{Chapter 11- UA Sports Festival part 4}

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A/n: I'm just gonna start using I and me, but it will still be a readers Pov, it's just getting very difficult to use you and stuff. Thank you for understanding. 😊

  I run into Shoto as he was walking back with two water bottles.

  "Sorry the one that was the closet wasn't working, sorry for making you wait." Shoto says and gives me a small smile as he hands me a water bottle.

  "Sorry, your piece of shit father was talking to me, so I left." I say and he widens his eyes.

  "No worries, I put him in his place. But I'm gonna watch the fight. You coming?" I ask.

  "No, I'm gonna go and think of a strategy." He says and I nod and walk to the viewing area where everyone was matching the midoriya vs Shinso fight. I then sit in the back making sure no one notices me, the fight was very weird, he was hypnotized but got out of the trance by hurting his finger. Then after midoriya got fixed up it was time for shoto and Sero's fight, I look around and see Uraraka and Iida run to to the entrance and see that midoriya came in. But I didn't look at anyone, I was still pissed off about the conversation with Endeavour. I was trying to meditate to calm down but everyone was screaming out jokes being teenagers, I just wanted peace and quiet. I was about to head down to a room but when shoto sent a HUGE ice spike towards Sero but because of ending the fight so quickly, I had to go do the fight against Kaminari. I then walk down but notice that shoto and endeavor arguing, and I hide behind a pillar.

"You will surpass all might and get rid of that villain girl!" Endeavor yells.

"She's not a villain and I'm not getting rid of her." Shoto says.

"Anyway. That's none of your business father. I need to go." Shoto says and leaves Endeavour to do what ever, but I wait until endeavor leaves and go to the entrance of the fight to wait to hear my name be called by uncle Yamada.

"AND NOW WE HAVE OUR CLASS 1A DEMON (Y/N) (L/N)!" Uncle Yamada yells and I come out and wave at all the people cheering.

"AND UP AGAINST HER IS THE ELECTRIC QUIRK HOLDER DENKI KAMINARI!" He yells as well and Kaminari comes out as well and goes to the stage and we meet.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you (Y/n)." Kaminari says and I chuckle.

"I'm sorry as well." I say and midnight yells go and Kaminari sends a wave of electricity towards me but i shadow travel so now I'm behind him but he instantly turns around and try's to send another wave but i block it with my fire making a small explosion.

  "Shit. I can't use my fire..." I say to myself and I then smirk and focus all my energy and go in the mind of Kaminari.

  "Possession." I say and i make him stand still and then send a wave of fire to make him go out bounds.

  "KAMINARI IS OUT OF BOUNDS! (Y/N) MOVES FORWARD!" Midnight yells and I let Kaminari have his mind back and I help him up.

  "Your lucky I didn't use all of my energy on you." I say and walk away towards a empty to finally get some fucking peace.

I finally get a empty room and close it so I can begin meditating, i was finally relaxing and in a deep state of mind not realizing that class 1A came looking for me because they never saw my possession in action before. Mineta was about to tap my shoulder but someone grabs him by the shoulder making him stop. He looks up to see Todoroki holding his shoulder.

"As you can all see, she is meditating. She is in a deep state of mind and disturbing her will cause chaos, so I would recommend for all of you to leave." Shoto says and they all nod and leave even shoto.

After a good meditation session i went up to see who I'm now up against in the semi finals. Seeing it's Iida, i might have to use hellhound form or use some fire attacks, I definitely was not gonna use my demonic form at all unless necessary. But if I win and Shoto wins, i might have to use my demonic form, but I really don't wanna hurt him. it's to difficult to think about so i head to the room that shoto is in and you walk in.

"Hey I wanted to say good luck." I say and he gives a small smile.

"Thank you (Y/n). I should probably head there now. And if I don't see you before your fight, good luck as well I'll be rooting for you to win." He says and you both walk out but head in two separate ways.


After the very epic and eye opening battle for shoto that he FINALLY used his fire, and boy it was gorgeous, I couldn't stop looking at the fire. It was like pulling me towards but then midoriya was knocked out leaving shoto to go in the next round. Then it was my turn, up against Tenya Iida, with his engine quirk. I walk down to the entrance and wait for my name to be called.

  "NEXT WE HAVE OUR ONE AND ONLY (Y/N) (L/N)!" Mic yells and I come out again and I look up and I see shoto looking down at me and I wave at him and he waves back.

  "VERUSES THE CLASS 1 A REP TENYA IIDA!" Mic yells as well and Iida comes out as well and he gets in fighting stance but I stand there and smile.

  "Good luck Iida." I say and he looks shock at my sudden mood change.

  "Good luck to you (L/n)." He says and midnight then yells go, then Iida uses his engine quirk to try go behind me to push me out but he forgets I'm faster. I then use my speed and go to the other side of the area and smirk at him. I know his fighting style is close hand to hand combat, but he wasn't showing it to me at all. Good thing i can also use both, I then send a huge fire wave creating a after smoke effect so then give him a surprise attack and kick him in the stomach sending him flying out of the battle area.

  "IIDA IS OUT OF BOUNDS! (L/N) MOVES ON TO THE NEXT ROUND!" Mic yells and I go over to Iida and I help him up.

  "Sorry if I hurt you in anyway. It was a good fight." I say and give him a small smile.

  "Thank you for the opportunity on how to improve myself (L/n)!" Iida yells and does his arm movements and we both walk out and towards the viewing area with the rest of our class. Every since I've been training with shoto and talking Uraraka, my shell has been slightly opening, causing me to talk to more people like midoriya and Iida. I also talked to the other girls but i talk the most with shoto, and I love every second of it.


  Hello my fellow readers!

  I really hope you like me using I and me instead of you, cause I was starting to get confused a lot. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I love you all for taking your time for reading this book! Anyway could you please punch the vote button in the face! I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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