{Chapter 32: I-Island part 4}

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  PSA: before you start reading this chapter!! Any of the fights I write out will not be exactly the same in the movie! Please note I have added 3 characters that were not in the movie or show at all and it is not going to be in exact words! I'm sorry if your looking for it to be exactly the same even with 3 added characters. It's almost impossible to do. The characters and outcomes will be the same and in the same order, but the lines, Point of views, fighting styles. Not really, but I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see you at the end card! Bye!!!!


  I have also decided to call us the quirky Dino club! Welcome to the Dino club reader~Chan's!!!


  As we are running up the stairs to reach the 200th floor, I hear mineta whining behind us.

  "Why can't (y/n) just use her quirk to get us all on the 200th floor?!" Mineta says and everyone looks at me.

  "Do you not pay attention in training! If I travel to far or with a lot of people at once, I would become fatigued and pass out. When we all know that we need Cerberus or my other forms in this fight." I say and I continue up the stairs but I notice the stairs are blocked.

"Fuck!" I yell and everyone follows up the stairs and sees what I'm yelling at.

  "Well guys we tried, let's get out of here and get some food." Mineta says and opens the door to the 80th floor and an alarm goes off indicating that they now know where are and that they now know about us, we start running trying to not get trapped by the shutter doors.

  "How are we going to escape!?!" Mineta says and the last shutter door almost closes until shoto freezes the door and the Iida breaks into the botanical garden letting us finally catching a breath.

  "From now on. Mineta touches NOTHING!" I yell and I was about to send a wave of fire at him until shoto grabs me by the waist and picks me up and walks away so I don't kill mineta at all.

"I didn't know that would happen!" Mineta yells.

"THE FIRST THING IN A HOSTAGE SITUATION IS KEEPING ALARMS ON TO MAKE SURE THERE ARENT ANY WANDERING PEOPLE!" I yell some more as shoto keeps a tighter grip around my waist so I don't murder mineta.

"Uh guys." Jiro says and we all look at her and her earphone jacks point to the elevator that is descending to our floor and we all hide somewhere so we don't get caught. I then look and pray to whoever hoping it's not my parents cause I know damn well they saw me.

We then hear the elevator dings and we see 2 men and I let go of the breath I was holding and I hear shoto let out a breath as well making me confused. I then look back at the villains as they start talking.

"Are we sure this is the right floor of where those kids are hiding in?" The one who doesn't look human as well.

"That's what he said nobu." The much bigger guy says to nobu.

"Well search the area Daigo." Nobu says and Daigo starts searching until I hear a voice call out.

"Hey man! Do you know where the party is? We got lost." Kirishima says and a annoyed bakugo following him as well and Nobu and Daigo look at them and smirk.

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