{Chapter 23}

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  When I got home from my walk, I was lectured on leaving without telling dad or uncle Yamada. I then went upstairs and looked at the baby picture trying to figure out why my eye color is not the same anymore. I grab my laptop and look up anything that will help me figure this out, the only thing I found was that eye colors can change as you grow up. That explains something I guess, but it wasn't enough but I'll have to ask rin if I see him soon.

  ~3 weeks Timeskip~

  After studying and training with shoto and dad, it was time for the practical exam. I know it's gonna be difficult but i did try to break dad into telling me what the practical exam was gonna be, but to no avail. Nothing, all he said is that I need to train harder on my demonic side, but today was the day for the practical exam. Yesterday we took the written exam so all I have to do is pass this practical exam as well so I can go to the training camp arc. I quickly get dressed and ready and I head downstairs and see dad is not there. I go to the fridge and I see a note from him.

  Went to school to get the practical exam set up. Good luck love you. -Dad.

I smile alittle and I then grab my bag and then go towards the school. On my way to school I see that shoto is walking ahead, I quickly run to him and I jump on his back and he almost loses footing but catches himself.

  "Morning shoto!" I say and I feel him relax when I speak.

  "Morning love." Shoto says and I get off his back and I walk next to him and I smile more.

  "You ready for the exam?" I ask and I put my hand out for him to take and he gladly takes my hand and kisses my knuckles making me blush.

"Physically yes, mentally no." Shoto says making me nod.

"I'm not ready at all." I say looking down at the sidewalk.

"You are more than ready love, you have been able to use your hellfire and transferred the hellfire to your sword. You did amazing in training, you will do amazing in this exam." Shoto says making me smile and I look at him and kiss his cheek causing him to blush.

"Thank you Shoto." I say and he nods still blushing. We then start talking about what we think the practical exam is going to be about, until we bump into Midoriya and Uraraka walking with eachother.

"Hey guys!" I yell at them and they both turn around and see me and shoto and they wave at us and we walk faster to them so we can walk together.

  "Morning (y/n)-Chan!" Uraraka says and I smile at her.

  "Good morning Ochako!" I say as well and she smiles more.

"Hey (L/n)?" Midoriya says and I look at him.

"What's up Midoriya?" I ask and shoto also looks at Midoriya as we walk towards UA.

"Do you think you'll get a different practical exam?" Midoriya asks.

"Oh, well to be honest. I have no idea, I know the traditional practical exam but that's it. But because of our experience with villains I believe it's gonna be different for all of us." I say and he nods.

"Do you think your ready Midoriya?" Shoto asks him.

"I have no idea Todoroki." Midoriya says and shoto nods in response. We than began talking about random things until we reach UA and we all go to put on our school shoes and head to our classroom. We see that all of our hero suits cases are on our desks and a note on the blackboard in big letters.

"Put on your suits and head to entrance."

"Looks like it's already started." Midoriya says and we all go and get our cases and head to the locker rooms to get dressed, I see that tsu and yaomomo is already there and getting dressed when me and Ochaco went in.

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