{Chapter 40}

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  I'm sorry, my phone glitched and published it for some strange reason, so I copied and paste onto a new chapter. I'm sorry if I got you excited, but here is the actual chapter!!!



After the talk about me meeting shotos mom, we reach the school and we get to our classroom and I see dad is yelling at uncle Yamada.


"Is this normal?" Shoto asks and I nod.

"Very, I sometimes join in with uncle Yamada." I say

"But Emi called and wanted to speak to you about the provisional hero licenses." Uncle Yamada says while laughing.

"Wait provisional hero licenses?" I ask them and they both turn and notice me and shoto.

"For the second year's. Nothing that concerns you little demon." Uncle Yamada says very nervously, I know he could never lie to anyone.

"That's a huge lie. Now spill." I say but my dad answers.

"You will see soon enough, but I heard from Iida that you have a letter from the true cross academy. So spill." My dad says making me nervous, cause once he hears that people want me dead, then I won't be able to go.

"Yukio wants to see her so he can introduce her to some exorcists that want to kill her." and I look at shoto in utter disbelief and betrayal.

"YOU SNITCH!" I yell but all three of them ignore me.

"Who wants to kill her now! She already died once and came back!" Uncle Yamada yells making me scoff.

"What else did the letter say todoroki?" My dad asks as I go to the chalkboard and start drawing on it in boredom.

"It said that Aizawa and I can go along with her, as well as meet his students that are training to become exorcists as well." Shoto says and I finish up my drawing.

"Well do you want to go (y/-" my dad says but stops when he sees what I was drawing.

(A/N: Artwork is not mine! Credits go to the artist!)

(A/N: Artwork is not mine! Credits go to the artist!)

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  "(Y/n). Why?" Shoto asks but I just shrug.

  "She always does this. Nice one little demon!" Uncle Yamada says making me smile and uncle Yamada grabs the chalk and puts an A+ next to it making me smile more.

  "Anyway. Did you want to go?" Dad asks.

  "As long as I don't die then ill be okay." I say and dad nods.

  "But I don't think you should go Todoroki, you need to stay here and train, (y/n) I can train her there as well as the exorcist's there, but I believe this wouldn't be a day trip to true cross Tokyo." My dad says and I look at shoto trying to see what his facial expression will be.

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