{Chapter 16}

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  🔥(Y/n)'s P.O.V🔥

Once everyone was back in the classroom, dad walks in with midnight and explains that we need to think of hero names. I already know what I'm gonna do, I look at my white board as other classmates goes up and gives there names. I loved Tsu because it was cute, then I finally get the courage to go up.

"Come on up and show me your name." Midnight says and I get up and walk there and show my board.

  "I will be the Lucifer quirk user: Inferno" I say and I look at midnight and she smiles.

  "I LOVE IT!" Midnight says and I go back to my seat and listen to other people's. Until shoto goes up.

  "Your just using your name?" Midnight asks and shoto doesn't answer.

  "Okay then." She says and allows it and he goes back to his seat and I give him a small smile.


  Once the day has ended I was about to walk home until a hand stopped me. I turn around to see all the girls.

"Oh hey." I say and they all smirk.

"Um what's going on?" I ask.

"we wanted to take you to the mall!" Mina yells.

"Um why?" I ask

"We barely hang out outside of the classroom, so we wanted to change that. If that's okay with you?" Jirou asks and I nod.

"Okay." I say and I text dad that I'll be at the mall with the girls and he said 'Whatever'. Typical dad.

"So let's go!" Hagakure yells and we all walk towards the train station to take us to the mall.

Once we get there they start taking me to clothing stores and making me try on a bunch of clothes and then saying no or not the right color. They finally found a nice black skinny jeans with a big tan sweater and nice tan ankle boots. I was about to pay but momo stopped me and gave the cashier money and I raise an eyebrow.

"Now we need to get you makeup!" Mina says and I look at her like she's crazy.

"I don't do caked face. The only makeup I will get it mascara with lip gloss and that's it." I say (I love makeup don't get me wrong. But I think this character wouldn't really want it, if you love makeup as much as I do. I'm sorry!)

"But (y/n)-Chan, what about alittle eyeshadow?" Hagakure asks.

"Nope can't make me." I say.


And they made me. We are now currently sitting in momo's room while Mina and Hagakure do a eyeshadow look with nudes. Thank god. Once they finished they only did eyeshadow with mascara and lip gloss. Then Uraraka started curling my (H/l) (h/c) in loss curls and then made them stay in place with hairspray. Now momo forced me to get dressed in the outfit that we got and I walk out and Tsu hands me a perfume bottle and I sprayed my wrists and rubbed them in.

"We did good girls." Momo says and they all nod except for Jirou who was reading a music magazine.

"Can I ask why you did all this when I'm gonna take this off in a minute?" I ask and they all smile.

"You'll see in a minute or so." Momo says and Uraraka smiles so much and I raise an eyebrow. I was about to ask another question when we heard the doorbell ring and all the girls squeal and I raise an eyebrow.

  "You guys seem excited for pizza." I say and all the girls push me towards the doors and momo opens it and I see SHOTO!?! Standing there with flowers and wearing a black turtleneck sweater and black jeans with all white vans.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?!" I say very loudly but they ignore me and momo gives him the left over money that momo used. So that's where the money came from and he grabs my hand and hands the flowers to Uraraka to take them to my house.

  "Ready to go?" He asks with a smirk on his face and puts his hand out.

  "Um. Yeah I guess." I say and looking at the girls giving me a thumbs up and waving bye, and I then grab his hand and walk out of the house and momo shuts the door when were alittle far.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"On a date, Before we have to leave for internships." Shoto says and we start walking towards a restaurant.

"Oh okay. So the girls all knew?" I ask and he nods.

"I even bought your clothes and makeup." Shoto says.

"Let me pay you back. I feel guilty, but momo literally forced Uraraka to hold my wallet." I say and about to grab my wallet but shoto stops me.

"It's my treat love." Shoto says and I blush at the new nickname.

"Thank you shoto.." I say blushing more and he kisses my knuckles and leads me in a small cat cafe.

"How did you know I love cat cafes?" I ask and he smiles.

"Aizawa might've mentioned it." He says and I smile a lot and I see a bunch of cats and we both go to a booth and a little tuxedo kitten comes up to us and looks at shoto with its big blue eyes.

"Look like the kitten wants you to hold them." I say pointing out the kitten and shoto looks down at him and picks the kitten up and shoto pets them.

"Well look likes this little guy is called blue." Shoto says.

"How do you know?" I ask and shoto points at the name tag making me feel dumb.

"Oh..." I say and then the waitress comes up to us.

"Oh I see blue likes you!" She says while smiling at Todoroki. We then Order our drinks and the date went amazing, I'm so excited for more in the future.



I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will start out the internships! Anyway Could you please punch that vote button in the face! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! BYE BYE!


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