{Chapter 37}

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"Get up child." A voice says and I open my eyes slowly and I see I'm on a hill but a massive tree and flowers surround it. I then look up and I see a man with a black suit on and his black hair slicked back but looks like he is death himself. I then see he is also holding a bident, with fire coming out of the top.

"Where am I?" I ask the man as he fixes his tie.

"Your dead, we'll your also alive. So who knows at this point!" He says and shrugs his shoulder making me raise an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" I ask

"Oh right, I forgot. You may be a demon but also human, I'm Hades. The God of the underworl. You know, the weird one out of the group." He says and he helps me stand up.

"Wait...huh?" I ask making him smirk.

"Damn your stupid, let me repeat myself. I'm Hades the God of the underworld. I also gave you those quirks of yours." He says making me even more confused.

"What?" I ask. "If I'm dead then why am I in a nice area with flowers. Instead of fire and lava and demons?" I ask

"Okay kid you don't listen well. Your half alive half dead. Your body is dead but your mind and soul is very much alive, and you're not in the underworld as well. Plus, Persephone wanted some places pretty with flowers and trees." He says and I just nod like I understand this, Which I don't.

"Look (y/n) I gave you these quirks for a reason. Cause without me, you would have died in your mother's womb a long time ago." He says and I just sit down so I can handle all the information he's about to give.

"Why did you give me these quirks? Am I your secret love child or something?" I ask making him look at me like I'm stupid.

"No your not a demigod! I would have to find your mother attractive for you to be a demigod." He says making me choke down a laugh. (Okay okay okay. I am not saying your mother is ugly at all! Just this mother in this story is a piece of shit. I believe everyone is beautiful unless you did something horrible. Anyway back to the story!)

"Fair enough. Continue." I say and he facepalms and mumbles something about 'I rather have Percy's sass then this.'

"Who's Percy?" I ask

"No one. Anyway what I'm trying to explain to you is that you need to go back to the mortal realm, you need to be there and kill your parents and help Midoriya defeat All for one." He says.

"But I'm dead." I say

"Your demonic side isn't, it hasn't been unlocked fully. It can save you, but if you stay dead then I have to show you what would happen, but if you go back. You will be experiencing demonic mating season as a full-fledged demon, making it unbearable. You will get a mark on your wrist with a name in the demonic language, that name will be your soulmate. Are you ready for this?" He asks and I nod.

"Have a look." He says and he shows the world in crumbles with fire all around and villains all over the place causing chaos. I then see my parents and a bunch of villains execute pro heroes and students in the hero course, he then shows my uncle Yamada being killed by my parents making me scream in anger, he also shows my father dying a slow death that is caused by my father making bones grow in new spots that has not happened before, then what sets off the new form is shotos death. They tortured him but he looked so broken in the eyes and took the torture until death consumed him, making horns grow from my forehead making me scream in agony and pain.

"Let them rot in Tartarus (y/n). I will see you soon child." Hades says as I close my eyes and scream and then my eyes became pure white making me see white.

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