{Chapter 27}

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Hello little demons!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this chapter so long... I will see you guys at the end card.

~see ya soon!✌🏻💚


  Once I told the girls that we could use the pool, we started thinking of things we could also do during this summer until momo speaks.

  "I have two extra tickets for I-Island, so I've been looking forward to that." Momo says and I gasp, I have always wanted to go and when dad adopted me, A scientist named David shield always wanted to see my quirks when I manifested them cause of Cerberus, my hellhound form and demonic form, but dad always turned him down cause he doesn't want me as a science experiment and especially cause of the risk of the media founding out about me, but every year since I was the age of 9 he has always asked.

"Who are you taking?!" Mina asks

"Any of you guys." Momo says and I smile, but would dad let me go? Especially cause of David shield is the head scientist there, he would know if I was there.

"Well let's decide." I say and momo looks at me and widens her eyes and stutters.

"Oh...(y/n), you want to go?" Momo says very nervously and I raise an eyebrow.

"Of course, I could figure out my quirks if I see David shield." I say and she nods.

"Well you see...OH TODOROKI HELLO!" Momo yells and causing me turn around and I see shoto. I then look back at momo and the girls and they look relieved.

"Hey shoto, momo has two extra tickets for I-Island! I really wanna go and I'm seeing if I can go." I say and he looks at momo and smiles at me.

"No need love, if you want to go to I-Island you can come with me. My father has tickets and wants me to go and he had an extra ticket, did you want to come with me?" He asks and I look at the girls and back at shoto.

  "I would have to ask my dad...." I say and he smiles.

  "No worries love I already asked him." He says and I look at him like he has three heads.

  "And What did he say?!" I ask

  "He said it was okay." He says and I am very confused, he never approved of us going to I-Island, but now he says I can go and I wasn't even the one that asked?! Does that mean I could see about David shield and these quirks?

  "Then in that case, I would love to go with you to I-Island. I do know that A scientist would probably want to see me, is that okay?" I ask and he nods.

  "Yeah it's fine." He says and I smile and hug him tightly.

  "Thank you so much shoto!" I say and I kiss him quickly and I smile as he blush a deep red as the girls are fangirling behind us making me blush as well.

*Timeskip to Pool scene*

On Saturday I quickly grab the U.A. swimsuit and a towel and I see that dad is already at U.A. for paperwork. I lock the door and head towards U.A.

Once I get there I see that the girls are already there and already getting dressed in the swimsuits.

"Hey (y/n)" Jiro says making the rest of the girls to notice my presence and they all say there usual greetings.

"Hey!" I say and I go to a shower stall to get dressed, once I get dressed in the swimsuit I get out and put my clothes in my locker and we head out to the pool and I put my towel down on the chair and I put my sunglasses on and I then start putting sunscreen on as well as the girls.

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