, just because he didn't have a quirk he still stood up for other kids and that's why you too were good friends. You were already angry because other kids were calling you quirkless, but you knew you had a quirk. It just hasn't come out yet. But once Bakugo had little explosions come out of his hands and was gonna attack Midoriya, you had enough. Everything was going slow motion but you appeared in front of Midoriya and out of instinct your hand was covered in flames and you said a name. Cerberus, that's when a three-headed dog came out of the ground and started growling at bakugo and his eyes widen in fear.

"I would leave Midoriya alone or Cerberus will attack..." You say with no emotion, and bakugo makes bigger explosions and was about to attack when you heard teachers yelling your name and bakugos as well, you then turn and see the teacher running over and you look back seeing Cerberus has disappeared and your flames were gone.


"He was bullying Midoriya... I did what was right at that moment." You say with no emotion and you look at Midoriya seeing him have the biggest smile and grabbing his quirk book.

"COME WITH ME SO I CAN CALL YOUR FATHER!" Mrs. Miku yells some more and grabs your arm and you wave goodbye to Midoriya and go to the principal's office where they called your dad Aizawa.


That's when the training began, you learned about so much about your quirks, you then decided to call your quirk Lucifer, it fits with everything. Your dad was proud of you and your quirks and got you into the hero course at UA. Where you'll be in class 1A. They were already a week in the course but because you were going through personal reasons you were a week late, and that's where you were at. Outside of UA. The place that you grew up and trained in. The place where all your family was, dad told you at a young age to not tell anyone that he was your kid because then they would ask what happened and he didn't want people knowing about your parents at all. They were still out there killing people, you hated your bio parents, and becoming a hero was a big screw you to them and you vowed to bring them in and defeat them yourself. So your journey begins, you standing in front of class 1-A's entrance. You then go inside and see that people were talking amongst themselves and once they realize you were standing in the entrance. A tall blue-haired guy doing a weird motion with his hand approached you.

"Welcome to Class 1A. My name is Tenya Iida. Class representative, may I ask why you are here?" Iida asks still doing the motion.

"I'm in this class Iida." You say and everyone gasps, well everyone except one. A dual haired guy with Heterochromia grey and blue eyes with a scar on his left eye. He was very handsome, but you weren't here for relationships.

"Settle down class, sit down and our new kid can come up and introduce herself," Dad says walking in with his yellow sleeping bag in hand. You go up to the front as everyone sits down.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I was supposed to come to UA with you guys but because of personal reasons I came late." You say and you see two guys one with green hair and another with blonde spiky looking at me with widened eyes. Midoriya and bakugo...

  "Any questions," Aizawa asks and everybody starts yelling out questions and you look at dad and he sighs and goes in his sleeping bag and you roll your eyes and you look back at the class, and Iida stands up again.

  "Everyone settle down! One at a time!" Iida yells and everyone shuts up and a girl that sits behind Iida talks.

  "Hi my name is Ochaco Uraraka, I just wanted to ask what your quirk is!" She asks very excitedly and I look at the two childhood boys and smirk at bakugo because he has raged in his eyes.

  "I have a lot of quirks. To sum it up, it's called Lucifer." You say and everyone asks more questions and you answer them until dad tells you where to sit, Right next to Todoroki, the dual haired guy.

"Now let's go. We're doing a quirk assessment for (y/n). Here (y/n) go get changed in the locker room, we'll be waiting at site B. You know where it is." Aizawa says while handing you a gym uniform and you nod and walk to the locker room to get changed as the other students go to site B. You look at the uniform and smile knowing this is the next step on becoming a pro hero.



I really hope you liked this chapter cause I really enjoyed making this. Anyway guys punch that vote button in the face! I hope you guys have a great day! I love you all and I will see y'all later! Bye-bye!


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