{Chapter 56}

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  Anger. Anger is all I felt when I found out that my parents kidnapped Shoto. I couldn't even think about how I was gonna find him or even talk to my father. I knew who to go to exactly.

  "Y/n!" Someone yells and I just ignore it, I felt my demonic side trying to crawl up and take control but I want to see the feat in those villains eyes when they realize that they fucked up so badly.

  "Y/N! I WILL NOT CALL YOUR NAME AGAIN!" My father yells and I stop in my tracks.

  "When we're you going to tell me." I say as my fists are clenched.

  "I was gonna tell you tonight but Ochaco beat me to it." He says as he stand next to me.

  "Let me go after them." I say and he shakes his head in denial but I don't even care for his approval.

  "You know I can't allow that y/n. We need to let the pro heros do this. Endeavor is making sure he is found by tonight."

  "It's almost 10 O'clock. I need to find him, They will kill him." I say

  "I can't let you." He mumbles

  "Then you leave me no choice." I then turn to him and put my hand up.


  Then the massive 3 headed dog comes out and growls at Him as I whisper.

  "I love you dad."  I then turn and walk to the gates as Cerberus guards me from him. I don't even notice all of Class 1A is watching me walk away from the dorms. The world around me was nothing without Shoto, I can't let them take him away from me.

  Who knew that the downfall of Ozul and Argo was coming sooner than later.

  I will murder them


  "Where is he." I ask the receptionist.

  "Endeavor is far from bust to talk to you little missy." She states as she goes back to typing on her computer.

  "Where the hell is he." I ask again but with much more force.

  "Again. He is way to busy to speak to a fan girl, run along and put some proper clothes on." She says referring to my pajama shorts and tank top.

  "Tell him Y/n Aizawa is here." I say but she ignores me and I just get even more pissed off.

  "I am Shoto Todoroki's Girlfriend I demand to know where Enji Todoroki is!" I yell making her look up and sighs and she grabs her phone and dials a number, making me smile cause I got my point across to this bitch.

  "Yeah security we have a fangirl here. Please come to the main area." She says in the phone making my smile drop.

  "You don't want to do that." I say and she just smirks.

  "Try me." She says with a smile and I just put both of my hands up and they burst in flames and I tilt my head.

  "Dont make me do this by force. I will call for Cerberus, and I don't feel like summoning him in this tiny ass space."

  "I just want my boyfriend back and you are standing in the way. So I would tell Endeavor that I am here." I say as a teat goes down my face trying to stay strong for Shoto but ultimately failing in keeping my composer.

  "No need." Someone says and I turn around and see Endeavor as well as the Number 2 hero, Hawks. I turn off my quirk when I see him.

  "Follow me Aizawa. We have much to discuss." He says and I smile, I then turn towards the receptionist and stick my tongue out as the security comes in.

  "Lets go y/n!" He yells and I run to the elevator to catch up with them.

  Once we get up on the floor we needed, they lead me towards the big conference room and all I see is all the pro heros that are the most important including my father as well as All might.

  "Dad.." He just gives me a smile and All might comes over to me.

  "Young Y/n what we are about to tell you, you need to stay calm." He says and I nod as they lead me towards the big table in the middle of the room.

  "Shoto Todoroki, my son has been kidnapped by Ozul and Argo." Endeavor says and I feel my hand being held and I look and see it's my dad.

  "We have some idea of where the hideout is and where they are holding my son, but there has been rumors that the two villains have gotten two new quirks. We don't know how they got them, but we know that these quirks are very powerful."

  "That's why we need you Y/n. You have the most powerful quirks out of all of us combined." Hawks says and I just look at my dad and he shakes his head.

  "You are sending her to her fucking death. I will not allow her to die again!" He yells

  "You have said she is much stronger now. She can handle this Shota." Midnight says

  "At the end of the day she is my daughter!" Aizawa yells.

  "And what about my son!" Endeavor yells.

  "He is being held by her parents. She needs to fight them." He says

  "Young y/n needs to make her own decisions Aizawa." All might says.

  "She is 16!" My dad yells and all I am doing is looking at the table thinking about what I need to do.

  "Then we send Young Midoriya as well as Young Bakugo!" All might yells back.

  "These jobs should be handled by the pros!" Aizawa retorts back.

  "Enough!" I yell making everyone shut up and look at me as I stand up.

  "I will fight them." I say.


  "I will kill them for taking shoto." I say as my eyes slowly turn to the color black.

  "Thank you Inferno." Best Jeanist says.

  "My Hero name is Y/n." I say as I feel my wrists being burned and my nose bleeds again.

  I promise you shoto. I will save you.


  Part 3

  Thank you all for keeping up with the counter as well as staying patient. :)

  This arc is a 6 Part series, the next 3 parts will be published by December 25th and the epilog by the year of 2022.

  I really hope you all enjoyed these 3 parts.

  I really love you all and I hope you follow the Mark of A hero Sptify playlist as well as giving my wattpad a follow. It's completely free and you can unfollow me any time.

  Anyways! PLEASE SMACK THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FUCKING FACE! I love you all and I will see yall later!

  Bye bye!

-Hannah 🦊


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