{Hogwarts Oneshot}

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Hello my little demons. Hannah here as you can tell, this is a one-shot for the VERY FIRST BIRTHDAY FOR MARK OF A HERO!!!

As you can tell this oneshot is took place in the wonderful world of Hary potter! Please note. This one-shot took days and I mean DAYSSSSSS.

This oneshot is very special to me cause it means on this day, this day is what made me realize my real passion. To write stories to make people feel safe and go into a world that makes them smile, so I want to thank every single one of you guys for showing me endless support and making me get out of bed in the morning. Even as I'm writing this intro I'm crying so much cause I see my past self in a depressive state but writing and slowly come out of her shell.

Without you guys, I dont think I would be here on this earth.

Now that I got the sappy things out of the way, I will tell you. This oneshot is going to be big! At least 5000 words. Again, this is a birthday present.

I really hope you all enjoy Mark of a hero Hogwarts Edition. Now, Wands up cause you are about to enter the magical world of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Thank you


Ever since I was little, i knew i wasnt my fathers biological daughter. My real parents are in Azkaban, they apparently we're followers of Voldemort and fought in the battle of Hogwarts along side of Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle. Aka Voldemort, they were apparently Voldemort's right hand man and woman for their gruesome and vile ways of torture. They didnt use magic to torture, they used knives and ripped off fingernails one by one and made their victims experience the horrible ways of their torturing tactics, but as soon as Voldemort was defeated by the Famous Harry Potter. My parents ran cause they knew they would be taken to Azkaban for being death eaters, so they went into hiding. They apparently where in Japan when the Aurors found them and they found me, on a mattress sucking my thumb and sleeping. I was barely a month old when they were captured and when my fathers adopted me.

My Dads names are Hizashi Yamada-Aizawa and Shota Aizawa. Who are actually the Head of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Houses. My dad Hizashi is the head of Gryffindor while my Dad Shota is the Head of Slytherin, who knew that a loud and Energetic Gryffindor could find love within a Quite and Calm Slytherin, but when there is a will there is a way that faith brought these two together, and that was actually May 2nd 1998, my dads where actually in the Order with a bunch of other teachers and fought along side with Harry Potter and the others, I know this sounds selfish but I'm glad that the battle has happened, because without it. I dont know if my fathers would ever get together. The battle of Hogwarts is what made these two confess their feelings, as my father Shota was laying in his pool of blood and my other father Hizashi screaming healing spells while crying and saying he loves him so much.

Then. The rest was history, and it was finally my turn to go to Hogwarts, and boy, That was a rough journey.

First year

"Okay you remember to pack your robes?" My aunt Kiyoko asks as we are unloading my trunk onto on the Hogwarts express.

"Yes I do." I say as my aunt gives the trolly workers my trunk and bags.

"Do you have chrollo?" She asks and I hold up the cat carrier that is currently holding a Black Maine Coon kitten and my aunt gives a big smile making me smile back until I realize what is about to happen.

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