{Chapter 47}

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Hello my lovely readers. This chapter is mostly a filler on what's going on outside of (y/n) dorm room and what is going to happen next chapter. Please note! Next chapter is going to be very....special, and I advise you when it comes out. Read with caution and not around anyone. Unless your brave enough. Anyways I will see y'all at the end!

-Hannah ❄️🔥

I needed to tell Shoto that mating season is here, but I know it's been difficult trying to think of the words cause I honestly want to tell him, but I know something is holding me back. I don't know what but it won't allow me to tell him at all.

My mood has changed alot, it would be all over the place but it's mostly been depression to the point I've isolated myself in my room and locked the door so Shoto or anyone else doesnt try to see me. I've barely ate cause I would just throw it back up cause nothing is staying in my stomach at all. My skin has gotten paler (A/n: what I mean by that is you lost pigment in your skin. So you have a darker skin tone it basically went down a complete shades. Sorry if it confused you!) and now I'm looking sick. I have very bad under eye bags

Only the UA staff know what is going on. So lunch rush figured out a way for me to get proper nutrition without eating or throwing up. He made these pills that will give me enough to allow my body not eat away as fast. The counselor would come and do sessions in my room so I can talk about my new found depression but I know what's wrong with me, she just want to mentally prepare myself. My dad and Uncle Yamada have been contemplating on telling class 1A what I've been going through, but I begged them not to cause I'm not ready for Shoto to find out yet. Everyone in UA has been on edge cause this could be last year alive if Shoto doesn't mate with me at all. There has been many staff meanings to figure out what they should do. It always came back to,

"We don't want our student passing away when we know what will help her. We have to allow them to commence mating season"

But my dad and uncle yamada are the most difficult ones to get on board with it. While they are both teachers they don't want me to pass away when they know what would save me, but the family in them doesn't want me doing it this early in my teenage years. Making the staff trying to get them on board with mating. Saying they'll talk about safe sex and making either Midnight talking about Sex Ed with class 1A so they don't single me and Shoto out or just giving me a birth control pills and making Shoto wear a condom as well in secret.

How I know that Shoto is outside of my dorm room is my heart tugging towards the door as well as my demonic side go crazy wanting to be in his arms or wanting his affection, but I always push it down cause I don't want him to see me like this. I haven't seen him since he took away the raw meat. That was actually the last time since I saw everyone, Except for staff. I missed everyone, I miss reading in the common room with my friends as we all talked about anything. I miss messing with Bakugo with all of his friends, I just miss being with everyone. Especially Shoto.

"(Y/n)....are you in there?" Ochaco says and she knocks on the door but I stay silent.

"Mr. Aizawa told us we can't see you anymore because of personal reasons, but I can't help but worry for my best friend...." She says making me tear up.

"At least let me know that your okay." She says and I hear the heart break in her voice.

"Balcony..." I say quietly but enough for her to hear and I hear her running away from my dorm. I close my eyes as tears go down my face as I try saying his name again.

"Cerberus..." I say and I open my eyes again and I don't see a mastiff sized Cerberus at all.

"Hades....please help me." I say quietly as I feel more tears go down my face, but to no one's surprise. He didn't answer, he hasn't answered since the trial at true cross academy where he told me to be careful.

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