{Chapter 14}

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🔥(Y/n)'s P.O.V🔥

Once Uraraka told me that Hagakure followed me and found out about my dad and uncle Yamada. I didn't feel pissed, I felt betrayed. I felt betrayed by people who I thought I was kinda friends with. During the couple days of break from school I didn't answer anyone's texts messages including shoto's, the only time I texted him was when I told him I wasn't going to meet up with him and turned off my phone. I told dad and uncle Yamada what happened but I told them to not expel Hagakure or bakugo. They were furious, but still.

  Dad was all healed up and I went back to our house and just stayed in my room, dad tryed everything to get me to train but I had no motivation whatsoever. By the time Monday morning came, it was a struggle to get me to go. Dad had to call uncle Yamada to force me out of bed and to get ready. I was extremely depressed, I barely ate and slept. I had dark circles under my eyes because I had to finally explain to them why aizawa was my dad. Once I got on my uniform I walked out to see dad talking to uncle Yamada.

  "Hey little demon how are you feeling?" Uncle Yamada asks and I just shrug and grab a thermos filled with coffee and walk out to school.

  Once I get to school and into class, everybody stopped talking and Iida came up.

  "On behalf of class 1A. I sincerely apologize for their behavior and limited knowledge of boundaries." Iida says but I don't say anything and just walk out of the classroom with tears running down my face.

  ❄️Todoroki's P.O.V🔥

  What is going on. No one told me anything of what's going on. (Y/n) hasn't texted me at all, and I see her come in but looking very different, her vibrate (h/l) (h/c) looking very dull. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes look lifeless. Very dark circles under her eyes, I was about to go up to her until Iida beat me to it.

  "On behalf of class 1A. I sincerely apologize for their behavior and limited knowledge of boundaries." Iida says and I raise my eyebrows but she just leaves without saying anything.

  "What is going on?" I ask and everyone looks at me with scared looks in there eyes.

  "I'm gonna ask again and if nobody going is going to tell me I will force it out!" I yell and everybody flinches then Uraraka comes up with midoriya, Iida and Asui.

  "Hagakure, she followed (y/n) back from the sports festival and she found out about Present mic and aizawa..." Uraraka says and I look at Hagakure with a death stare.

  "Who forced her." I say and everybody points to bakugo.

  "I don't fucking care. She was hiding shit when she should've told us." Bakugo says and the air gets extremely cold.

  "None of you know the reason why she didn't tell you guys. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my best friend." I say and left and went to only place where I know she'll be. The roof in the back corner where there is a shadow so she can hide in the shadow.

  "Hey. It's only me, you can come out." I say and I hear silence.

  🔥(Y/n) P.O.V🔥

  I hear shoto's voice and I look up and see him standing there all alone and I come out with tears running down my face, and he wipes the tears away.

  "I heard what happened." He says and sits next to me.

"I feel betrayed.." I say while looking at the ground.

"Understandable." Shoto says

"But who cares." He says and I look up at him like he's crazy.

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