{Chapter 29: I-Island part 1}

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*Day of I-Island takeoff*

  After the day of the mall, I had to do makeup a lot to figure out what to do, I sorta said fuck it with the extra stuff like contour, bronzer, eyebrows and putting on fake lashes. The rest I'm fine with and okay putting it on my face, so for these three days, I spent trying to perfect my makeup for this party and watching a lot of beauty videos on YouTube.

  The day of going to I-Island, dad was a hectic mess, let me explain. He made sure I had everything and I also had to make sure I didn't pack things that would be suspicious to a father when they are going to a island with their boyfriend and no supervision. I understand he is scared cause I'm his only daughter, but sometimes he's too much to handle during these times.

  "You got the dress?" Dad asks as I put all my makeup in a travel bag.

  "Yes dad." I say

  "Do you have your hero suit?" He asks and he grabs some books for me for the plane ride.

  "First thing I packed." I say as I pack my travel pillow and blanket.

  "Please tell me you'll behave, cause I have eyes everywhere." Dad says and I roll my eyes.

  "Dad, I'm going with Shoto Todoroki. He would never do that and I won't either." I say as he breaths a sigh of relief.

"You'll understand when you have a kid." He says and we hear the doorbell ring.

🐱•Aizawa's POV•🐱

"I got it, just get dressed." I say and she nods and I get out of her room and close the door so she can get changed. I then go and open the door and see it's Todoroki and I see a female with him that has white hair with red tips all over her hair, she must be his mom.

"Ah you must be Mr. Aizawa, I'm Fuyumi Todoroki. Shoto's older sister." She says and she shakes my head, well there goes the mother theory.

  "Yes that is me, come in." I say and I let them in and Todoroki nods.

"Is she upstairs mr. Aizawa?" Todoroki asks and I nod.

"But she's getting dressed. Why doesn't Fuyumi help her get her makeup organized." I say and Fuyumi nods.

"Yes, I will definitely go help her. Where is her bedroom?" Fuyumi asks and I tell her where it is and she goes and I look back at Todoroki.

"Sit, I need to have alittle chat with you." I say and he sits down and stays silent.

  "When you guys get there, a professor will be contacted as soon as her Identification is scanned. His name is David shield, and he wants to see her quirks. Which means media will want to know what he is doing, you need to make sure that her parents are not brought up at all. Or the quirk similarities, dodge all those questions as best as you can. I'm trusting you with this Todoroki." I say as he looks down at the floor.

"I will make sure that her identity of her past and parents will not come to surface. I will protect your daughter with everything I got, she is in good hands." He says making me give a small smile.

"Plus, I have eyes everywhere on that island. So no funny business at all. Got it?" I say

"You got it sir." He says

"Good." I say and I hear footsteps come downstairs, I see that Todoroki smile when he sees (y/n) standing there all ready to go on plane.

  "You done lecturing him?" She says making me smirk.

  "What makes you think I'm lecturing Todoroki?" I ask

  "Cause your You, and I'm your only daughter going on a trip alone with her boyfriend." She says

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