{Chapter 34}

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As I'm looking out the window of the bus and shoto taking a nap and resting his head on your shoulder, all I heard on the bus was all of the rowdy teenagers and an annoyed dad cause he ran out of coffee the second we pulled out of UA, so I gave him my coffee cause it's going to be a long bus ride and having no coffee and the whole bakusquad in one place. Not a good idea.

  "Hey (y/n), is todoroki asleep?" Midoriya asks from across the aisle.

  "Yeah, I think Endeavor made him train late again." I say and I look at shoto and kiss his head softly and look back at Midoriya.

  "He really needs to stop overworking todoroki. Ribbit." Tsu says and we all agree.

  "He should be well-rested cause training could start as soon as we get there." Iida says and I look out the window and see we are going up a hill.

  "Or any second..." I say to myself cause I know how my dad is with these sorta things.

  After another 5 minutes, the bus comes to a stop and I lightly nudge shoto so he can wake up.

  "We there already?" Shoto asks while yawning so much and stretching.

  "No but I know that'll we'll get out." I say and he nods and my dad stands up.

  "Come on, we're stopping here for a bit." He says and we all get off and I see we are overlooking the forest and it truly looks beautiful and I feel shoto grab my hand making me smile.

  "What the! Mr. Aizawa where's the bathrooms!" Mineta yells making me roll my eyes and I see two of the four pussycats come out making me jump, this isn't good.

  "Hello everyone!" Pixie-bob says and I notice Midoriya is geeking out and I let go of shotos hand cause I noticed a butterfly and started walking towards it, but no one noticed and I start following it around and don't notice my classmates being forced down the mountain by one of the pussycats quirks.

  "WHERE IS (Y/N)!" Shoto yells from the bottom of the mountain making me look up from my phone after I took a picture of the butterfly. I then see my dad looking at me and shaking his head.

  "Soooo. Should I go down there with them.. Or stay with my favorite father in the world." I say with an innocent smile on my face.

  "She has special training. She'll be with us." My dad says making me smile a lot and I watch my classmates run in the forests but I see shoto looking at me and I give him a wave but he just gives me the middle finger and walks in the forest with the others.

  "So how did you not fall from the landslide?" My dad asks.

  "I saw a butterfly and followed it. I even got a picture of it! Look!" I then show Dadzawa the picture as he just runs a hand through his hair while sighing in disappointment.

  "What. If anything it's your fault for not giving shoto the leash or handcuffs so I don't wander off." I say making him walk away toward the pussycats.

  "Stupid ADHD." I say under my breath and we walk on the bus and head to the campsite.


  As we're waiting for my classmates to come back, I was actually forced to do training while they fought monsters. I had to fight my dad in hand to hand combat, I also had to break my record of 16 minutes for keeping Cerberus out, which didn't happen. The Longest I got for today was 12 minutes, and I had to work on my demonic possession. so I was exhausted and dad told me that tomorrow I will be staying in my hellhound form and trying to not become a rabid animal.

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