{Chapter 9- UA Sports Festival part 2}

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Once midnight announced the next challenge and the rules and point system, everyone went to grab a team, you look around trying to find people for a team until you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around seeing shoto.

"Come one (y/n), we got a battle to win." He says and you nod and follow him and see he also has Iida and Kaminari, You walk up them and we all try to think of a plan.

  "Well we do have (Y/n)s shadow traveling, we could use that?" Kaminari asks and you were about to say something but shoto says it first.

  "Shadow traveling for a long time and with a lot of people will make her very fatigued. So that's not a option." Shoto says and you nod.

  "Well what if we use iidas engine quirk to our advantage, and kaminari's electric quirk as well." You say and they start listening.

  "Well my quirks harm a lot of people, and if I summon Cerberus it'll cause chaos, my fire could hurt a lot of people, my hellhound I can't use without holding you, my demonic form out of question. But your quirks we could use. Iida is extremely fast and once we get a headband Iida runs away and I can use some of my speed with it. But Kaminari, you can use your electric and zap infront of them to scare them or make them stop chasing us." You say and they all nod.

  You all then get in formation and then midnight tells us to start and we start using our plan grabbing as much headbands we can, we then cornered midoriyas team. He tryed to get Todoroki to use his left side but then Iida surprised us with a Recipro blast, making us speed past him and shoto grabs midoriyas headband then Iida becomes immobilized while midoriya is trying to get the headband back. Then you notice Tokoyami's dark shadow come towards you but you freeze up and you feel something hot and you notice some fire of shotos left side come to the surface scaring dark shadow away from you, you get lost in the little of flames that shoto is using and you notice there gone and you run away from midoriya and the battle ends and we win. Shoto then gets down and starts to walk away with steam coming out of his left side, you run towards shoto and grab his shoulder.

"Shoto.." You say and he pushes your hand off of him in anger and turns around seeing your face.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"Nothing." He says and walks away again, your heart immediately dropped not knowing what your feeling, you feel tears threatening to spill but you quickly wipe them away so you can look forward and walk towards the announcer box hoping to find your dad and uncle Yamada to figure out what your feeling. You reach the announcer box and knock on it.

  "Who is it?" Aizawa asks.

  "It's me..." You say on the verge of tears and they quickly open the door.

  "(Y/n) what's wrong?!?" Uncle Yamada asks and you wipe away your tears.

  "I feel very sick..my heart is dropped, I'm feeling flustered, I want to cry every second. It started when shoto acted all towards me..." You say and you see dad is pissed while uncle Yamada is smirking.

  "Looks like little demon has a crushhhh!" Uncle Yamada yelled and dad gives him the death stare.

  "She doesn't have a crush on my watch." Aizawa says

  "I don't have a crush!" You yell in defense.

  "OH SHE GOT IT BADDDDDD!" Uncle Yamada yells more

  "I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON SHOTO!" You yell and the both widen there eyes.

  "We didn't say anyone's name." Dad says and you realize what you said.

  "It looks like...I gotta go...." You say and try to walk away but dad uses his a scarf to wrap you and make you look at him.

  "I'm sorry dad....I'll try to push down these feelings..." You say and he sighs.

  "(Y/n) your my daughter. I don't like the idea of you having a boyfriend, but I won't stop you. I love you (y/n) but I want you to stay safe." Dad says and hugs me tightly and I of course hug back.

  "Love you too dad, and I promise I'll be safe but, I don't think it's gonna happen at all." You say and walk out to get a snack. You go out through a tunnel to reach the cafeteria until you hear conversation.

  "My mother called my left side unbearable, so she poured boiling hot water on my left side." It was shoto's voice.

"Todo..." midoriya day but shoto stops him.

"Look I don't need your pity. I'm gonna show my old man that I can win this without his fire.." shoto says.

"What I need is for you to win your competition so I can defeat you." Shoto says

"And if I go against someone else and they defeat me?" Midoriya asks

"Well, you better pray it's not (y/n) then either." He says and I hear his footsteps growing farther away along with midoriya's. You quickly run to the cafeteria to get a bag of chips and sit down until mineta and Kaminari comes towards you.

"Hi (y/n). We just wanted to ask if you heard what all the girls have to wear." Mineta asks and you raise your eyebrow.

"And that is." You say.

"Oh how that all of UA girls have to wear the cheer uniforms." Mineta says and Kaminari nods.

"And where did you hear this from might I ask?" You ask

"Oh Mr. Aizawa himself." Mineta says and points to momo making the uniforms with her quirk.

"Oh um uh. Thanks for letting me know.." You say and you go up to momo and the girls.

"Hey I was told..." You say and momo turns around and sees you and smiles.

"Oh no worries (y/n), I already made yours!" She said and hands you a uniform and you nod and go towards the locker room to change.

"I swear if mineta is lying, he'll just meet the devil." You say while going out to the arena with the rest of the girls.


Hello lovelies!

I really hope you enjoyed this new chapter. I really had fun making it. Anyway could please punch that vote button in the face! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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