{Chapter 44: Cram School Part 3}

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  Heads up! This chapter is VERY long! Over 2000 words. So buckle up, grab your snackies and blankies and I will see you all at the end!

-Hannah 🔥


"KNOCK IT OFF!" Someone yells as they bang on my cell, you see, Rin slipped a harmonica in my pocket so I can annoy the exorcists, so that's what doing. I'm playing the harmonica very off key but I'm having a lot of fun.

"Meh." I say and go back to playing with my harmonica, but the exorcist comes in and zaps me making me scream in pain and he punched my face making me have a black eye. He then takes my harmonica so I don't play it anymore then he slams the cell door closed, your probably wondering why I haven't escaped from this monster cause I don't have the restraints on anymore. You see, they put me in a cell that has some sort of magic/demonic thing on them. So I can't use any of my quirks.

"(Y/n)" someone says and I stop mid thought to see who called my name. I look at the bars and see it's a guy exorcist with long blonde hair with blue eyes, but his exorcist uniform is all white.

"Who's it to ya?" I ask quietly so I don't get zapped again.

"I'm Arthur Angel. The Paladin." He says and I raise an eyebrow, I then give a small smile cause this is the perfect opportunity to mess with him.

"Like in Voltron?" I ask and he looks at me with no expression.

"Cause if it is like voltron. Who's your favorite character? Mine is either Keith or Lance, but between me and you I like Keith more, and Klance is OTP. No questions asked." I say with a smile as Arthur looks at me with a resting bitch face on.

"God your annoying." The exorcist that was guarding me says under his breath making me flinch cause I don't want to anger him again.

"Let her out, the council wants to see her." Arthur says and the guard then unlocks the cell and the walk towards me and puts the cuff restraints again so I won't escape with my quirks.

"Let's go demon." The exorcist says and I roll my eyes.

"Demon. That's a new one." I say very sarcastically.

"Can someone think of a new insult of once." I say under my breath but the exorcist zaps me with his weapon again making wince in pain.

"Shut up your monster!" The exorcist yells in my face and because I want to live, I shut up and keep my head down.

Once we get to a massive door, the exorcist hands me to Arthur so he can walk me in, but I see Shoto and my Dad standing there waiting for me. I don't even react cause I didn't want to get zapped again so I keep my head down and I don't say anything.

"(Y/n) are you okay!?" My dad asks but I keep my head down cause they'll see the black eye so I just stay silent.

"Love what happened?" Shoto asks and he puts his hand on my shoulder but I flinch and he takes his hand off my shoulder.
"What did you do!" Shoto says through his teeth and I feel the air get very hot.

"It is time." A exorcist says and we all go in and I don't pick a fight or try to escape. They just push me on my knees but I keep looking at the ground, I hear whispers from Rin and the ex-wires. But I didn't care.

"(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n). Daughter of Ozul and Argo. A follower of Satan." Someone says.

"THEY ARE NOT MY PARENTS!" I yell in anger,but I don't look at them at all and shoto speaks as well.

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