{Chapter 22}

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  After school finally ended, shoto and me went to recovery girls lab where she can take blood tests on me. When I walk in I already see dad and uncle Yamada talking to Recovery girl.

"Finally you can join us (Y/n). Todoroki you can go." Dad says.

"He's with me cause I want him to be here to hold my hand, you know how I am with needles." I say and uncle Yamada nods in agreement.

"Well I'm glad you can join us Todoroki!" Uncle Yamada says loudly.

"Thank you for coming here Todoroki." Dad says and he bows.

"Your welcome sir." Shoto says very formally.

"Now let's get this done." Dad says and Recovery girl starts whipping my arm with an alcohol wipe and prepping the needle and I look at shoto and he walks towards me and holds my hand.

  "I'm here." He says and smile at him and I look at Recovery girl and i start shaking and trying to leave but shoto stops me and makes me look at him.

  "It's okay (y/n)." Shoto says trying to get me to stop shaking and I nod at him and he smiles and I don't even feel the needle go in and drawing blood. Then when she gets enough she removes the needle and puts the bandaid on the puncture wound from the needle. She then takes the blood and starts running tests on it.

After half an hour pasts then computer dings causing us to look up from our phones and or conversation.

"Well?" Dad asks Recovery girl.

"Her blood....it's O." Recovery says

"But that doesn't explain why stains quirk didn't work on me." I say and she puts her hand up so she can keep talking.

"There's also another blood type in her. I think it has something to do with her demonic side of her. I believe she has some sort of demonic blood in her, so she could take form of her demonic side. I also believe that is how she can control that demonic dog as well." Recovery girl says making my mouth agape.

"So your telling us, that my daughter is half demon?" Dad says and Recovery girl nods, The only person I know who is half demon is Rin. I couldn't be a demon, I don't have a tail or pointy ears or a horn and I especially don't have fangs, that's a Kirishima thing.

"But how come I don't have demon characteristics?" I ask.

"I believe your demon side is the demon characteristics." Uncle Yamada says and I look down at my hands. That explains how I can control Cerberus, but I thought quirks where combinations of parents quirks. How did I get these demonic quirks.

  "How did I get these quirks." I ask making everyone's conversation stop.

  "What do you mean (Y/n)?" Recovery girl asks

  "How did I get these demonic quirks. These quirks have nothing to do with my parents quirks. These quirks have never been heard of, not even in the quirk encyclopedia. (I believe in the bnha world they would probably have a encyclopedia about all the quirks in the world, Sorry this isn't canon.) so no one has had them..." I say and I look up and see Recovery girl looking at the test results.

  "I don't have a answer for that (Y/n), that will probably be explained in the future." Recovery girl says and I nod and I get off the bed and grab my bag and walk out. I walk out of the school and towards a place where I can clear my head, until someone comes running up behind me.

  "(Y/n) why did you leave?" Shoto asks and I look at him.

  "I need to be alone at the moment shoto. I will see you tomorrow in class." I say walking away from shoto and not looking back when I heard him call my name.


For some strange reason I ended up in a bad part of town, it felt very familiar but I don't know why. The sun went down making it dark out but I can see still without street lights on and I see a rundown and rusted playground, i then see a image of a little girl with (H/c) running towards the swing set. I go towards the swing set and another image comes up as well with the little girl yelling for her mother. I look to where they would be standing but I see nothing, only the black street and the street lamp that was on.

"There gone. They didn't care about us." I say and I see the image of her looking around and tears falling down her face and I feel my own tears fall down as well.

"They left us. Stop looking for them." I say but she doesn't hear me and she keeps looking yelling for our parents.

  "They didn't love us! No one will!" I yell at the little girl and she stops looking and looks at me.

"I know they didn't love us, but I still loved mommy and daddy." Younger me says to me making me fall to my knees with tears streaming down my face.

"Mommy and daddy are bad people but they were the only people that I was around." Younger me says and I cry more.

"No one would love a fucking demon." I say and younger me comes closer and she smiles at me.

"Our new family loves us though! Especially dad, uncle Yamada and shoto." She says with a smile and she goes towards the bench and sits on it and I also sit on the bench.

"I know that mommy and daddy are coming for us. I would watch out, they look very dangerous." She says and I was about to ask how she knew but she disappears into the shadows. Making me aware of my surroundings, I look around and I see a very familiar abandoned house, my old home.

  I start walking towards it and go through an opening from a window and I look around and I see whiskey bottles with layers of dust on them, I pick one up and wipe then dust off and reading the label. 'Fire ball' fireball was my favorite bottle to play with for some strange reason. I also see a very thin blanket on the concrete floor, my old bed. I walk towards a door and opening it and seeing the bed they laid in, covered in dust and spiders. I then see a rat run back in the wall hiding from me, I go towards the bedside table and I open the drawer and I see a picture of me. As a baby. It looked like the hospital standard picture, you see. I know there are some hospitals that take villains in as patients and won't call the pro hero's or police. that's how I got a baby picture. I wasn't even crying or looked happy at all, I looked emotionless. My eyes were open but they werent my normal eyes. The left eye was red and the right eye was (E/c), I put the picture in my book bag and I look around some more but all i see is all the memories flooding in, Even when I was learning to walk.


  "Mama!" I say and my mother looks at me and I stand up and slowly take steps towards her and she watches me with an annoyed look. I fell down and I hear her snicker but I held my tears back and got back up again and walked to her, once I made it i grab her leg for support and I look up at her and smile but she kicks me off her leg and walks away but I could hear what she said.

"I fucking hate this child."

~End flashback~

My mother and father hated me, but I thought that was how parents acted towards there kids, I always thought that parents let kids play with whiskey bottles, I thought parents used paper towels and duct tape for diapers, I thought kids only slept on a thin blanket on the floor and you would get a bed when you get older, I thought you only eat one meal a day. When in reality, they didn't care about me or well being. They were abusive, they were villains and only cared about themselves. That's why I'm gonna find them when I become a hero and make sure they get locked up for a very long time. They can come to me with all they got, I will fight back with everything I got. I will make sure they won't see they won't see the light of day ever again.


  Hello my lovelies!

  I really hope you liked this chapter it was kinda difficult to make but once I got my rhythm back it was fun to make again. Anyway guys could you please punch that vote button in the face! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! BYE BYE!


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