{Chapter 5}

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  After Uraraka found out about everything, she gave you everyone's number in the class except Todoroki's cause he didn't give anyone his number. Well neither did you until Uraraka put everyone's number in your phone texting everyone saying this is your number. So now Kaminari is constantly sending memes to you trying to get you to laugh, some of them is alittle funny but the rest You don't understand or don't care.

  After the attack at USJ, The school was temporarily closed and uncle Yamada was still making you do your meditation because of your demonic side, but he also was trying to help you train but because he can't erase or have a ice or water quirk. It's difficult, Incase of you lose control, but today school was back in session. You get to see your dad today in between classes, cause you had no time for visiting cause of training and meditating.

  The walk to UA. Was so uneventful, except for people talking about the USJ attack and that's about it. You finally get to the school and see that some of your classmates are here, you go to your seat and sit down until Kaminari comes up to you.

  "Hey (L/n)." He says and you look up at him.

  "Hi." You say and he smiles

  "So I was thinking, if you wanted to go get something to eat after school?" He asks.

  "Why?" You ask raising an eyebrow

  "Oh you know, get to know eachother better." He says very nervously.

  "Sorry, I have a lot of training especially since I cant find a good enough partner." You say

  "We could train together! I can be your partner!" He yells and you look at him like he has three heads.

  "I need someone who has a ice, water or someone would could stop me from losing control. Sorry it's for your safety for you not to train with me." You say and look at your phone and he says a simple okay and apologizes for bothering you and walks away. Until you hear your bubbly friend come towards you.

  "It's that difficult on finding a partner is it?" Uraraka asks and you give a small smile.

  "Yeah, dad was the only one who could stop me, but because of his condition I couldn't properly train. And finding someone with water or ice quirk who is also powerful and trains as well is difficult." You say and she looks at you very annoyed.

  "You do realize...you know what, I hope you find that person!" She says cheerfully and gives you a hug and walks to her desk.

  "Everyone please sit down! Class will be starting soon!" Iida says while doing the arm motion.

  "Your the only one standing." Kirishima says and everyone laughs as Iida sits down very embarrassed.

  "I wonder who are substitute will be." Someone asks and everyone starts naming teachers until the door opened but you don't pay attention until a certain voice makes you look at the front seeing dad in a bunch of bandages. Everyone starts asking questions and he then shuts them all up so he can finally speak.

  "It took you 7 seconds to all be quiet" you then stand up with your mouth agape.

  "HOW!" You yell and everyone flinches from the sudden loud voice.

  "(Y/n) sit down." Aizawa says and you are still standing up.

"(L/n)." Uraraka says warning me to stop Incase you say something that you would regret. You then sit down.

"Thank you. Anyway, my well being isn't important, what's important is that your fight isn't over." Dad says and everyone starts talking again.

  "ARE YOU SAYING MORE VILLIANS!" Mineta yells and you roll your eyes.

  "UA sports festival is drawing near." Aizawa says and everyone gets excited.

"Wait! Are you sure we should have the sports festival right after a villain attack?" Kaminari asks

"They think if we still hold the event, that it will show the world that we have everything handled. Besides the security will be upped a lot." Aizawa says and everyone nods.

  "So I would train twice as hard. Class dismissed." He says and walks out and you look at your fists that are clenched. It's going to be difficult training, but you'll find a way. You then hear Momo trying to talk to Todoroki. You then realize, the perfect training partner was in this room. Why didn't you see this sooner?! You then look at Todoroki and you see he is not talking at all to Momo.

  "Hey Todoroki." You say and he looks at you.

  "Yes (L/n)." He says and Momo leaves.

  "You have a very powerful ice quirk." You say and he nods

  "You see, my training partner isn't able to train with me because of reasons, and he was able to keep me in control with my quirk. If its possible could I train with you until he's able to train with me again." You say and look at Todoroki trying to see what he'll see.

  "Okay. Well train after school at my house." He says and gives you a slip of paper with an address and numbers, looking like a phone number.

  "Thank you." You say and he nods and uncle Yamada comes in to teach English.

  ~timeskip to lunch~

  You grab a quick lunch and was about to walk out to eat with your dad and uncle Yamada until you hear your name being called. You turn around to see Todoroki calling you and you walk towards him.

  "Yes?" You ask and he motions you to sit.

  "I wanted to ask questions about how you train." He says and you nod and sit down.

  "Well I meditate first so I can keep my demonic side down while I'm training, I then mostly use my fire for combat." You say and he nods.

  "What about Cerberus? Do you use him?" He asks.

  "Your the only one who calls him by his name...why's that?" You ask

  "He has a name, people should use it." He says and you give a small smile.

  "Thank you, but I use sometimes to also get him stronger." You say.

  "Okay. If my father is there watching, only use your fire. Don't do anything else. Okay?" He asks

  "Can I ask why?" You ask. He then sighs and explains quirk marriages.

"Wow...." You say and he nods.

"Yeah, but it's fine. I don't listen to him." He says and you chuckle knowing that he's breaking down your wall but you don't know how he's doing it.



I hope you liked this chapter. It was really fun making it, in the next chapter will all be about training. Anyway guys I hope you guys can punch that vote button! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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