{Chapter 4- USJ Attack part 2}

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  Everything was going slow motion until you felt the pain. Your body was hurting all over, feeling bones grow in your back, your sanity going down every second. Until it was gone and you laugh and everyone sees what you transformed into.

  You felt the fire come to life and you smirk at the hand villain and bird

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  You felt the fire come to life and you smirk at the hand villain and bird.

  "Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with you too." You say while laughing and walking towards them and the hand guy sent villains towards you but you used your fire to immobilize them. You keep walking towards the hand guy until he sent the bird boy and you smirk and you put your hand out and smirk. Seeing that midoriya, mineta and Tsu took your dad to the front entrance.

  "Cerberus." You say and he appears and snarls at the bird.

  "KILL THAT THING NOMU!" Hand guy yells and the nomu runs towards Cerberus.

  "Kill." You say and Cerberus runs towards the nomu and focusing on the fight between the two creatures and don't notice the villains coming towards you, you don't notice Todoroki firing his ice at the villains, bakugo exploding them or Kirishima punching them to protect you. Cerberus then uses his strength to immobilize the nomu and attack it with claws.


  "Cerberus is immortal. He can kill your nomu." You say and Cerberus than scratches the nomu to the point of not getting up for awhile. You where about to order him to end him but a loud explosion makes you look towards the door and Cerberus disappears. You then see all might.

  "GET UP NOMU! KILL HER!" The villain yells and the nomu gets up and runs towards you, you notice it running to you and you shadow traveled behind it and used your fire and fired it at its back and damaging it alittle. You then fly up to get away but the nomu grabs your foot and pulls you towards the floor very hard leaving a crater. You then hear Todoroki yell your name and you look at the nomu and he was about to punch you again until a gust of wind grabbed you and you was next to Todoroki and bakugo.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Bakugo yells and you feel your demonic form disappear from the bones breaking and turning to dust, it was very painful but you powered through it.

"What happened." You ask Todoroki and he looks at you.

"All might rescued you." He says and giving you a small smile and you start feeling very dizzy and then all you say was black.


You wake up in a white room and a light shining in your face making you close your eyes in instinct.

"Oh your awake." Recovery girl says and you open your eyes and sit up.

"What happened." You say and holding your head from a pounding headache.

"You passed out from over using your demonic form and using that dog with it." She says and you nod.

"Where's my dad. Is he okay!" You ask remembering all of dads injuries.

"He is in intensive care, but he'll be alright." She says and you nod and a tear goes down your face.

"What room is he in.." You ask.

"I'll show you honey." She says and you walk out with her and goes to another side of the school and opens the door and seeing your dad with IV's and bandages all over him made you start crying more and you walk towards him.

"You lost control again." Dad says and you gives a small chuckle.

"How you feeling dad." You say and he gives a sigh.

"I have stay in here for about a week then I can go home. So I want you to call Hizashi to see if he can take care of you while I'm on here." He says

  "Okay." You say and walk out of the room and call uncle Yamada.

  "What's up little demon?" Uncle asks and you smile at the nickname he calls you, it's always makes you smile wherever you heard it.

  "Dad wants me to stay at your house while he is in intensive care. Am I able to stay at your place?" You ask

  "Yeah that's alright, you still at the school?" He asks

  Yeah." You say and he then says he'll be there soon to pick you up. But you don't notice a certain someone has heard the whole conversation between you and uncle Yamada.

  You then go back in the room and see that dad has fallen asleep and you kiss his forehead and walk towards the locker room to get changed in your uniform. After you change you go towards the classroom to wait for uncle Yamada and to also grab your stuff and sit on a desk playing on your phone, you then hear the door open thinking that it's uncle Yamada but not looking up.

  "Hey uncle Yamada. I'm ready to go." You say shitting off your phone and looking up and seeing it's Uraraka.

  "Oh hi Uraraka." You say

  "Why do you call present mic uncle Yamada?" She asks and you know your screwed.

  "And why did you come out of Sensi's room and calling him dad." She asks and you know you gotta come clean.

  "Uraraka..it's complicated." You say and look away.

  "Try me." She says and you sigh.

  "Fine. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone." You say and she nods

  You then explain everything to dad finding you in the park, but not your parents. You explain how you grew up in UA, you explained how aizawa was your adopted dad. You explained everything but your parents.

  "Wow...so sensi is your dad." She says and you nod.

  "But you can't tell anyone. Not even midoriya." You say

  "I promise to keep your secret safe with me. I'm glad you could trust me with this secret." She says smiling.

  "No problem." You say and see that uncle Yamada come in and see Uraraka.

  "Oh sorry, I was patrolling the halls. It's time for you to go home." He says

  "She knows uncle Yamada." You say and he nods.

  "She knows not to tell anyone." You say

  "Okay. Anyway, let's go little demon." He says and you and Uraraka leave with uncle Yamada. Let's hope she keeps her promise.


  Hello everyone!

  I hope you like this chapter. It was very fun to make especially the fight between you and nomu. Anyway thank you for reading this book and I hope you like this. Anyway could you please punch that vote button. I love you guys so much and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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