{Chapter 43: Cram School Part 2}

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  Over the next couple of days, I would do normal school at the academy with the other ex-wires, during those times I would get messages from class 1A about Uncle Yamada's teaching, to Shoto not leaving my dorm sometimes, then to Iida yelling at The bakusquad about their behavior. Apparently, Denki and Sero were causing trouble for Iida and seeing if he'll cuss them out and that's why Denki is doing all of this stuff. Last night I heard that Denki brought in a Turkey and set it loss in the dorms, but enough of that. I have been training with the exorcist's and have been making a lot of progress. So that's what I'm doing right now.

  I'm training with Rin and my dad in my demon form as the rest of the class watches as well as Mephisto, Yukio had to go cause the council called him for a meeting on me apparently.

  "(Y/n) has gotten better am I right Bon?" Renzo says and nudges Bon's arm, but Bon is watching very closely on my attacks.

  "She can still betray us any minute." Bon says.

  "I just think you like her and that's why you follow her everywhere." Izumo says and Bon's face turns very red.

  "Oh does are bon have a crush on our cutest demon." Mephisto says.

  "That's not true!" Bon yells and Konekomura speaks up.

  "Your actions say otherwise." He says but Shiemi speaks.

  "She has a soulmate though, Bon you can't break them up." Shiemi says making Bon turn even redder.

  "I told you guys I don't like her!" Bon yells again.

  "Enough. Bon, don't do anything stupid cause it's obvious you like her, but Shiemi is right. (Y/n) has a soulmate mark on her wrist, and it's her boyfriend back in Japan." Shura says and Bon rolls his eyes.

  "I don't care. If anything it's Renzo who has a crush on her." Bon says and Renzo puts his hands up and shakes his head no.

  "Nu-uh bro. Have you seen her and her boyfriend? They can easily kill me." Renzo says.

  "Who is he anyway?" Bon asks.

  "Shoto Todoroki. The son of the number one Pro hero Endeavor." Yukio says and everyone jumps from his sudden appearance and bon stays silent and turns towards me as I send a bunch of Hellfire arrows at Rin and keeping my demon form from losing control.

  "What does he have that I don't." Bon says under his breath but Renzo hears and sighs at his friend's stupidity.

  "COME ON (Y/N) ALITTLE MORE!" Rin yells and I smirk and put my hand out to say Cerberus but something else happens.

  "Demonic Takeaway." I say and Rins flames vanish but his tail and pointy ears stay making him widen his eyes as well as all of the exorcists.

  "RIN WHAT HAPPENED!" Yukio yells.

  "I DONT KNOW BUT I DONT HAVE MY HELLFIRE ANYMORE!" Rin yells back and I move my hand upwards and Rins body moves up at my control.

  "I thought she couldn't do demonic possession on Rin...." Shura says.

  "She can't." Yukio says

  "Then what the hell is that!" Bon yells.

  "Release" I say and Rins flames go back to him and his body falls back on the ground and I hear clapping.

  "Bravo (y/n)! Bravo!" Mephisto says and he comes down and I slowly turn back to my human form.

  "Back off demon." I say in my demonic voice but no one hears my comment only Mephisto.

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