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  Back when you were only a 6 year old, you thought life was going well. You had parents, you didn't care about quirks, only you and your favorite toy.

"(M/n).. she still hasn't got her quirk." Your dad (f/n) says to your mother (m/n).

"Yeah I know that (f/n). She's 6 years old, kids her age already have there quirk." Your mom says while your playing with an empty whiskey bottle. You look up at your mom smiling at her not knowing what's going on, when she looks back at you she scoffs and turns back to her partner.

  Yes, you remember that. Your parents didn't really care about you and didn't buy you any toys. Barely any clothes at all. You only ate once a day, but you thought that was normal, to you. You thought that whiskey bottles were your toys. You didn't know there were actual toys like teddy bears or cars.

  "Do you think she's quirkless?" My father asks

  "Well we can't go to the quirk doctor. We just murdered a pro hero, we have to leave." She looks back at you and she suddenly gets an idea.

  And at that moment where your mother had an idea that changed your life.

  "I say we leave the kid. Kick her to the curb and leave to America or Europe." Mom says and your father smiled, knowing you would die out on the streets.

  "Perfect," Dad says and looks at you and walks towards you and smirks.

  "Let's go, child, we're going to the park." Your dad says and drags you by your arm and outside. You get very excited cause you always wanted to go to a park, you never really went outside. When you go outside, it was pitch black outside. Not even street lights where on, you then see a light upheld indicating the park, you see it was very rundown and rusted. But to you it was paradise, you already start running to the swings and when you look to see where your parents are to ask them to push you but they weren't there.

  "Mommy?" You say and look around.

  "Dada?" You say more and keep looking around. This went for about an hour until you finally gave up.

  "Mommy....." You say crying hoping your mother would come out of the shadows and finally give you a hug, but that never happened. You then sit on a bench and look at the sky and then look at the shadows, not knowing that a pro hero watched the whole dumping.... he then walks towards you and crotches down to your level.

  "Hey kid. Why are you out this late?" The pro hero Eraserhead asks, already knowing the answer cause he saw the whole thing.

  "To play..." You say with tears in your eyes and the pro hero wipes away your tears away and smiles a little at you and your smile back.

  "Do you know what your parent's name is?" He asks you. You only knew their villain names cause that's all they used around you.

  Ozul and Argo..." You say and you see the pro hero's eyes widen. In the hero world they were trying to find their location for so long.

  "Do you know where they live?" Aizawa asks and you point to an abandoned house with boards on the windows and door and he sighs.

  "It's okay now, let me take you to some good friend of mine for tonight. I'll come back in the morning to get you."  says and you nod and you grab his hand and takes you to a nice house and someone is standing outside wearing casual clothes but his hair looks like banana shape.

  "Mr. Eraserhead...why is his hair a banana?" You ask and Aizawa chuckles and the man has his mouth wide open cause you called him a banana.

  "My hair is not a banana!" He yells and you cover your ears cause of how loud he is being and Aizawa gives him the death stare and Yamada aka present mic quickly shuts up.

  "(Y/n) meet a good friend of mine. Hizashi Yamada, He will protect you tonight until I come back in the morning." Aizawa says to you and you nod as he leaves leaving you with Yamada.

  "Are you hungry?" He asks and you nod knowing you didn't eat at all today. Once you ate something Yamada tuck you into his bed so you can sleep. That was your first sleep on a bed instead of on a blanket on a concrete floor.

Once it was morning, Aizawa came back and with clothes and shoes that you can wear. It was black leggings with an (f/c) long sleeve shirt with a white coat and boats cause it was fall. Then Yamada brushed you're (h/c) and put it in a ponytail with (f/c) clips to keep baby hairs from sticking up. You smiled so much during it and Aizawa grabbed your hand and Yamada follows and takes you to a big building that has two big letters on it saying U.A.

  "Where are we?" You ask Aizawa.

  "We're gonna meet some new friends," Aizawa says while smiling down at you and your smile back and Yamada looks at the interaction and smiles a lot. When you go through the doors, there were a lot more people wearing the same exact clothes and they look at Aizawa then at you holding hands. Well holding his finger, then he takes you to a meeting room with a lot of people in it. And you notice a mouse hybrid thing with a scar on his face at the head table with a teacup.

  "Ah you must be (y/n)." The mouse hybrid creature says and you hide behind Aizawa.

  "It's okay (y/n), I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm the principal Nezu of this school and we just wanna ask you some questions and see where you'll be in the future." Nezu says and you nod and you and Aizawa put you on his lap so you can see over the table.

  "Well first off, what's your full name?" Nezu asks.

  "(Y/n) (m/n) (l/n)" you say and they write it down.

  "Do you know your birthday?" Nezu asks

  "August 19." You say and they write more and they asked more questions.

  "Did you manifest a quirk?" A guy asks with weird blonde things sticking up from his head.

  "No" You say and they look at you.

  "Well then, let's get her checked out with recovery girl to see if she's quirkless or not," Aizawa says and they all nod, and Aizawa takes you to a room where a lady takes Xrays of your feet and tests.

  "Well, she has a quirk, and let's say it's a powerful one." Recovery girl says and Aizawa smiles at you.

  "But we don't know when she'll manifest it. I say because of her parent's quirks that are very dangerous that easily kill people, I would make sure a pro hero takes care of her. It looks like she already trusts you Shota, I would think about taking her in." Recovery girl says and Aizawa looks at you as you were sleeping on a bed and nods.

  "Looks like I'm a dad now," Aizawa says and Recovery girl smiles as Aizawa smiles more.

  And that's how you became Aizawa kid, and let's just say it was a crazy ride.


  Hello, lovelies,

  I really hope you like this, my hero, academia fan fiction. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this book! I love you guys so much and please can you punch that vote button in the face. I love you guys so much and I will see y'all later! Bye-bye!


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