{Chapter 19- Internships Part 3}

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  🔥(Y/n)s POV🔥

  I woke up to heart monitor beeping and talking, the lights were too bright making me close my eyes very quickly. I then try to open them to adjust to the bright lights, I try to sit up but I feel a lot of pain in the stomach region causing me to groan.

  "Oh thank god she's awake." A familiar voice says, that I know will ground me for the rest of my life. I then turn my head and look at my dad and I also see uncle Yamada as well, looking like they haven't slept in days. Dad looked like he hasn't slept in weeks.

  "Hi dad..." I say and he shakes his head but grabs my hand and squeezes it and I see a few tears slip out.

  "I thought I lost you..thank god that Todoroki kept pressure on your wound. Or you would be dead." Dad says and I give a small smile.

  "Dad, you can't get rid of me that easily." I say softly and uncle Yamada chuckles.

  "Still making jokes even though you almost died." Uncle Yamada and I nod.

  "So what happened?" I ask and dad explains the whole thing and the chief of police say there gonna say in the media that Rin and endeavor captured the hero killer so we wouldn't get in a lot more trouble for quirk usage without a license.

  "Where are they?" I ask.

  "They are all in the room down the hall." Uncle Yamada says.

  "Am I able to be moved in there? I would like to talk to them." I say and dad nods and rings for the doctor and nurse.

  "You rang?" The nurse comes in with the doctor and they see I'm awake.

  "Welcome back (Y/n). How are you feeling?" The doctor asks

  "It hurts but that's about it." I say and he nods.

  "We can put her on morphine, is there anything else?" The doctor asks.

  "I would like to be in the room where my friends are." I say and the doctor raises an eyebrow.

  "Are you sure? They will see you very high on morphine." The doctor says and I nod again.

  "Okay then, then get the area ready nurse." The doctor says and the nurse nods and walks out to the other room.

  ❄️Todoroki's POV🔥

  Midoriya and Iida were talking until the nurse comes in and takes the extra bed out of the room.

  "Are we getting a roommate?" Midoriya asks.

  "If we are, please give that person some respect. We do not want to disrupt him." Iida says while doing the hand motion.

  "Right." Midoriya says and I just nod and go back to reading my book. Until there was a knock on the door but I don't look up but I hear giggling making me look up from the book.

  "SHOTO!" (Y/n) yells while giggling and I raise an eyebrow and look at the doctor and they put her in the spot where the old bed was.

  "(Y/n) is on morphine, a type of pain medicine which is causing her to act this way." The doctor says and we all nod and I get up from my bed and I walk towards (Y/n)s and I pull up a chair as she is a opening and closing a fist.

"Love what are you doing?" I ask and she looks at me and then at her fist.

"I wanna cuddle Cerberus. But my quirk isn't working." She says making us all go pale and I grab her hand making her look at me.

"No that's too dangerous love." I say and she tears up.

"What is going on with (l/n) Todoroki." Iida asks and walking over.

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