{Chapter 10- UA Sports Festival part 3}

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Anger, anger is all you felt towards the purple haired and electric dumbass preverts. You felt extremely exposed and when you found out that it was all a trick, you were gonna go psycho.

  "What's this?!? Class 1-A's females dressed as cheerleaders?!?" Uncle Yamada yells in the mic, you then see Kaminari and mineta laughing. All you see is red until a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you away from them so you didn't kill them.

"IM GONNA KILL THEM!" You yell but the person keeps dragging you until your on the other side of the field, you finally look to see who moved you seeing that's shoto and he hands his shirt/jacket, You widen your eyes and blush so much because he is shirtless.

"I would put it on. A lot of the other guys are looking at you like they want you." Shoto says and you nod and put it on but not noticing that shoto is giving them the death stare and they all look away.

"Thank you shoto." You say and give him a small smile without trying to look at his toned chest, which surprisingly worked and he then nods. You then look up at midnight until someone interrupts her.

"Excuse me! I'm withdrawing." Ojiro says and everyone gasps.

"Ojiro why! This a rare chance for pro hero's to scout you!" Midoriya says

"That's the thing. I don't remember what happened! How can I fight when I don't even remember what happened, that's why I'm withdrawing." Ojiro says and then a class 1B student also withdrawals as well, you then look at the person who Ojiro was against. A tall guy with purple spiky hair and tired eyes, if anything he looks like a mini dad but purple hair and no sleeping bag. Then midnight says that they can withdrawal and that two people are taking there place, Which is Tetsutetsu and Momo, you then look up at the brackets and see that your up against Kaminari. The pervert that tricked you and you smirk and look at Kaminari and you see he starts to sweat. You then see that shoto is against Sero, poor Sero.

  You then go to get out of this school uniform and return the shirt/jacket to shoto. You quickly get dressed and grab his uniform top and go towards the planning area that he's in.

  You then knock, waiting for his response.

  "Who is it." He says in his monotone voice.

  "It's (y/n). I came to give you your top.." You say quietly

  "Come in." He says and you walk in and he's still shirtless and you hand him the top.

  "Thank you again." You say as he puts it on and he nods.

"So why did you and the other girls wear those uniforms?" Shoto asks.

"Mineta and Kaminari tricked us and told us that aizawa forced us." You say and you feel the room get extremely cold.

"Damn what's going on with UA's air." You say chuckling and you see shoto look like he can murder someone.

"You okay?" You ask.

"Excuse me, I need to go get a drink." He says and steps out of the room leaving you waiting in the room.

❄️Todoroki's P.O.V🔥

What were they thinking! I don't care if they tricked the other girls, but for some strange reason when (y/n) said she was tricked by those perverts. I wanted to capture them in ice and burn them alive, but I want to be a hero so that wouldn't look good for my future career if there were two dead bodies in ice. I finally get to the viewing area and I see that Kaminari and mineta are talking to different people, so I grabbed Kaminari and then mineta and everyone looks at us like I'm crazy and very confused but I just walk away with them.

  "Oh uh HI TODOROKI!" Mineta yells but I keep walking until we reach a empty room and I throw them in and I go in as well.

  "You have 15 seconds to explain why (y/n) told me that she was tricked by two sicko perverts into wearing a inappropriate outfit." I say with my arms crossed

"Oh um. You see Todoroki.....IT WAS KAMINARI'S IDEA!" Mineta yelled while pointing at Kaminari

"HEY THAT WAS NOT MY IDEA! I KNEW THAT SHE OR TODOROKI WAS GONNA KILL US! SO I TOLD YOU TO NOT DO IT BUT YOU SAID 'but imagine (y/n)'s (S/t) legs! Her plump ass! Her goddess like body!'" Kaminari quoted

"Oh so it was mineta that made my best friend wear that outfit." I say and the air gets very cold.

"Look Todoroki. I did everyone a favor.. everyone wanted to see her!" Mineta yells trying to not cry or pee his pants.

"Mineta. You have 5 seconds to shut up or I will give you a black eye." I say and he instantly shuts up.

"Kaminari. Good luck on fighting (y/n), let's say I saw her eyes flash black." I say and walk out and walking back to (y/n). What is wrong with me...why do I feel like this towards her, why do I feel the need to protect her. I'll have to look it up after the festival.

🔥(y/n)'s P.O.V🔥

After shoto left you start thinking of a strategy on how to defeat Kaminari. You didn't want to use Cerberus or my demon form, your best bet was to just use your fire. You then hear the door open and you thinking it's shoto but it's the one person you didn't want to see.

"Hello endeavor." You say emotionless.

"Where is shoto." He says getting to the point.

"He left to get a drink. Is there something you wanted." You asked

"He needs to use his left side." Endeavour says and you raise an eyebrow.

"He's still in this stupid rebellious stage and he needs to accept his fate on surpassing All night." Endeavor says and you get very pissed.

"So I want you to force him to use his left side if you too fight." He says and you tighten your fists.

"He is my greatest masterpiece." He says and you look up at him with pitch black eyes.

"Shoto...is...NOT...one...of...YOUR PAWNS!" You yell making him back away a bit.

"It May be his quirk but you DONT FUCKING CONTROL HIS FUTURE!" You yell more.


"That is no way to speak to the number 2 hero." Endeavor says.

"And was that any way for you to think that was the correct way to be a good father. To abuse them....didn't think so." You say and walking past him and out the door and not looking past. You will help shoto the correct way, by using love instead of force.

  You then hear uncle Yamada's announce the first fight, midoriya Vs Shinso.


  IM SO HAPPY ON HOW THIS CHAPTER CAME OUT AND I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKED IT SO MUCH! Thank you for reading and please be sure to punch that vote button in the face and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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