{Chapter 39: Mating Season Explained}

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"Wait. What's do you mean mating season?" He asks still very confused

"I go through it every year, remember when I came in a week later than you guys in UA." I say and he nods.

"That week I was going through it. It's a very horrible thing to go through, and when pixie bob touched you at the training camp. It activated it, but because my true demonic form came to life it went away." I say as he keeps listening.

"So what happens?" He asks

"Well, my demonic side will come out a lot if anyone touches you, hugs you anything with contact. My body will become ready for the process of mating. I will have extremely bad mood swings and my hormones are going to skyrocket. I will have horns come out but they will be tiny but still noticeable. I will be hot to the touch, but only you would be able to touch me, but it only lasts a week." I say and he nods.

"She's also forgetting the fact that if she doesn't mate in this season she will die." My dad says making us both jump and we see he's in the balcony entrance.

"You scared me dad!" I say but shoto speaks.

"What do you mean she'll die?!" Shoto asks very concernedly.

"Dad don't!" I yell but they both ignore me.

"She failed to tell you that if she doesn't mate in that week, her body will shut down and she will become very weak and won't be able to use her quirks at all, and if you do mate then it's for life. You would be stuck with my daughter for life, cause if you two do split up. Her demonic side will kill her slowly making her very depressed and eventually kill herself if she didn't die from her demonic side before then." Dad says making me tear up cause I didn't want to tell shoto that part cause I don't want him to be stuck with me forever, if he loved someone else.

"I won't ever leave her sir. I promise that on my life." He says making me widen my eyes and look at him.

"Even after I took over your room by my books..." I say and he chuckles and nods.

"Gotta get used to it, for the future." He says making me blush a lot.

"Also her obsession with anime and harry potter as well." My dad says.

"Oh that would be a handful." Shoto says making me gasp.

"As well as making sure she doesn't bring home random animals." Dad says making shoto chuckle.

"I had to talk her out of getting a turtle." Shoto says that


"You were gonna name a turtle fish?" My dad asks.

"It was gonna be Fish or Spot." He says making me look at my dad while blushing.

"Why am I not surprised.." Dad says as he looks around my dorm.

"Nice room sweetheart. It looks relaxing and calming." Dad says making me smile.

"Anyway, No funny business as well. It may be for her health when the day comes, but I still am her father todoroki." Dad says and activates his quirk making his eyes red and his hair go up to look threatening.

"Yes sensei." Shoto says and dad nods and deactivated his quirk and walks out of the room.

"You have too many books (y/n)!" Dad yells making me chuckle.

"I say not enough!" I yell as he laughs and leaves my dorm room.

"You hungry?" I ask and he looks at me.

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